Author: Admin |
7:54 AM |
At the time when the 2 counties Buyaga and Bugangaizi were liberated in 1964 and returned to mother Bunyoro-Kitara no pressmen covered those historic events. But Henry Ford Mirima, as a courageous journalist was there with his sharp camera and recorded the events.
The first county chief of liberated Bugangaizi county was Joseph Mujoobe Kazairwe. See the picture I took as he took over the administration of the county and he was touring the county on a familiarisation tour with his sub-county chiefs.
Although Buganda kingdom officially rejected the 1964 transfer of these two counties, Buyaga and Bugangaizi, in practice they did not raise a finger to fight it out.
Today it is different. Buganda Kingdom is contesting the Baruuli/Banyala decision to get their independence.
The history of people fighting for their independence began in Africa with Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana and it spread to Uganda and Kenya, Tanzania and so on. Freedom might take long to come but eventually it will come.
Henry Ford Mirima
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