SV: {UAH} How Mandela acquired a Uganda passport
Mw MAGANDAZI and UAH folks,
On the issue of Indian expulsion and, or asking them to acquired Ugandan Passports and Citizenships, The late AMO did it and the then British Ambassador in Uganda rejected it since he saw it as a trick by AMO because several Indians wanted to carry British Pass ports.
On the issue of Passports to the late Madiba, Oliver Tambo, Albert Luthuli and many others ANC leaderships was done by the late AMO. Later the late AMO was the first Chairman of the Front Line State Against Apartheid regime in the whole South African region. That is the reason why British, America and Israel supported dictator Amin to topple the UPC and AMO in 1971 January 25.
Ocaya pOcure in Pader
Den söndag, 15 december 2013 12:43 skrev Hannah Ogwapiti <>:
So many youngsters who were not born during the apartheid era have been likening Mandela to superstars,But this historical send-off has opened their eyes. You may have all the money and power in this world but glory is free but very few humans are glorified like Mandela if any. Let this be a lesson to Andrew Mwenda who likened Museveni to Mandela.
On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 3:17 AM, william Ekwelu <> wrote:
I am disappointed that some Ugandans are trying to distort history. I am disappointed that some Ugandans don't know that Obote lost his job in 1971 because he was fighting against apartheid by supporting the ANC, including providing them with arms. When he presented a paper againt apartheid in the commonwealth meeting in Singapore, the British Prime Minister who was supporting apartheid famously told the conference that some of them would not be returning home. He was referring to Obote. Obote also led the diplomatic offensive against apartheid .
In his speech, Obote was talking about apartheid South Africa. Remember even in 1971, Obote had refused to attend the commonwealth conference because of apartheid in South Africa. But Mwalimu Nyerere and Kenneth Kaunda convinced Obote to attend and give his remarks through a paper that was calling on the British Govt to stop supporting the apartheid regime of South Africa..... Even Amin famously threatened to attack the apartheid regime of South Africa in 1973, and started a massive campaign against apartheid. So, some writers have forced Ugandans to believe that the fight against apartheid in Uganda started after 1986On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 5:12 PM, Yoga Adhola <> wrote:
Subject: How Mandela acquired a Uganda passport
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2013 12:10:11 -0500
In its lead story, "Nelson Mandela: ANC and his legacy in Uganda," publihsed in the issue of The Monitor of Monday, December 9 2013 it was reported: "At one point, Nelson Mandela held a Ugandan passport. The question is how did Mandela get this passport. The answer is found in Milton Obote's "NOTES ON CONCEALMENT OF GENOCIDE IN UGANDA" found at Look up paragraph number 75 and 76.
Yoga Adhola. The UPC ideologue
- It began when I was in London in 1962. Uganda was not yet independent. Mrs. Pumla Kissonsonkole was also in London on a mission unconnected with my being in London. Pumla came to my hotel without appointment one afternoon and told me of the presence in London, of certain people from South Africa whom she knew and thought I should meet. What she said was to my heart and an article of faith to the UPC. Pumla and I decided to go and meet those "certain people" very much in the same way as she had come to my hotel; i.e., without appointment. That was when I met Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo and four other leaders of the Africa National Congress (ANC). The ANC leaders asked for Uganda Passports for their cadres and for the Passports to be endorsed for travel to "all countries". At that time, before Independence, Uganda Passports were endorsed for all countries except "Communist (ruled) countries". I readily agreed to the ANC request and after Independence redeemed my promise, I hope, to their satisfaction.
- Soon after independence, the endorsement in the Uganda passport was changed to all countries "except South Africa, Portugal and Portuguese Colonial Territories". Looked at today, it seems totally nothing, but in 1963, such a policy and posture by a neo-colonialist State was regarded seriously by NATO countries as evidence of communist control of the neo-colonialist government. Thus that simple change, in the endorsement of the Uganda passport and the issuing of the same to the ANC, confirmed to the NATO countries that the UPC was communist controlled. Obviously other African countries such as Ghana and Tanzania must have made similar changes in their passports. It can not, therefore, be argued convincingly, that the UPC administration was singled out as unfriendly to NATO countries on the matter of passports. The circumstances were, however, deeper than that.
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"When a man is stung by a bee, he doesn't set off to destroy all beehives"
Anybody know where Mr.Simon Peter Okurut is? UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans and Africans in general. Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this group, send email to: or Abbey Semuwemba at:
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Anybody know where Mr.Simon Peter Okurut is? UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans and Africans in general. Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this group, send email to: or Abbey Semuwemba at:
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