UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.

{UAH} How To Tell

Teacher:  How can U tell if fish is gay, male or female?

Pupil: By reading the label on the can.

Over To U: Right or Wrong?

Says Says Eric R. Prianka:

Two different mechanisms exist by which a

female could reproduce without contact with a male -

(1) budding from somatic cells of the mother

or incomplete disjunction during meiosis of gametogenic cells.

mother and daughter would be perfect clones, genetically identical (like identical twins)

(2) autofertilization -

mother would have to produce a sperm which would inseminate her own

egg. Mother and daughter would not be genetically identical although the daughter would possess a subset of her mother's genes,

possibly being homozygous at some loci where her mother was heterozygous.


Cont. Eric R. Prianka:

Parthenogenetic reproduction could occur among human females yet remain unnoticed. Indeed, such a woman could have a husband and be totally unaware of her own condition. She would have only daughters, each of which would carry only her genes, which would almost certainly increase in the gene pool, at least over the short term.

Is there any evidence for this? Claims of reproduction without males are not to be expected from nunneries, but neither have any emanated from prisons where women are kept isolated from men.

Parthenogenesis in humans may seem far-fetched, but 50 years ago no-one suspected that parthenogenesis could occur in any vertebrate:

now all-female species have been documented in fish,

amphibians, reptiles and birds (all major orders of vertebrates except mammals).

- End. 

Attn. WorkHorses: "a horse is invited
to a party but not to dance." 

& N.B.: " Life may not be the kind of party we hoped
for, but while we are at it, we may as well dance! " 

 Peace To The World
/ Hon. Amb. Ikanos  aKa Doyen Alwasi Ata - Alواسعالهدية

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