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The UNLA's 12th Bn under the command of Julius Oketa had the required expertise and military hardware engage the UNLA in a conventional warfare at Katonga. After dislodging the government forces, the NRA headed for the final journey to Kampala. At Nabingo the NRA drew a final plan for entering Kampala city. Around this time, Tinyefuza had completed serving his 18 months detention sentence and had been assigned the Kyenjojo, Hoima, Masindi sector. Under him were troops composed of mainly freshly passed out recruits formed into 19th Bn and comanded by Peter Kerim. Apart from skirmishes around Buloba, Busega swamp and round about, and Golf course, there was no serious battle for the taking of Kampala. After being dislodged from Katonga, the UNLA had lost command and control. The city had been manned by different armed groups each with its own command structure. As Museveni was playing the delaying tactic with the Nairobi peace talks, cracks within these groups were widening. After loosing the strategic Katonga Bridge, a blame game had ensued. The likes of Mark Kodil, Hussein Adaa and other senior officers currently in the NRA were until Kampala fell members of UFM/FEDEMO. Even Kasirye Gwanga may have joined the NRA around this time or shortly before. By the time the NRA reached the city centre, UFM/FEDEMO who all along had been in bed with UNLA had already taken over Radio Uganda. Around the sametime the FEDEMO leader George Nkwanga was killed. Museveni who had now stationed his command post at Republic House (Bulange), as usual tried to steal a last hour show by moving into Lubiri barracks and trying to command a mop up operation but was restrained by his security detail.

The NRA could not declare a take over on 25th Jan 1986 because of the looming trouble from the direction of Entebbe. A strong force of UNLA from Entebbe had shattered Kashilingi's 15th Bn and was heading for Kampala. It had to take Mande's 5th Bn to cross from Masaka road to around Kawuku to reinforce Kashiling. Also, some troops from 3rd Bn were despatched to reinforce the Entebbe road trouble. This did not help because the UNLA with its heavy artillery was determined to open its way instead of being chocked inside Entebce peninsula. The UNLA progresively advanced to as far as areas of Zana and Najanankumbi. For the first time, the original NRAs had come into close range and face to face with a full scenery of military hardware especially heavy artillery in UNLA's possession. It took the innitiative of Saleh to negotiate with the UNLAs like Obonyo who had a bullet proof Benz and they agreed to cease fire at past midnight. NRA suffered heavy losses that included Commander Rwabwisho.

On 26 Jan 1986, the NRA publicly declared that had taken Kampala. The UNLA that was being battled by Tinyefuza in Bunyoro region, lost the fighting spirit after serious battles at Biiso, Buhimba and Kinyaara. The UNLAs of Eastern, Northern and West Nile regions fled through Kampala through the east. Those who could not make it in time were either lynched by civilians or shot at close range. These defeated Ugandans were being refered to as Anyanyas and shortly after the victorius NRAs too were to be branded Nyarwandas. As usual, Kampalans jubilated the same way they had jubilated 6 months earlier for the Lutwa victory and give him a Kiganda name of Lutwama.

Because the NRM Chairman Prof. Lule had died, a few months back, Museveni convened a High Command/NRC meeting in Lubiri where he was endorsed as the Chairman of NRM and future President of Uganda. On the same day he was sworn in as President for an interim period of four years. He assured Ugandans that his was "not a mere change of guards but a fundamental change". He also pointed out that "the problem with African leaders is to overstay in power." Indeed for the last 27 years, Ugandans have experienced the only fundamental change of not witnessing a coup. He is now one of the three longest serving African leaders. 
Unknown to most and not all Ugandans then was that the country was now entering a Military rule that is now taken the form of a Military dictatorship. Those who knew right from the start i.e LRA's Joseph Kony immediately challenged his rule and continue to do so. They have failed to dislodge him because of their own grave faults and lack of a clear understanding of what Museveni is.


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