Gwokto, Forumist;
Mr Gwokto;
I find it offensive that you should refer to humans as baboons. It's not only wrong but the two are different. It's therefore improper that a human being, should refer to another, as such. This lack of decency is borne of hate and desperation. Desperation to be noticed by or hatred because you feel yore not noticed. Such desperation were exhibited by hate figures like Hitler referring to Jews, and other races rather than Caucasians as scums; and of course Museveni, of Acholis as Anyanya and biological substance.
Gwokto you are better than that and your attempt to be noticed by posting articles from everywhere to this forum is noticed. If Abbey Semuwemba was to pay you for your efforts, you would have been an "online Sudhir" by now. So drop the inferiority complex and assume a dignified out look of self and others. Otherwise, reading your post is interesting and i give an "a" star.
I know, you may think that i want to pick a fight with you; but no i don't. i am a simply a little man! However, i do take umbrage at your misdemeanor as described above, which in my eyes diminishes your effort to be noticed, positively.
NB: If i have offended you with these remarks or feel i have incorrectly referred to you as human, then i am sorry. But it's up to you to continue as usual or do the right thing and be noticed for the right reason.
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