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Pray for our servicemen; for even SPLA-Kiir initially thought they had wrestled back Bor from SPLA-Machar, only to be engulfed days latter and pounded to dust!
The kind of formations applied by SPLA-Machar are alien to both Kiir and M7, and with us now working as Kiir-mercenaries in SS you can't guarantee a better
outcome than could be mounted by owners of the country (SPLA-Kiir) when they wanted it.

Remember we have once been roughed up at the hands of the then still rug-tag RPA for all Kisangani rounds: I, II and III and later by Angolan and Zimbabwean troops
near Kinshasa. In earlier days prior to CPA of Sudan ours in uniform were repelled hundreds of miles by Khartoum's SPA as we forcefully tried to install SPLA/M in Juba.
Surprisingly, on all those occasions, the larger Ugandan public remained unaware of events at war fronts and our beloved servicemen suffered alone in silence.

What can we do?
1. We must stick out our necks to demand factual and regular updates concerning the status of our army on all foreign missions, including in SS.
2. We must be told clear justifications (in support of national interests) for such deployments; lets not just guess about them.
3. We must stop the allusion that UPDF is a private outfit for M7 yet we all sustain it through our taxes and other public resources.
4. People of Uganda must wake up to the realities of the day and begin to behave as though we belong to the 21st century, the
century of information and knowledge driven people.          

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