UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.


Omukulu Tendo Kaluma


I have read many of the writings you have done, and I have so registered your great love to the country, but to tell you the truth there are some very hard facts we need to realize as human beings. We were created to live in the world and we were created to die as well. It becomes very dangerous when we as people deny a simple fact that death is real, and trust me I have walked this very path before as a parent that lost a child in this country. When you fail to understand the existence of death, you damage yourself as a human being. It occurs for it is among those very few things that the Lord himself holds the authority. Canada has done very well in improving the life standards of the people, to a point that today we need a right to die. Why do you stick needles in my body when I am tired and you own the technology to keep me going? It is interesting that the Liberal party has opened up this debate because many Canadians are flying out to Europe to die for it is illegal here. And that is how God controls death. You have to reach a point that Uganda is dead and you need to start to move on because if you do not move on you are going to damage yourself. Tendo in this world there is nothing that God holds us responsible to than taking care of our lives and if you fail to take care of it you will be questioned why.


When I came in this country, I refused to agree that it is going to be my permanent home. As much as people condemn me for not caring about Uganda but I happen to be a man that invested a whole whack of my life in this country to see Uganda changing to a state I can go back to and retire into. My kids still have properties in that country for we bought it as an investment when we go back. I own a single largest chunk of land that I have never reached at its end. One time I tried to survey it but after several valleys in the forests I was shown very dark trees at the end of the second valley as the limit of my land, and that was the best shot I ever did to survey it. I wrote so many pieces on Uganda, I was going to Uganda two times a year sometimes three. I took investors to Uganda. I took educators to Uganda. I actually twined two universities in Uganda.  I sent a whole number of containers of things but I also started to pull containers of things out of Uganda to be sold here. I visited almost every minister in that country and many of the RDCs I so visited. I reached a point of being advised by my doctor that I had to cut down on flying for it was affecting my body. That is how close I was to Uganda.


But after losing 15 years of my life for this country, after analyzing how Ugandans really do not care, realizing how our people do not care about the future of their country let alone the future of their children, I released Uganda and I allowed it to go. Tendo Uganda does not get any better it Is actually getting worse. The first 15 years of our lives as immigrants in these societies is very crucial, for we need to decide what we will do with our lives, it decides what professions we will do, but we spend it with our children when they are still young. I lost all that for I dreamt of a better country a country that will build its self and a country that will move forward to become habitable for myself and my family and the families of all people as we used to be. I was very wrong. Tendo don’t be like EM that lost a vital time to live with his family for he is in Paris on Christmas eve transiting to Nairobi. I have made my mistake I have licked my wounds and I am building myself back to my feet now, release Uganda let it go. Take a time to be with your children for when they reach the ages of mine you will not take them to Niagara falls and you will not take them to Disney they become adults and you will miss the greatest part of their life and I so did. Tendo Uganda is so bad that there are Ugandans that stupidly planned to retire home. They saved their money and built good homes to retire in. When you retire in this society you get entitled to some money at a monthly basis,  these governments send the money to you at home on a monthly basis. On that you can add as well what you secured to retire on and in Uganda you would be laughing. As I am posting this writing, I know 3 Ugandans that have sold their property after realizing that Uganda is not a palace to retire into. Don’t be in diaspora and stupidly build your retirement at home for you will be very disappointed.

And no I am not a pessimistic man, I am handing this advice to you based on facts. Tendo look at that country, seriously how can a country fail in everything. How can you clean it up? And start from where? How will you get the population to change that system? Several MPs have voted Museveni back to leadership irrespective of what he has screwed that country. When people in Kiev look for change in leadership Ugandans stand with pastors eating grass. That is not a joke they eat grass. Seriously how dumn can you be to stand in public and state that the problem of Uganda today is unitarism? Are you firkin kidding me? Do you have single example you can throw on the table that at a small scale Ugandans are successful? Tendo these people wobble in poor leadership, when betty Kamya was a Movement MP she stood up and questioned why Museveni is slow in handing every MP a 4 X4 and for free. Geez do you know how many MPs are in Uganda today? Multiply those with a cost of a 4x4 and see how much Betty Kamya wanted to yank out of Museveni and my mother as a tax payer. Ugandans are licking her today as a leader promoting Federalism. And I opine that Every country that struggles to become democratic, starts by understanding dictators and throwing them out of office. If Ugandans today are so naive to narrow the discussion about changing Uganda to a level of discussing it with Tinyefunza, honestly forget this country. I am so glad I immigrated out of Uganda.

Look closely at the opposition they have, in Ukraine they stopped an air craft taking off with government officials, in Uganda they are preaching salvation through Tinyefunza, Samson Mande is a hero and Mugisha Muntonyera a hero. There is no single man/woman in Uganda that has ever been rejected for he/she is a very bad politician, Uganda just hate Obote for he is a Langi. Are these people really a bunch you can advise on how to invest? No because Ugandans are living today’s meal. What is it do you have so that I can smuggle it from you and take it to my home for kids to eat, they never worry about reputation, care about moral values let alone what if we have a day without something to steal. If we have common sense, before blaming Museveni for failing to organize Ugandans, let us take a closer look at our own backyard UAH. After more than a decade  of copy and paste mostly from Ugandan papers mainly the Monitor, is there anything UAH can boast of or show Ugandans for the millions of man hours that have been burnt on it? The failure of UAH to achieve something and anything tangible is a true reflection of how small minded Ugandans are. If with all  the so-called educated boasting of how well or how much they are educated, contributing to UAH for more than 10 years, there is nothing to show, what makes us right or different to blame Museveni for his failure to organize Ugandans the way they would have wanted to?

As far as I am concerned, like Museveni, UAH has caused more division among  Ugandans than ever before. It has only excelled in one thing, "abuse" and use of language and words only primitive people in the stone age era would use.  Tendo, let us take some stock and ask ourselves, are we doing anything at minimum positive for Uganda through these forums? If you believe so, raise your hands and tell us what it is, if not, then "Museveni awangele" he was created for Ugandans and Ugandans created for him. There is a whole lot you can do out here, take a vacation, go to Dominican Republic, spend  time with your family. But stop to drop gold in front of the Dogs for they simply do not understand the value. Ugandans love violence, they love screwing each other and they love to steal everything in their face. These are not people to get educated about investment and building municipalities.


You need to stand up and let Uganda go.



On the 49th Parallel          


Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"

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