{UAH} Final verification of Luweero war compensation claimants begins
First, was the war justified?
Second this is 27 years down the road
What is the catch? 2016?
The government, through the Luweero Triangle Ministry, is in the final stages of verifying war claimants as a follow up of President Museveni's pledge to clear outstanding compensation.
The State Minister for Luweero Triangle, Ms Sarah Kataike, said the verification exercise seeks to update the registers in order to sort out civilians and veterans who have been paid and those yet to be paid.
The exercise will also enable those who were not captured in the last exercise to fill forms and get registered. "This exercise will help us make a comprehensive register to handle veterans. The President has been sharing with them on a number of issues including failed or delayed compensation claims. So we want this exercise to expedite the matter," Ms Kataike told the Daily Monitor.
Expanse of veterans
Veterans are spread in more than 50 districts, including those where there was a spillover of the 1981-1986 National Resistance Army liberation war, but not limited to Luweero District.
The Ministry for Luweero Triangle will use district leader and established verification committees to help update the registers.
The government has so far cleared about 19,000 veterans through different compensation packages. It is estimated that there are more than 60,000 veterans. In 2012 the government announced it was reviewing the compensation process to put in place an efficient system that would be used for the compensation.
The Nakaseke RDC, Mr Geofrey Kyomukama, said the problem of veterans was a complex one that needs to be attended to. "We have widows and orphans who come in asking for the compensation for their parents' lost properties. The number continues to swell. We need a final register to settle this matter to ensure that only the right beneficiaries get the compensated," Mr Kyomukama told the Daily Monitor.
Kapeeka Sub-county chairman who is also a war veteran in Nakaseke, Mr Moses Ssenfuma, said his sub-county had several veterans who have never been compensated.
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