{UAH} Museveni wants to kill me - Machar
If this guy was a seasoned fighter, with all well oiled defectors , he'd resort to a protracted war. I hope he does. No army like facing guerrillas not even the mighty Yankees. If this never learnt another lesson this time around and resort to heavy monetary bribery in Iraq of Sunnis, Al'Quaida would still be dancing ndombolo ya solo.
Even the mighty RPA in Rwanda are very worried of FDLR once they resorted to hit ad run tactics. M7 has just screwed up another African country mbu in the names of Pan -Africanism.
In his third interview since war broke out in South Sudan, Dr Riek Machar, the leader of the rebellion, told the BBC on Wednesday that President Museveni and his South Sudanese counterpart Salvar Kiir should take the blame for most of the war’s deaths so far.
A former deputy to Salva Kiir, Machar also alleges “Ugandans” want to kill him. Edward Ssekika transcribed the interview in which Machar is asked about the posibility of facing treason charges.
Machar: I see no reason, why I would face treason charges. Because we had not planned a coup, I personally have not planned a coup and my colleagues who are under detention have not planned a coup with me. So I see no reason why we would face such charges.
Well but the government sees a reason, they say that you instigated a rebellion?
Well, a rebellion is different from a coup attempt which they say. The rebellion was forced on the people and members of the SPLM [Sudan People’s Liberation Movement] and the army [SPLA]. It was forced on them by the president.
What are you going to do then, because the government says you will have to be brought before the courts on treason charges?
It can only be if there is a rebellion or resistance against the regime. I think it’s the basis on which they are charging me and my other colleagues who have remained under detention, it is baseless actually. I want to say that Salva Kiir has proven that there was no coup.
That is why he released seven of my colleagues. They were not coup plotters or coup makers. Even the other four that he has kept under detention have not participated in any way or any form, in a coup plot.
Are you happy that some of your colleagues have been sent to Kenya?
Well, I’m receiving it with mixed reaction. I’m concerned that Kiir released seven and kept four under detention and he is charging them with treason like me.
Dr Machar, how do you proceed from here especially on peace talks? Do you continue talking to the government or are you demanding that these charges should first be dropped?
The government should differentiate between the alleged coup and the current rebellion. The 11 members, leaders of the SPLM, had not participated in any coup plot, coup attempt, as simple as that. There was no coup; these comrades should be released. The question of the rebellion is a different matter. Yes, I’m the leader of the rebellion; this can be tackled differently.
But the rebellion has caused thousands of deaths.
Yes, the actions of Salva Kiir have caused massacres in Juba. This needs to be questioned. It is one of the issues that our delegations raised in the talks in Addis Ababa; the Juba massacre needs to be discussed. This is because, was this an alleged coup attempt or a premeditated plan by Salva Kiir to kill one ethnic group? It is now expanding, it is going to other ethnic groups in the country.
What about the talks? Do they continue or they are over?
Well, I’m hoping that the four SPLM still under detention, IGAD will live to its commitment to ensure the release of these comrades. These comrades are important in the peace process. They are shareholders and members of the SPLM. They are just as important as those who are now in the rebellion, who have taken up arms to fight the regime of Salva Kiir.
Dr Machar, you do admit that you are the leader of the rebellion, given that this rebellion has cost thousands of lives, people’s property and homes, do you sleep well at night?
It is unfortunate that people lose lives. This rebellion has been prolonged by the intervention of the Ugandan government. Can you ask the same question to Salva Kiir and Yoweri Museveni for killing our people?
Obviously you are not going to tell us where you are, but do you think your life is under threat?
Well, I’m secure now. I was on the run for five days after the 15th [of December], but after that I’m secure.
No attacks on where you are?
There have been several attacks.
Does the government, know where you are then?
I definitely think they do, including the Ugandans, who have pledged that, they must kill me.
*A positive mind is a courageous mind, without doubts and fears, using the experience and wisdom to give the best of him/herself.
We must dare invent the future!
The only way of limiting the usurpation of power by
individuals, the military or otherwise, is to put the people in charge - Capt. Thomas. Sankara {RIP} ’1949-1987
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