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Category: Diaspora News
Published on 28 October 2013
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John Onaba aka Dr. Johnson Oryema a Ugandan Posing as a Telehealth Expert exposed as a Fraud after discovering his academic Documents were Forged, expelled from SASA

By Team Investigator

Ugandans yet again faced with a rather shameful dilemma after one of their own one, 'Dr Johnson Oryema' was exposed as a masquerading medical professional.

John Onaba , an Alur initially assumed the names of Dr John Oryema, an Acholi in Canada, whose 'O' and 'A' level certificates he stole to obtain a scholarship in the same country.

Onaba does not hold a single degree having been expelled from Queen's University that he also fraudulently joined but now poses as an expert in Telehealth.

Previously, Onaba would defraud unsuspecting individuals across the world by calling for submissions of abstracts for various conferences in Canada before requesting for registration fee. It is said that whenever the conference dates approached, he would email registrants informing them that the conference had been postponed indefinitely due to unavoidable circumstances; never to make refunds.

It was also reported that two Americans were misled to believe that Onaba had arranged meetings and accommodation for a two weeks visit to Uganda and Southern Sudan. On arrival, they discovered within  a week that they had duped when they found themselves moving from house to house as they didn't have specific accommodation as promised. Even more unfortunately was the fact that the already stranded Americans did not go for any of the scheduled meetings.

Onaba was exposed after an email from Society for the Advancement of Sciences in Africa (SASA) leaked. SASA had convened with Onaba as its Coordinator only for it to be discovered that the eloquent smooth-talker was a fraud. In fact the emails detailed Onaba's sacking from the association.

The SASA Email

May                                                                                                                          15, 2013                                                                                                                      Dear SASA Listserv Members,

We regret to announce that at the inaugural meeting of SASA in Polokwane (April 23-28, 2013), the interim leadership of SASA had the unenviable task of dealing with one among us who brought the name of SASA into disrepute through seriously unethical behaviour. SASA has taken a firm stand in order also to establish, from the outset, a zero tolerance policy for confirmed unethical conduct.

We now must inform you that SASA has formally distanced itself from Mr. Oryema Johnson. We realize that this may come as a shock to those among us who may not be aware of the details.

Mr. Johnson misrepresented himself (including his qualifications), as well as SASA, on several occasions prior to the conference. One example is that he made numerous empty promises of full travel and subsistence support to various SASA Listserv members for their attendance at the inaugural meeting of SASA in Polokwane. Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that this behaviour is not new with regard to Mr. Johnson.

We thank those who came, and continue to come, forward with evidence to confirm the experiences of the Local Organizing Committee in acts of dishonesty and misrepresentation. SASA extends its regrets that promises of any kind made by Mr. Johnson cannot be expected to be honoured.

The Interim Executive Committee continues to receive emails from people linked to SASA, or aware of the existence of SASA, about Mr. Johnson's unethical conduct with regard to SASA, as well as in other organisations.

It is as a result of this evidence against Mr. Johnson, that we, as the SASA Interim Executive Committee, have been forced to distance ourselves (i.e., SASA) from him. Please note that now that SASA has been inaugurated and is able to move forward as a new organization, it is only the Interim Executive Committee that represents SASA.

SASA, as an organisation, has grown past what has been a most unfortunate experience, particularly in its infancy, and so we ask that you do NOT continue the discussion about Mr. Johnson on the Listserv unnecessarily. So many of us have already, out of respect for due process, devoted much time to the matter. But, with every cloud having a silver lining, this has been a sobering, albeit a sad lesson for us.

If anyone has any questions or would like to provide us with more information and examples about Mr. Johnson's conduct, please do not hesitate to contact the following members of the Interim Executive Committee.

Viele GruBe

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