Man Claiming M7 is His Dad Accuses 'Uncle' Saleh, wife Jovia and others of Blocking Him from Meeting the President, Adding he is not a Gold Digger but a Child Desperate to Meet a Parent
Stephen K Muwambi
A rugged man walks into the Investigator newsroom. Spotting a goatee and moustache, the man who later gives his name as Joseph Kaguta, is in the company of John Adriko. He tells us that Adriko is his caretaker and benefactor at the moment.
We immediately get bitten by the news bug and ask the man why he has paid our newsroom a visit. "Am looking for my dad Yoweri Kaguta Museveni," retorts Joseph without batting an eye. "
You mean his Excellency the President or some other man who happens to be his namesake? our Editorial Director Stanley Ndawula throws a quick question to the man.
Replies the man, "I mean his Excellency the President of Uganda Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. He is my father. I swear he is."
"But what do we have to do with the President. The First Citizen neither has an office here nor stays in this office. Ours is merely a media house!" Ndawula tells Joseph. "You being a media house is exactly why I have come. I want you to publicize my story so that my father can know am desperately looking for him," Joseph pleads.
Ndawula's efforts to convince Joseph that there are channels he can use to meet the President if at all he is his genuine dad, falls on Joseph's deaf ears before the former hands him over to the news desk.
"I have tried to go through Uncle Saleh (the President's younger brother). He told me through emissaries that he would talk to me, but that is where it stopped. One day I met our grandmother Mable Twinoburyo and she was immediately struck by my resemblance to Mzee. She promised to talk it over with her nephew (the President) but that also, is where it stopped," an obviously distraught Joseph narrated.
Asked how he came to meet Saleh, Joseph recounted that it was during the 2011 election period that he went to the General's office at Mbuya military garrison. "At Mbuya, I met Afande Kulayigye (the former UPDF PR). I was told Saleh was out of office then. They advised me to go to Bombo and meet Col Buyungo. At Bombo, Buyungo took my statement. He told me Mzee Saleh was out of office," Joseph said.
As he moved towards the exit at Bombo, Joseph claims, Buyungo dialed him, calling him back to his office. "I suppose Mzee Saleh was in office. It could be him who directed Buyungo to call me back. This is because Buyungo asked me why I should not leave my dad alone," Joseph stated.
'Grandma' Twinoburyo
From Bombo, Joseph claims, he moved to Garuga- Entebbe where he alleges Gen Saleh has a residence. It's at Saleh's 'Garuga residence'; Joseph purports, he met Mable Twinoburyo; the lady she calls his 'grandmother' and an 'aunt' to President Museveni.
"I can see you resemble my nephew Museveni. How come I have never seen you let alone meeting you before?" Joseph quoted Mable as telling him on casting her eyes on him. Joseph claims that his 'grandma' Twinoburyo stays in Ssembabule, before he hands us her mobile phone number.
After a brief exchange with Twinoburyo, the lady assured him that she would give him a feed back after making enquiries here and there. According to Joseph, Twinoburyo put the issue to Saleh.
"Grandma called me later. She reported to me that Mzee Saleh did not deny anything. She told me Mzee Saleh had assured her that he will summon me at an appropriate time," Joseph recounted. However, he says Saleh never raised him as he promised to do.
Saleh dials Joseph's guardian in Busoga
At this juncture, Joseph introduces another party, a one Nathan Mukusike. "He served as my guardian during the time the President was fighting in the bush and thereafter," Joseph explains. He adds that he was born 39 years ago to the late Mellissa Naigaga of Mayina village, Buhaya Sub County in Mayuge District.
During Joseph's birth, the man claims, Saleh was staying at Mukusike's home where he disguised himself as a herdsman going by the names Francis Mususwa to beat detection by the government agents and forces at the time.
It's at Mukusike's home, Joseph alleges, Museveni and his war planners used to meet at night and even at day to lay strategies of taking to the bush. "Mukusike told me my mum used to go to his home and that is how she ended up with Mzee," Joseph shyly quotes Mukusike as telling him.
Still quoting Mukusike, he narrates how Saleh used to provide milk that he took during his infancy. It's this Mukusike; whom Gen Saleh allegedly called up after 'his' (Saleh's) 'aunt' Twinoburyo had put the matter of Joseph's parentage to him as we captured the issue earlier.
Joseph says Saleh told Mukusike all that had transpired from his visit to Garuga, his conversation with Twinoburyo and their chat with his 'aunt. "During the telephone conversation Mukusike allegedly asked Saleh why he and his brother had chosen to abandon him with their son (read Joseph)," Joseph adds.
Brig Nalweyiso labels Joseph a lunatic
His frantic hunt for his 'dad' also took Joseph to the highest ranked woman soldier, Brig Proscovia Nalweyiso. According to Joseph, he met Nalweyiso at the Chinese donated Presidential Twin Towers Office.
"Immediately I introduced myself as Mzee Kaguta's son, Afande Nalweyiso dismissed me as a mental case fit for Butabika," Joseph smiles as he quotes Nalweyiso 'diagnosing' him. A pissed Nalweyiso is said to have immediately dialed Afande Saleh and communicated Joseph's issues.
Kaguta and Adriko strike different poses at our office
Turns down cash
"Mzee told Nalweyiso to give the mad man money and tell him to go away. Nalweyiso pulled out wads of money to give me. I turned down the cash. I told her that I was seeking for my dad not cash," Joseph said in an angrier tone.
Encounter with Jovia Akandwanaho
Of all people he has met so far, Joseph is all praises for Jovia. "She received me warmly. We met at Serena Hotel. Kampala lawyer Kashillingi (Ahmed, Museveni's former legal aide) connected me to aunt Jovia," Joseph recounts with a lit up expression.
DNA test
To solve the parentage issue, Jovia suggested that Joseph takes a DNA test, according to the instant story teller. "Aunt Jovia suggested that my blood sample be examined alongside that of my cousin brother Mark. Mark is son to Mzee Saleh and he was right in the meeting," Joseph stated. He explained that Mark drives Jovia.
Joseph confirms that his blood was drawn at Serena on the same day by a medic arranged by Jovia. Thereafter, Joseph adds, the medic took down his contacts and particulars and promised to deliver the results in a fortnight.
Jovia turns red
On the appointed day, Joseph says he returned to Serena, but found Jovia had turned from the cheerful lady to an angry personality. "She immediately showed me the exit. She told me to return in a month's time," Joseph alleges. After a month elapsed, Joseph reportedly returned to Serena, but found unfriendly environment again.
"The doctor stood from a a distance and read the results. He told me the results had turned 0.000. He told me the two blood samples under examination did not match at all. He never showed me nor gave me a copy of the purported results," Joseph mourned.
Dejected and dispirited, Joseph adds, he left. " I left my fate to God. I prayed to God to give me strength to walk home and reach safely."
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