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{UAH} On the issue of protester harassment, killing and intolerance in Uganda:

On the issue of protester harassment, killing and intolerance in Uganda:

This matter ought to be taken up with President Museveni, our parliamentarians and Uganda's Department of Justice - if we want a kinder gentler nation - transitioned from Civil war and liberated from past dictatorships - then Government" has to be tolerant and more inclined towards showing mercy and sensitivity to those in U
ganda who put their necks out to highlight and act upon blatantly protestable issues. How else does the public show their displeasure when expectations in professional governance are clearly unmet and with mounting frustrations from the show of mediocrity on service delivery at all levels, from corruption and abuse of office? Putting a muzzle on folks who for all intensive purposes are the only index of quality assurance available in an amateur nation, does little to placate resentful folks or to promote healthy growth habits. That said, China on the surface is seemingly doing well with its non protest tolerance policies - how would we compare?- we don't, because China also has in place other societal mechanisms at play - such as a superb academia and a strong work ethic culture, habits that were incubated and cultivated long before their recent economic bubbles. They have a no nonsense attitude towards activities pertaining to their planned development and economic prowess. Their sheer determination to move the nation in planned and pointed directions of growth are done with such incredible unity of purpose and with incredible cultural team precision in all their vital state controlled institutions. We got a glimpse of that seriousness recently during their hosting of the Olympics. If you are going to ban all protests to your methods of governance - you have to make sure that all your processes of governance are foul proof by putting in place other advanced methods of getting both positive and negative feedback in order to measure quality and achieve lasting success ! Simply banning all protests and not doing enough to correct what is wrong is illusory, impractical and not prudent.

Tendo Kaluma

Ugandan in Boston

To ask a dictator to implement democratic measures after 30 years in power is an oxymoron" 

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