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Written by MOSES KIK
Saturday, 09 November 2013 8:54

All informed observers suspect a mischief in the number of 1,600 men advanced by the Ugandan authorities as residues forces defeated M.23 and taking refuge in Uganda: Museveni take account of the signing of the agreement or declaration of Kampala to integrate into the FARDC a new contingent of troublemakers wicked problems in the DRC

The aggressor states still have cards in their sleeves!Dissatisfied with the total military defeat of his colts M23 and decided to take revenge by any means, the Yoweri Museveni has surprise by announcing the opinion, deadpan and shamelessly that 1600 items M23 refuge in his country.Threatening to release to the Congo. Shamelessly and riddled with rage at having lost the war, Museveni believes move international opinion with this umpteenth lie that himself does not believe. This bomb was dropped after the reissue of Sultan Makenga, the military leader of M23 and his lieutenants to Ugandan forces allegedly detained "somewhere". 

At this stage of the debate, the question that torments all observers is the first to know the actual number of elements of this movement considered by the Addis Ababa framework agreement as a negative force like all groups irregular armed groups in the DRC for nearly twenty years. From memory, it is known that the elements of the M23 from the FARDC and never exceeded the number of 2000 men. If we consider the dead to the front, those who went to the FARDC and MONUSCO since November 2012 and especially those who have returned to Rwanda, this figure advanced by Museveni sounds wrong to thousands of kms. 

Scenario Ntaganda, Nkunda, Mutebutsi ... 

Ugandan President is obviously not on his ideas, his memory begins to fail him. Because it seems to have lost sight of that opinion still keeps fresh in memory tragicomic episodes other Rwandan officers were being passed off as Congolese and who ordered other bloody rebellion in Kivu. Nkunda, Ntaganda JB, Jules Mutebutsi and many others had been beaten on the field of war before fleeing to Rwanda where they take it easy. 

Jules Mutebutsi was the colonel from the ranks of the RCD second movement created by Kigali, Bukavu beaten by FARDC under the command of the late General Budja Mabe in April 2004 before fleeing to Rwanda, where he has lived since then, despite all requests for extradition by Kinshasa. 

In the second half of 2009, Kagame sent men to go get hold of the general L.Nkundabatware who ran the CNDP, another rebel movement created from scratch by Kigali. To distract the public, Rwanda organized a mock trial against the man who had ordered the Rwandan regular troops for six days during the war with heavy weapons in the city of Kisangani in 1998 against members of the Ugandan army which caused the massacre of the inhabitants of this city martyrdom. And when the Kinshasa authorities introduced a request for his extradition, Kigali then pulled his Rwandan identity card. 

Immediately after the signing of the Peace Agreement in 2009, a so-called Palace Revolution happened and J. Bosco Ntaganda was then appointed to head the CNDP. He was honored with the rank of brigadier general after joint military operations between the Congolese and Rwandan armies. The CNDP was transformed into a political party member of the Alliance for the Presidential Majority and some of its members obtained positions in the institutions of the Republic. While everything was going well and that the war seemed a distant memory, volta that elements from the CNDP will surprise the public by creating the M23 in November 2012 Bunagana. The surprise was the size in two months because these elements seized the city of Goma in the eyes and beard of MONUSCO. 

Following international pressure, a month later, the M23 retired ten kms from the city of Goma and then start negotiations Kampala. Meanwhile, JB Ntaganda was handed over to the U.S. Embassy in Kigali to be extradited to the Hague at the ICC will be heard on serious charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Ituri when he was head of state major of militia UPC of Thomas Lubanga. Thus we learned that this criminal was born in Rwanda Rwandan parents, as once before the bar of a CPI, he said he would defend himself in Kinyarwanda. 

This sample demonstrates, if necessary, the bulk of the elements that have always fought in all these rebellions created from scratch by Kigali Rwanda are only subjects. Because whenever they are convicted of crimes committed in the DRC, they flee to return home to Rwanda. This is the case today with these 1600 items Museveni wants to present as Congolese M23. Hoping thus to be a reserve of men in anticipation of another rebellion. 

The Lighthouse

Viele GruBe

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