{UAH} Do we need an pound of infinite wisdom in Uganda today!
Infinite wisdom - the kind that Governor Brewer has been able to exercise after deliberately weighing her options -she also went to her wise counsels and they advised her accordingly not to opt for the low hanging fruit - emotionally enticing as it seemed. She managed to pull off the most strategic solution for her State of Arizona- waiting to host an international event the "Super Bowl"-despite the pressure from the third arm of government which voted overwhelmingly in favor of attenuating the rights of the LBGT community. She may not be the most popular person in the state today with the religious right -but leadership in a nutshell is not to go down in history as Gaddafi, Sadam Hussein, Manuel Noriega -but more like South African Madiba, American Martin Luther King and Abe Lincoln- who managed to pull off a slave emancipation as well as sew his country together -which was bitterly split along the lines of North and South, Nigeria's General Yokubu Gowon who ended the Biafran war "no victor no vanquished" more like Bristish prime minister Churchill who wittingly measured the capacity of his country to fight off Nazi Germany and indeed an ancient Buganda King Mutesa1 who knew first hand that he could not fight the British with all their might and he consulted with his wise counsels and befriended them and their Queen. He suffered through that friendship, but he kept his eyes on the prize and gained enormous favor for the state of Buganda. Lately many decisions made from the NRM camp and current administration in Uganda, have sincerely lacked infinite wisdom - how are we going to plug a budget short fall of a Billion dollars to help the most poor folks on planet earth? As recently as last month a decision was made by the NRM Party to keep President Museveni governing in perpetuity as "President for life"- after serving in office for 27 years! Uganda now needs to move in a new direction -one that fully respects basic human rights of all it's citizens, and indeed recognizes the need to change leadership when their term expires.
Tendo Kaluma --
"To ask a dictator to implement democratic measures after 30 years in power is an oxymoron"
"To ask a dictator to implement democratic measures after 30 years in power is an oxymoron"
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