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Here is the Uganda Vision TV I was talking about a few days ago. I am surprised it is actually launched in the diaspora. You can read from the comments below that many Ugandans feel so embarrassed, especially by the presenters and also the content of their programmes. It is so poor and lamentable.
For good presenting on international TV, watch my own niece Christina who presents on France TV and other channels and has today been making live presentations on the sad passing away of Nelson Mandela. Please note, she is presenting for an international audience, not a Ugandan audience, and then compare her to those mickey-mouse presenters on Uganda Vision. My niece speaks French as a French woman, and English as an English person- so if you listened to her voice without seeing her picture, you would not even tell that she is African.
People like my niece are the orphans of Museveni and the NRA, having been forced out of Uganda at an early age, in her case as a 5 year old, never to return again. Even though we give them hope that one day we will remove Museveni and his brutal NRA and take all of them, the lost children born of NRA occupation of Uganda, back home to Uganda for the first time in their lives, some are losing hope as to wether they will ever see Uganda, may be it is only their children who will do so.  Some are even approaching 30 years of age now, mine turned 20 and 18  years old only last week. The only saving grace is that like my niece, they have had good education and have therefore avoided having to go through the  charade that passes for education under the NRA.
George Okello
 TV & Radio > Detail
Ugandans in Diaspora launch TV proggie

UGANDANS living in the Diaspora have launched a television program known as Uganda Vision Program which will be aired on Ben TV;  Sky Channel 184 and on Sky B platform.

BEN Television (Bright Entertainment Network) is a British television channel launched in 2003,aimed mainly at expatriate Africans living in Europe and North Africa. BEN TV is unique in its mix of entertainment and information content. "The BEN ethos is, 'safe family viewing and empowering communities'."

Anthony Kadama, the producer of the programme said that Ben TV covers the entire African continent and it is the most popular Black channel in Europe.

'The television has a viewership of 9 million people in Europe. It is a television programme mostly viewed by Black Africans and it is sponsored by Salabed International which is the leading Cargo and Money transfer company to Uganda,'Kadama explained.

It advertises real estate companies, private hospitals and hotels in Uganda. According to the Ben TV website, the program is produced by Anthony Kadama from 7pm - 8pm every Monday evening and it is one of the most watched 12 programs and the most popular Ugandan TV program in Europe which shows comedy, music, religion, documentaries, drama and advertising.

Since its launch the television has hosted popular Ugandans like Mulindwa Muwonge, Prof Eripham Kamuntu, Eva Mbabazi, Ugandan's high commissioner to the UK Joan Rwabwomere and the deputy ambassador Isaac Sebulime and many more popular Ugandans.

The program also airs tourism tapes from Uganda.  It also aired all the speeches from ministers that attended the UK–Uganda convention, who included among others Rebbeca Kadaga, Maria Kiwanuka, Okello Oryem, Irene Muloni and Major General Benon Biraaro.

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Lydia Bossa | London
Thanks Yapani Paris its good to know that UGANDANS are working together
Yapani Paris | London
A statement from Uganda Vision. We are not happy with some comments. UV and UA work closely that''s why Uganda Vision plays the Ganda boyz music on their show.
Furrealz? That''s marveluolsy good to know.
Uganda Alive | London
This is what Uganga alive have to say"nanananaaaaana"
Cease Kabubi | Stratford
Hey people, just read through these comments but you all missed out on Nakityo Edith''s comment. A war of words has been going on between Nancy Kitaka who was once presenting on the Uganda Alive Program and Solome Kazana who currently presents on the Uganda Vision program. Things reached boiling point that the elders in the Ugandan Catholic community intervened to try and resolve issues between the two.
Peter Musazi | Stockwell
I watched both programs yesterday and below is what i viewed!! On Uganda Vision. 1. About tourism in East Africa 2. A Speech from the petroium minister from Uganda (Voice was okay but picture abit faint) 3. A christian dedication song to Nigerians 4. Music from Toro, Buganda, and Acholi The program ended with the presenters anouncing about a Valatines party. UGANDA ALIVE. The Program aired for only 18 minutes. Buganda anthem played for only 6 secounds, the same clips are repeated. At one point there was a well dressed lady in a Gomesi who annonced that we are going to enjoy a song played by Ganda Boys and that the song reminded her childhood days. Just as we were waited to see the song, Micheal Kiwaunka was brought up next. Also Judith Hearald keeps popping up saying mbu in Uganda there''s no money in modelling. In the 18 minutes of the program, the presenter was at the Uganda parliment for a second, at un accident scene for a second, at the old taxi park for a second. Twice she is sitted next to Rev. Dan Kajumba and annonces that she is going to interview a popular Uganda citzen in the UK, that also doesn''t happen!! Then suddenly the presenter quickly says i''m Nancy and the program ends. It was too difficult for me for list what came first or last in the Uganda like i did from watching Uganda Vision. My last comment is that Nancy is a pretty lady and commands the English laugauge very well. More help about programming is what she needs.
Stuart Muholi | Colchester
John Mugabo | Luton
Watched both programs yesterday, and i was too shocked that Uganda Alive was airing the promotion of Ronnie''s diaspora convention after the 29th of December. Uganda Vision promoted the same event in December before the convention took place. The 2 programs can work together and share content!!
Mukasa Peter | London
Nakimuli Brenda, Uganda Vision to contact Uganda Alive so that Uganda Alive can assist them with recircled material?? You must be a member from the Uganda Alive production team!! By the way does Uganda Alive have a contact on their program?? @ Rehema Mirembe, so you did didn''t like the tourism about East Africa? The speech from the Irene Muloni, and the Music from all parts of Uganda??
Lydia Bossa | London
we are proud of uganda vision the presenter are ugandan but the presenter for uganda alive is nigerian she is not called nancy they just didnt change the name from nancy kitaka. we are pround to be watch a ugandan show by ugandans not nigerian presenter
Rehema Mirembe | London
was really looking forward to watching after reading all the comments but last night show did not do us any justice
Mary | Lira
watched this show on Ben tv during a recent visit to UK. Compared to WBS it is really poor quality. The sound, editing and picture quality are nothing to write home about. Some stories are directly lifted off you tube.It is even worse when you have Sky high definition, but people abroad may adore the shows because they are homesick and desperate to watch anything from home.
Nakalema Rose | Peckham
Nze ndiwa vision
Ivanka Ishinowski | Polland
I am mixed race Polish/teso i always read newvsion so i can learn about my roots i will love to watch the tv vsion tv alive thank you
Lwanga Pros | Kampala
well done uganda vision just saw you on you tube but you need take lessons fron the uganda TV station. the presentation is good but where did you get the presenters from. is that the best you can get in the diaspora.
Nakimuli Brenda | Gayaza
What does uganda alive have to say about all this, has anybody contacted them
edith | entebbe
Kyaba too much good comments
Tim | south AFRICA
is uganda vision Part of new vision or anything to do wth uganda vision TV.VISION? (EDITOR- Please go to to see full list of the Vision Group products).
Elizabeth | whitechapel
news flash rumour has it that the presenters havent got papers and cant travel anywhere and interview thats why they sit in a studio and film or keep on playing stuff copied off the internet most of the footgage was already available on the internet so show as something new that we havent seen before. plus those presenters hapana
Agaba | manchester
okay i am confused. but will watch
| Dubai
fitina ne nugu oba????. twakowa... mutuswaza
Moses Kibirango | Waterloo London
Well done Kadama Anthony there is a saying for you "It's better to keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool rather than open it and resolve all doubt."on that note I wont say anymore
one thing for sure this article was to publicise uganda vision but by the looks of things we have found out about another programme uganda alive which unknown to us was nonexistent.and if this is anything to go by I look forward to watching both shows as the comments are out of this world. this is about a TV programme i wait in anticipation for the showS do they have them on you tube so I can catch up and be the Judge on which I prefer, naye truth me told muyina time Inshallah
Rebbeca Nalubwama | Brent Cross
mwe we are meant to use these shows to keep in touch with uganda stuff i watch both and sadly amused by the drama behind it all.@peter kibuuka you live in Italy...HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT GIRL IS A PROSTITUTE? put your foot in it there didnt ya heeehee you are a load of jokers@moses wambi no elite person in there sensible mind would watch uganda vision as the presenters are not up to there standards unless you mean ugandan elite but then again no. as for uganda alive they need to work on not advertising the ganda boys the show has changed but it puts me off when i am watching and they come on for the entire show rumours are that the ganda boys run the show @Daria Levendakis do not be discouraged by the stuff you are reading. There sone decent ugandans out there. you just have to look hard for them.
Jerry the ugandan | Sweden
This is ridiculous, does anyone else find this silly. I read the story and was glad that ugandans in diaspora are doing good things apart from the nkuba kyeyo steroetyping but now i feel that you can take the crooks out of uganda but you cant take the uganda out of the crooks. the way things are looking ugandans in the diaspora are learning the nigerian ways.firstly there is tribal discrimination in uganda now it has filtered into TV shows which ironically are run by one tribe in central region.
Issac Mutebi | Canada
mmmmmm someone forwarded me this email guess they are that desperate fot the publicity, dont think we can get the show in canada but after reading the comments I wish we could
Ronnie Mulindwa | New York
wow!! this article was good until you read the comments. are you people for real????
Tony Othieno | Harrow on the hill/london
This is from the department of "stating the bloody obvious" one show is called uganda vision and the other uganda alive. so one has a vision and the other is alive
Daria Levendakis | London
I was keen on watching this show as my mun is ugandan and dad is greek I dont want to watch my mum always warns mean that ugandans can be dodgy especially the men.After reading this I think it best for me to stay away. i am ashamed
Juliet k | London
You very clever people(not), firstly i am 100% sure that nearly half these emails were written by a member of the show thats how conniving and vendictive they are. and secondly shame on you full grown men acting like kids. writting stupidity against each other. dont you have better things to do like work on your shows and families get a life.and for petes sake get a better present
Richard Were | London
Thank you for putting it together Uganda Vision. We love watching you.....
Moses Wambi | Bedford
The elite class enjoy the Uganda Vision programs because unites all Ugandans. I''m from Mbale but i was called by friends that saw the embalu dance on the show. Thank you Anthony Kadama. You come from a family of sound people. I was told that you are a son to the late Engineer Kadama who was a commisioner of ministry of works in the 70''s and your Dad''s brother was PS for Health also in the 70''s. Serve Uganda like your parents did.
Collins Lutaya | Stonebridge
Kati Binaisa Susan, my guess is that you are related to the late Godffrey Binaisa. Many Ugandans in the Diaspora are not intrested in politics like you. You are asking for news yet you know that the news is full of Ugandan politics!! If UV or UA start promoting Ugandan politics on the Ben tv platform, they will lose the audience. Uganda enjoy watching some Music and any thing developmental that what you are suggesting from your Hendon council house.
Peter Kibuuka | Italy
Hey Nakityo, we see Buganda, Acholi, Bugisu and the rest of the Ugandan regions in the Uganda Vision Program. Many Ugandans even record the Uganda Vision and enjoy viewing again and again. Nancy Kitaki was broadcasting a info commerical not a program. A info commerical is a short recording that promotes a particular product, a business or charity. Last week i watched the Uganda alive presented by the new Nancy and i was shocked when she interviewed a well known Muzungu prositute who operates in the Croydon area, Nancy asked her what she thought of Ugandan Men!! the prositute replied in way that disgraced Ugandan Men.... and also a very drunk couple that got engaged with the woman barely standing on feet. Surely Edith does this kind of programming represent your mother land Uganda postively? What do you thing other Africans thought of the Kidadali show last Monday on the Uganda Alive Show. Don''t you fill proud of the tourism tapes aired on the Uganda Vision Program? Songs like Ntongo which was a hit in the 70''s was also aired last week on Uganda Vision and my 71 old mother stood up and danced away......
Sam Senyonga | Germany
Nakityo Edith, You are very wrong, I live in Germany and i was called by a friend from Ireland. This program is not only popular with Ugandans but the west Africans love the UV programing because it show cases the beauty of Uganda by airing tourism tapes. It causes laughter by airing some comedy at times. Plays music from all over Uganda. And also promotes Ugandan events in the UK e.g it aired the 2009 beauty contest, filmed a big party in La-face which is the biggest Ugandan club in the UK. We had the chance of seeing the Speeches from the Uganda convention that took place last year. And UV has some thing new for us every monday. Nancy Kitaka hardly brought a new thing for her viewers. Her 20 minutes program only aired Ganda boys music and every thing was just about their charity and a visit to Kawolo hospital with some miss Uganda. Kati, Edith were you seeing Uganda in Nancy Kitaka''s program???
mary | East London
Bambi anthony koyiiiige olina ooooooolllluuuuggezigezi
Ian Metcalf | DUBAI
bukenya moses | kabalagggaaala
You left the country now why do you want to see what is happening here stay thire and sweep the streets leave us we are happy
nsubuga | owino market
this is good can we advertsise our business how much
wendy | finland
wat chaneel in finland i want to watch
long live uganda vision sanchu vele vele match for the music
Jonathan Ochen | elephant and castle
UGANDA VISION-whats with the presenters and where did they learn how not to present.thank you
faridah N | WEMBLEY
one show is about self promotion the other show is boring si i dont watch them anymore
edmond M | MUKONO
If you are doing a good job it speaks for dont have to prove anything keep up the good work and respect other peoples work
EDEN KAWOOYA | Masaka Uganda
Mariam Nakato | holland
The metality is a disgrace, we steal others peoples ideas then want to take all the glory as if it was our idea in the first place cant we just learn to work on work and leave the stupidity out
Nakityo Edith | East London
Let me break it down for you. once upon a time there used to be a ugandan program called Uganda alive which was presented by Nancy. for reasons unknown to us nancy was replace by a "NANCY" then another ugandan show called uganda vision aired with all the enthuthiasm known to mankind. posters in all ugandan shops, adverts, website,research team and the mention to be the ONLY UGANDAN PROGRAMME in the disaspora, problem is mission is proving to be impossible
Binaisa Susan | hendon
kadama Anthony do us good and show news politics we no about uganda allready
Patricia | Epson uk
lol Anthony Kadama should have done his research, Uganda vision or uganda alive, which one do you watch loooooolll I watch both and I am proud to be uganda.
Rehema Mirembe | London
Roger Kato thank you I will watch
Solome | London
fighting over being the only TV CHANNEL IN THE UK sad sad sad people
Fiona Nakimuli | Seven Sisters
@Patick Odongo you are right about uganda alive da twinz but uganda vision need a better host and more interesting content i normally get bored after 15minutes and switch off
Michael Okello | Camberwell
UV its good for music but most of the other things are repeats from the internet can you show us some news with politics and live stuff from home
Nalumansi | Sweden
I red this story and was glad to know of a ugandan show but very disapoint at the comments
David Mulira | Ntinda
This is ridiculous you are backwards you are all in the diaspora and instead of promoting each other you just stub each other in the back. God bless your country
Stacey Kidege | london
Mr Kadama why are you lying to people. you know you are not the ONLY ugandan programme in the diaspora.twakooowa!!!people enough of the bickering
Patrick Odongo | Milton Keynes
Only God can bless Uganda Vision for representing the pearl of Africa positively. My wife is from Gayana but she can''t miss the Uganda Vision program. There was another program hosted by Ugandans who always repeated their programs and only promoted their Music. It was too difficult to make out what their show was about because Uganda was just about their music, their charity and their tribe.
Simon Sentongo | Abuja Nigeria
Living in Abuja I watch uganda live and uganda vision. I am proud to show Nigeria a Ugandan show. But can we have more news less music
Joseph | LA
is the show in los angeles I want to watch
Nalika Laura | Ireland
This is good news I look forward to watching @Mark Tendo Northern Ireland I live in norther Irelan too what channel; is it on. i want to keep up to date with ugandan news
Roger Kato | Seven sisters/ London
Uganda vision unites Ugandans because it plays music from all regions of Uganda. This program also represents Uganda very well, i think because the producers are more mature and have more expertize. I only see Buganda in Uganda alive. To answer Rehema Mirembe. Uganda alive airs at 10pm - 10.30pm every Monday and Uganda Vision airs at 7pm - 8pm every Monday and they both air on Sky 184 Ben TV.
Ivan Kaweesi | USA
@paul akere, why dont you want politics its reality we need to know whats happening good or bad not just what people decide to censor. This is exactly what the BBC and CNN do.
Sharon Doherty | London
I watch uganda vision and the present nancy does ugandan people proud, she speak really good english. well done uganda vision
Irene Nakayenga | UK
saw judith heard interview on uganda vision was a good interview but who is the presenter.judith had a good message to the young girls in modeling
Rehema Mirembe | london
Never hard of Uganda alive what channel is it on and what time.
Stacey Kidege | london
UV and UA need to team up and promote uganda together. we are fed up of ugandans not joining hands look at the Nigerians thats why they are sucesful
Mariam Nakato | holland
Liars there is another Ugandan program called Uganda alive.....its not the only uganda program. i watch both and they are equally good
Mark Tendo | Northern Ireland
Thank you Uganda Vision, My girl friend has accepted to visit me after seeing the beauty of Uganda on the tourism tapes you air. Our mother land is the most beautiful country in the world.
Paul Akera | Colon/ Germany
Thank you keeping politics out of this. keep up the formart because love it! I''m proud og being a Ugandan
Richard Cunningham | London
The Best yet to come.
Richard Masaba | Lesiter
Please bring on our dear politians like Dr Otunu
John Mugisha | Germany
I''m proud of being Uganda when ever i watch the Uganda Vision program. Carry on with the good work UV
Peter Otim | South London
Uganda Vision is a big blessing to Ugandans in the Diaspora. The Uganda Investment authority and foreign affairs should use the program to inform us about what is going on in Uganda.
Desire | London
Kundos Mr. Kadama the programme is very good and please we need to see more opportunities in Uganda as some of us are tired of the West but needs advise and good well founded information before we make the last move to go back and contribute to the development of Mother Uganda.
Mark Mukasa | Leeds
Keep up the good work Uganda Vision, keep on with the Music and comdey on your exciting show.
Moses Mugisha | Milan/ Italy
Thank you Mr Kadama, we as Ugandan in Europe had nonthing to watch. We only saw bad reports about Uganda on CNN and BBC. The Uganda vision air a very positive image about Uganda, like tourism tapes that show the beauty of Uganda.
Ben Mukasa | Luton
We done Uganda Vision!! many Ugandans run to catch the only Ugandan program we have in the UK.
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