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Fwd: {UAH} Runyoro-Rutooro Language Board Meeting adopts Work Plan

Dear All

Due to a technical error the pix did not attach originally, but now I think it is attached.

Henry ford Mirima

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From: yowaana nyamutale <>
Date: Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 4:45 PM
Subject: {UAH} Runyoro-Rutooro Language Board Meeting adopts Work Plan
To:,,,,,, conniekateeba <>, "" <>, Cleophus Mugenyi <>, Peter Balimunsi <>, Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi <>, mugefrank88 <>, "latibu.kyomuhendo" <>, iguru solomon <>, orbaitwa <>, ondoleriire <>, James Katabs <>, PHIILIP KATAHOIRE <>, David Kasanga <>, Enid Kiiza <>


The Runyoro-Rutooro Language Board, comprising members from Bunyoro-Kitara and Tooro kingdoms, which met November 27,  in Fort Portal, at Buhinga Primary School, presided over by its chairperson, Fr. Kakyomya Isidore Araali,  vice-chairperson Irumba Baltazar, Acting Secretary Henry Ford Miirima,resolved among others, to adopt a five-year WORK PLAN to activate and promote Runyoro-Rutooro language.

The Board in a one-day meeting recognised the need to act very fast so that Runyoro-Rutooro  may catch up with the other Uganda languages which are alreaddy being taught and examined in the  education system in the country. They noted Runyoro-Rutooro is one of the oldest languages in Africa and one of the most spoken, yet as of now, it is not on the curuculum in the Ministry of Education system.

The Board adopted over ten crucial resolutions to be included in the WORK PLAN:

1.  Completion of the most up-to-date Runyoro-Rutooro Orthography which will combine all the Orthographies which have been written since the writing of the language began in 1911. The new Orthography conspicuously includes over three quarters of the curreent May 2004 Orthography. The chairperson, Araali Kakyomya informed the Board that this orthprgapy will be ready latest December 15, 2013

2.  Establishment, by February 2014, of the VETTING COMMITTEE and inviting MANUSCRIPTS from local writers in Runyoro-Rutooro. Its job will be to receive and study manuscripts, approve them, and recommend them to the Ministry of Education for adoption in the Education system..
The books the Board will need most are those geared to teaching the writing and reading of the language from nursary, primary, secondary, onwards. Other books will be, readers like folk-tales(enganikyo), proverbs(enfumo)
All books will have, as of necessity, to abide by the NCDC's Primary School Syllabus Volume Two which sets out what the Ministry requirements are.

3. A crush training period (four weeks) for the teachers who will teach the language. This will call for the involvement of Makerere University Institute of Language since this is the institution which is the official Uganda Government custodian of the standards, and regulations of all languages in Uganda.

The chairperson informed the Board that he is already in contact with officials of Makerere University Institute of Languages and that he has the assurance from Professor Oswald Ndoleriire and John Kintu, both of whom are lecturers in Runyoro-Rutooro at the University, and  who have agreed to conduct  the crush programme to train the teachers.

The trainers in these crush programms will have to be persons fully fluent and familiar with Runyoro-Rutooro culture and customs.

4. The Board resolved to conduct FAMILIARISATION TOURS of schools in Bunyoro-Kitara and Tooro where it will meet with teachers, District Education Officers and civic leaders like the Chief Administrative officers (CAO) and RDCs.

5. It was agreed to introduced the Board to both civic and political leaders in the districts so that Runyoro-Rutooro Language Board is recognised in leadership circles and be included  in district budgets for assistance to operate the Board  satisfactorily.

6. Creation of Awareness in the schools and the country at large. The Board agreed to conduct widespread awareness of Runyoro-Rutooro by going of regular RADIO  AND TV PROGRAMMES
There will be DRAMA  SHOWS especially on big days like Empango celebrations. These will act as educational facilities as well as informing the people of the existence of the language.

7.The Board resolved to conduct ESSAY AND PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPTITIONS in Runyoro-Rutooro. As an encouragement the winners will be awarded gifts like a bursaries and text books.

8. It was resolved to hold regular meeting of the Board in order to review the progress of all the activities the Board will have embarked on.
The visits to schools will be specifically geared to learning how the schools are faring in teaching Runyoro-Rutooro in schools and how  effective it is.

9. It was decided to seek affliation to some NGO's or other friendly bodies in order
to learn an acquire experience from other quarters.

NB Attached is the photograph of the Chairperson, Fr. Kakyomya Isidore Araali (middle). the vice-chairperson Irumba Baltazar (right) and Acting Secretary Henry Ford Miirima


Henry Ford Miirima

Acting Secretary of the meeting), also Press Secretary of the Omukama of Bunyoro_Kitara, Rukirabsaija Agutamba Solomon Gafabusa Iguru.

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