{UAH} FW: Book Launch - Invitation from Prof Thomas Lawton - 6 March 2014
Anyone interested in management theory in a bipolar world, let me know and I can arrange for your attendance at this book launch. We need to keep in touch with the academic world.
George Okello
From: oubs-alumni@open.ac.uk
To: oubs-alum-r01-list@open.ac.uk
Subject: Book Launch - Invitation from Prof Thomas Lawton - 6 March 2014
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2014 11:26:34 +0000
Good morning,
To celebrate the launch of my new book, Aligning for Advantage, I would like to invite you to an evening of conversation and conviviality at The Open University in Camden Town, London on Thursday 6 March from 5.30pm – 8.15pm.
This book comes at an opportune time for managers seeking to forge competitive strategy in a climate of external complexity and uncertainty. In Aligning for Advantage, we take a strategic management approach to a company's engagement with political, regulatory and social arenas and interests. We argue that to successfully deliver on a company's overarching purpose and intent, competitive strategy needs to be synchronized with strategies for political and regulatory activism and social and environmental engagement. Also, these market and nonmarket strategies must be equally attuned with and informed by the corporate vision, values, and objectives. The ability to align with and across both the market and the nonmarket is a key determinant of competitive advantage in a multipolar world economy.
I will present some of the book's main findings and discuss the implications for business and management. This will be followed by our guest speaker, Dr Virginia Acha, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Amgen, who will comment on the book's relevance to strategy practice in international business. We will then have a panel discussion and Q&A session involving Dr Virginia Acha, my co-author, Dr Tazeeb Rajwani and myself. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to mingle and enjoy a drink and some canapés.
For further information and to register for this event, please visit the website. I look forward to seeing you in March.
Yours sincerely
Professor Thomas C. Lawton
Professor of Strategy and International Management
Director, Centre for International Management Practice
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