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*  The republican guards have kidnapped Congolese political dissident Eugene Diomi Ndongala from the intensive care unit of clinic Ngaliema.


The republican guards have kidnapped Congolese political dissident Eugene Diomi Ndongala from the intensive care unit of clinic Ngaliema.

They pulled infusion tubes from his body and forcibly placed him on army stretcher and carried away. The republican guards in question were heavily armed . They chassed away everyone present including hospital staff, family members, deputies  and human rights activists.

It is worth noting that the president of the Democratie chretienne was hospitalized at Clinic Ngaliema at 1:00 PM, on 27/12/2013 ,  following a stroke.

In the morning of 28/12/2013 at 9:00, doctors at Clinic Ngaliema provided him with a battery of tests, including cerebral and cervical scanner, right shoulder radio and bio-medical exams.

Doctors at the Clinic Ngaliema including Dr. Makengo confirmed the hospitalization of Eugene Diomi Ndongala   at Pavilion 2, to give him urgently required care and  prescribed medical therapies including Kinesitherapy sessions.


At around 10:00 Diomi family members are surprised to learn from Doctor Makengo that all have changed: Diomi Ndongala can not longer stay at the Clinic Ngaliema and that he will be sent back to CPRK Prison without further medical care.


Doctors at the Clinic Ngaliema gave orders to medical staff to take back medical prescriptions and scanner radio test results of President Diomi, an order which his family refused to obey.


This is why members of Diomi’s family, together with their counsel asked to meet with the hospital’s  interim administrator  –the titular holder being away-  the hospital administrator confirms that political pressures are being exerted on the doctors at the clinic  not to give care to Eugene Diomi and to send him back to CPRK prison in the morning of 28/12/2013, in disregard of the opinion of treating clinicians .


As of this moment, we don’t know where president Diomi has been forcibly  taken in estate of unconsciousness.


Democratie chretienne firmly denounce the inhuman attitude of Kabila system who wants to kill Eugene Diomi Ndongala by denying him medical care after a stroke. We also condemn Clinic Ngaliema for passively folding over under pressure to accept orders that sacrifice the life of a patient in gross violation of medical ethics.

Democratie chretienne will consider as responsible the Kabila system and the administrators at Clinic Ngaliema for what is happening to Eugene Diomi Ndogala, who is clearly sentenced to die  by the inhuman system of Kinshasa.


Truth and Justice for the Congo,

Marc Mawete,



Mrs. Patrizia Diomi, Congo’s next minister of Justice commenting about Eugene Diomi’s medical condition.



* To all citizens of the world loving peace and justice.: Demand of an international investigation into the killing of unarmed civilians by the army on December 30, 2013 in DRCongo.



           Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


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