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{UAH} The African Union is NOT matter who says it is !!

I totaly agree that AU ( African Union ) is not Pan Africanism . The
only one I know is OAU ( Organisation of African Unity ) which derived
or derives from Pan Africanism . Instead AU ( African Union ) is a
derivation of EU ( European Union ) to Destroy Africa and for the
Recolonisation of Africa now .

The point to make here and is of importance for our African people and
other peoples to recall and know is the distinction between African
Unity and the African Union . African Unity is the consciousness
behind the movement of a group of people of different racial origin or
political perceptions towards unity.

The purpose of this unity is to defend the existance of the People of
Africa. This is the definition of African Unity . The reason being
that , from 1440 – 1840 the period of the Slave Trade took place .
Africans became a commodity to be traded in . When this was fought by
the Africans against the Europeans and the Arab - Asians the
substitution of Slave Trade became : Civilization , Commerce and
Christianity which came to be known as the Colonization of the People
of Africa (1840 - 2000 ) .

Decolonization started 1960.

The Slave trade and Colonization created divisions among the People of
Africa . There were Anglophone Africans who created a culture of a
group of Africans. Francophonie African was another group of Africans
. The third group was Lusophone. Ladophone was the the fourth and the
last was North Africa associated as a part of Francophonie Africa and
Arabicphonie . In otherwards Four or Five major different African
Identities and Cultures were created from 1440 to 1960 , resulting in
differences and conflicts due to antagonisms and internal opposition
amongst one another .

It was from this conception to solve the problem of African disunity
on a continental basis the concept of African Unity was born . A Unity
of the Francophone , Anglophone , Lusophone , Arabic phone and
Ladophone Africa . This Unity took form as several groups such as the
Casablanca group , Brassaville group , Monorovia group and the Sudanic
group where different existing countries whether Dependent or
Independent aligned themselves .

This view was born out of Pan Africanism which was founded around 1840
and 1860 but was properly recognized in 1897. The first meeting took
place in 1900 . This was the Paris and Lissabon meetings . It was Pan
Africanist .

This meeting consisted of Black Africans from the continent of Africa
, America , Asia , Europe and Oceania . So from 1900 to 1945 , when
the Manchester Conference of Pan Africanists was held , there was no
proper perception of African Unity as yet . But , On the 25th of may
1947 during a Birthday ceremony organised by Jomo kenyatta ( Deputy
Secretary ) and Kwame Nkrumah ( Secretary ) for John Anacleto Atobua
Agami , King of Lado by then and ( Chairman for the Organisation of
African Chiefs ) the concept that Pan Africanism is not enough if it
does not have a Root in the Mother continent was discussed.

This gave to birth to what is described as African Unity . Meaning ,
the Pan Africanist movement for the African people. The secretary
still remained Francis Kwame Nkrumah of Gold Coast ( now Ghana ) ,
Dept . Secretary was Johnston Kamau ( later known as Kenyatta ) from
Kenya Colony and Mombasa Coast Protectorate ( Kenya ) .

Col. John Anacleto Atobua Agami King of Lado remained the Chairman .
Col John Atobua Agami was assasinated by the British in 1948 , as he
was considered politically dangerous as his actions were against
European colonial interests as a whole.

As the entire Africa ( excluding Ethiopia , Liberia , Egypt and
Republic of South Africa , RSA ) was colonized , it was not possible
to expand and organise the new Association of African Unity . It was
finally revived by the Secretary of the African unity association ,
founded in London the 25th of May 1947, Francis Kwame Nkrumah who
became prime minister of Gold Coast in 1957 . It was revived through
the Embassy of Sudan in the UK , due to the Suez war of 1956 and Egypt
was represented by India in this meeting of Independent African
States. The purpose and objective of the London meeting in 1957 was to
organise a Conference for the Dependent and Independent African
countries in Gold Coast (Ghana) in 1958 Accra.

This 1958 meeting took place with Kwame Nkrumah as the Chairman now .
The objectives were the Land of Africa , the Labour and Liberation of
the African peoples from the colonial yoke and slavery . This was
developed from 1958-1961 . This culminated with the Lagos conference
of 1961 which brought together the Casablanca group , the Monorovia
group and the Brassaville group .

In 1963 the Organisation was finally founded in Addis Abbaba whereby
its Charter was approved on the 25th May. This date was chosen in
Honour of the assasinated Chairman of the African Chiefs ( and African
Unity association ) Col. John Anacleto Atobua Agami King of Lado as
it was his date of birth. This is what came to be known as the
Organisation of African Unity .

Now we come to the African Union

In the first place the African Union is not seeking for Unity as
previously described . The Organisation of African Unity had developed
the Lagos action Plan of 1980 , establishing the African Charter of
Human and Peoples Rights in 1981. The only Human Rights Charter
recognizing collective Rights ( Nairobi Conference 21st June 1981) .
Drawing Africa`s Priority Program for recovery in 1985 and finally
drawing up the Treaty establishing the African Economic Community and
other actions which were to take form as African Unity.

The concept of the African Union was to implement the African Unity
Programs and Activities . This was to be done through the
establishment of a Constitutive Act based on the OAU Charter. The aim
being to implement the Programs of the OAU from 1980 to 1997. For this
a meeting was called on the initiative of the OAU in July 1999
arranged an OAU conference which took place in Libya on the 9th of
September 1999 , ( Sirte ).

In fact , here the possible reforms were to be looked at and developed
into possible Programs for the Unity of the people of Africa . A
suggestion to establish a Constitutive Act based on the OAU Charter of
25th May ,1963 was agreed upon .

It was not a change of Charter. A charter is a Basic Body of Rules
creating a Legal Personality . A Constitutive Act is a drawing up of
Administrative proceeding / Rules to improve the Organisation or Legal
personality . In short I am saying a Constitutive Act is
Administrative Law based on a Charter . Therefore the AU Constitutive
Act of 11th July 2000 is not a Charter but Administrave Law , based on
a Charter which is Body Rules for creating the Unity of the African
Peoples and the Continent of Africa .

This makes the African Union Constitutive Charter , an illegal Act as
a replacement of the OAU Charter. It is an attempt to change the OAU
Charter which is the backbone and Protection against the
Recolonisation of the Continent of Africa and the People of Africa.
The African Union ( 11th July 2000 ) opens the door for Europe to
Recolonize Africa, just like the Paris resolution of 3rd August of
1875 laid the foundation for the partition of Africa 1885 , following
the Slave Trade of 1440 . Africans must realise the OAU Charter is
still valid and is a tool for the Defence of the African people and
Continent of Africa .

The funny thing ( makes people LOL ) is they transferred the
Constitutive Act of Lome (Togo) 11th July 2000 , transferred the
African Countries under the Supervision and Administration of the
European Union , which is in short an Act of Recolonisation of the
African Continent , with NEPAD being the Programs through which the
European Union can dictate to the Africans what they can do and cannot
do .

We in Lado we like to joke that NEPAD stands for New European
Partnership for African Domination although they claim it stands for
New Economic Partnership for African Development . DO YOU GET THE

The African Union is not a Legal Personality but an Administrative
sSructure through which recolonisation is being practiced in Africa
now .


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