{UAH} UDU agrees with UK Ambassador to the United Nations, New York
In his interview with Media Global Bureau chief Nosh Naravala that appeared in The Commitment of Winter 2013, Sir Mark Lyall-Grant stated that "Sustainable peace, good governance and stability are the foundation for development in all countries. We will not eradicate poverty unless we comprehensively address the causes and effects of conflict and fragility". He added that "… fragile and conflict affected states are furthest away from achieving the MDGs and that conflict stunts growth opportunities that can alleviate poverty".
With all the human and non-human resources Uganda has together with the generous financial and technical assistance from development partners, Uganda should have eliminated extreme poverty by now. But with instability caused in part by military adventurism in neighboring countries and endemic corruption and gross mismanagement of public funds, Uganda's absolute poverty stands at over fifty percent.
When NRM leadership is not fighting it is preparing for war and passing draconian laws that have violated human rights and fundamental freedoms of Ugandans thereby heightening instability in the country through inter alia high levels of youth unemployment and under-employment.
Uganda will not stabilize and create conditions for investment, rapid economic growth and employment until the root cause of the problem which is the failed regime of President Museveni has been uprooted. Uganda has been classified as a failed state very vulnerable to internal and external shocks. Nobody will embark on long term investment in Uganda in an environment like this.
We call for an all out mobilization of Ugandans and our friends and well wishers for a peaceful change of NRM regime soonest so that we begin preparing for the post-2015 development agenda with a government of the people, by the people and for the people of Uganda.
Eric Kashambuzi
Secretary General, United Democratic Ugandans (UDU).
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