UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.



The week gone by, was all doom and gloom for me. I was crudely pinned down in bed, not by Alengot the birding MP, and alleged side dish, but by flu! During this same period, as the dust from the shovel used by Mulindwa to desecrate Madiba's grave was settling down; streaming down UAH was news of massacre and ravages in Southern Sudan. However, a few posts did catch my hazy vision.

The first was, the retort to Gwokto's post that, Obama's brother was to publish a book inoder to correct Obama's mistake in his earlier book and that the fallout does not look good. I can't remember who it was, but retorted that it was Gipir and Labongo all over again. Lol! I thought that was hillarious! The writer should be informed that such fall outs in Acholi has gone into folklore, when, for a care taker queen mother pronounced in Acholi, "coo kun coo" or "man to man"; on failing to take side between two if her warring sons. 

The second and of most concern of course, was the self back parting by Mr Abbey Semuwemba the UAH Moderator, who eloquently wrote about the successes of UAH and specifically, his and others contribution to make it so. Listing names such as Mulindwa, Gwokto, Otto etc. But I was rather taken aback, neither by the fact that it was set up by an undergraduate of a mickey mouse course (no offence intended), nor being the oldest forum,(the Acholi forum was set up by a Doctor of Science and the AF is four years older than UAH) but for the sheer number of followers; a whooping fifty thousand and counting. This figure dwarfs and indeed, lays obsolete all other Ugandan forums on the cyber space including Acoli Forum. The worrying thing about the figure and successes of A. Semuwemba's ingenuity, however, reveals human fallacy namely, the inability to ascend beyond a certain limit; or the zenith of ability. But how true is this?

In Ugandan parliament there are MPs holding serious positions, yet they were elected by figures less or equal to the Semuwemba's followers on UAH. These individuals hold sway over a nation of millions, yet Semuwemba does not hold such clout. Equally, we know of several successful businessmen like the late Opoka Tycoon, Mukalazi, Richard Branson etc, who had limited education but bag full of money. On the other hand, we also know of individuals with dockets of qualification with no two pennies to rub together; I contend, not by desire but, by limit to ability. 

To overcome these limitation, the wise Mukalazi and Richard Branson, sought the services of those fortunate to have gained some qualification, to further their business interest. currently, there are academicians who have turned to graduates of business to turn their ideas and researches into money generating schemes. However, our A. Semuwemba the moderator and founder of UAH, has not opted for a helping hand despite the fact that he seemed to have reached his limit by setting up the UAH. A forum like UAH does not need numbers but quality. This is by no means to undermine the mega contribution by members, but so much can be said for 40,000 people. If one, Kaguta Museveni, boasts of over throwing a government with only 27 people, how much more would A. Semuwemba do with 50,000 individuals? The answer lies in our ability to recognise our limits to ability and when to list the help of others.

I want  Mr Semuwemba, through his creation, and the help of others, to do more more. For instance, demand for parliamentary seat for Ugandan diaspora; i want him through the help of others to organise a conference of UAH members, with the aiming of addressing issues affecting Uganda e.g health, education etc. I want Mr Sumuwemba to reveal in colour, who he is! yellow or otherwise. Because this forum should be the voice of everything wrong with Uganda; the broken schools , hopistals, roads, insecurity, corruption etc but Mr Semuwemba does not see that, maybe because he is happy with the situation or in cahoot with the Kampala regime. Mr Semuwemba should declare his interest and limit as far as of UAH and Uganda is concerned. This cyber community is ready for a new direction and Mr Semuwemba's inability, should not be the impediment.

By the way, am on the mend, thanks for your prayers!



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