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Trévidic the judge will have to be quick if he wants to meet witnesses "alive" for the assassination of President Habyarimana
Posted: January 2, 2014 2:15 AM PST
Patrick Karegeya , the former head of foreign intelligence Kagame between 1994 and 2004 , the rights of all secrets, which had finally break with its former leader, was strangled in his hotel room in Johannesburg .
Refugee in South Africa with General Faustin Kayumba Nyamwaza , former Chief of Staff of the RPA ( Rwandan Patriotic Army ) , the Tutsi army , the former head of military intelligence accused the clearest way the President Kagame of being responsible for the attack of 6 April 1994 which claimed the life of President Habyarimana, terrorist acts committed in time of peace and was triggered the genocide item. Patrick Karegeya asserted micro France Info he was able to prove where the missiles were fired .
In June 2010, General Kayumba has miraculously survived an assassination attempt by authors , Rwandans are judged in South Africa. Thursday, June 21 , 2012, during the trial, he made a sensational statement by saying under oath that Paul Kagame " ordered the killing of President Habyarimana ." He thus confirmed the terms of the order of Judge Bruguiere accusing the current Rwandan head of state to be at the origin of the attack triggered the genocide in Rwanda.

Hearing the news of the assassination of Colonel Karegeya , General Kayumba said: "The Government of Rwanda is responsible for all this . Patrick Karegeya refuge here in South Africa. He never had any problems with anyone in the country. Who else but President Paul Kagame , who has hunted in the past ten years would see him dead ? It is a political assassination as the Government of Rwanda has always led . It is the policy of the Government of Rwanda to kill his opponents. "

General Kayumba and Col. Karegeya asking for months to be heard by the French justice because , they argued, they held the secrets surrounding the attack of 6 April 1994. Trévidic the judge may no longer question the second ...
Three high-ranking witnesses are still alive , General Kayumba Nyamwasa , Gerald Gahima former Attorney General of the Kagame regime and Théogène Rudasingwa , former chief of staff to President Paul Kagame , all three accused it of having ordered the attack which was triggered the genocide item. Trévidic the judge must act quickly if he wants to interrogate ... Unless, "high place" it was decided to " play for time " to protect Paul Kagame ...

January 27, 2014 I will publish Editions du Rocher a book entitled Rwanda: Genocide questions. This book is based on previously untapped ICTR (International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda ) archives. Sworn in the main trial stood before the tribunal established by the Security Council of the UN expert , I actually had access to tens of thousands of pages of minutes of the hearings, hearings hundreds of witnesses , innumerable parts added in proof or evidence against , reports presented and defended by the experts , interrogation , the cons -examination and judgments in first instance or on appeal. This significant and irreplaceable documentary mass was previously idled or even ignored by those who have written about the genocide, which allowed me to deconstruct point by point an official history obsolescent , beginning with the question of attack of 6 April 1994.

Bernard Lugan


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