{UAH} Yikes eh! Mbu some UK. LAB MPs wanted to legalize sex with kids
Inexcusable: Leading abuse charity demands apology from Labour trio with links to vile paedophile group
- Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey and Patricia Hewitt held senior positions at National Council for Civil Liberties before rising to top of the Labour party
- The NCCL was an 'affiliate' of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), whose members may have abused children on an 'industrial scale'
- Abuse charity NAPAC demands apology for links with 'disgusting' group
By Guy Adams and Michael Seamark
PUBLISHED: 00:25 GMT, 21 February 2014 | UPDATED: 00:27 GMT, 21 February 2014
A leading child abuse charity yesterday demanded that three senior Labour figures apologise for their ‘inexcusable’ support of a vile paedophile group.
Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman, her husband, home affairs spokesman Jack Dromey and former Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt were key figures in the National Council for Civil Liberties when it forged extraordinary links with the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange.
The trio refuse to comment on the NCCL’s activities or apologise for the organisation’s support for PIE, which openly campaigned to legalise child sex.
Power couple: MPs Jack Dromey and Harriet Harman, who married in 1982, rose from the NCCL to the highest echelons of the Labour party
Commenting on this paper’s investigation into the Labour trio’s links with PIE, media expert Roy Greenslade, a former editor of the Daily Mirror, said yesterday: ‘I’m with the Mail on this.
'On the basis of the paper’s evidence, I think Harman, Dromey and Hewitt do need to address this matter seriously.’
Greenslade wrote in his blog for the Left-leaning Guardian newspaper: ‘It isn’t good enough to say the world was different then (as some have been suggesting in relation to the recent crop of historic sex abuse court cases), because there has never been a time when it has been all right to advocate sex with a child.’
High profile: Former Health Minister Patricia Hewitt now enjoys a lucrative £160,000 a year part-time job working for BT after she retired from Parliament
And Peter Saunders, chief executive of the National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC), said: ‘An apology is the very least they could do.
'Many, many children were abused by Paedophile Information Exchange members and staff.
‘And many other abusers were encouraged in their crimes by the propaganda put about by that thoroughly disgusting organisation.
'Despite this fact, Harman, Hewitt and Dromey’s NCCL legitimised the PIE, and acted as apologists for it during the 1970s and 1980s.
'And that really is inexcusable, whatever social norms or values were current at the time.’
The Mail investigation has revealed shocking links between the Labour figures and PIE, a group of predatory paedophiles calling for the age of consent to be cut to just four.
Politicians last night put more pressure on Miss Harman, Mr Dromey and Miss Hewitt to come clean about their links with PIE.
Tory MP Alun Cairns, a member of the panel of senior MPs advising David Cameron on policy, said: ‘It’s hard to understand why there has been no response.
‘These are very serious allegations, and a full and frank statement is now needed, otherwise this worrying situation could drag on, which is in the interests of no one.’
Former Tory MP Ann Widdecombe added: ‘They should apologise. I am in no doubt that what they did at the time was because there may have been a different mindset, but they should at least acknowledge that.
‘These views are utterly appalling, and that is what most of us thought in the 1970s.
‘I remember the controversy at the time when the PIE affiliated to the NCCL. It’s not as if people thought it was OK in the 1970s.
Big players: Harriet Harman once legal officer of the NCCL, now Labour Deputy Leader and husband Jack Dromey, right, a Left-wing firebrand, now a shadow minister
‘The Labour Party have been critical of the Catholic Church and the BBC, so why are they not being critical of their own?’
Tory MP Sir Paul Beresford, who has campaigned to tighten the law on child pornography, said: ‘I just find it absolutely extraordinary.
Patricia Hewitt: General Secretary of the NCCL, later Labour minister under Tony Blair and MP for Leicester West
Either they didn’t know or didn’t find out, but if they did know it is appalling. I think an explanation is due.’
Police are investigating the paedophile group as part of Operation Fernbridge, launched in the wake of the Jimmy Savile affair, with one source saying there is evidence that PIE members were abusing children ‘on an industrial scale’.
The Home Office is also carrying out a ‘thorough, independent investigation’ into shocking claims that the Labour government of the 1970s may have helped finance the group.
The Mail investigation discovered that during the 1970s and 80s, Miss Hewitt described PIE in glowing terms as ‘a campaigning/counselling group for adults attracted to children’.
The NCCL lobbied Parliament for the age of sexual consent to be cut to ten – if the child consented and ‘understood the nature of the act’.
It also called for incest to be legalised in what one MP dubbed a ‘Lolita’s charter’.
Miss Hewitt was general secretary of the NCCL from 1974-83, Miss Harman was a newly qualified solicitor when she became its legal officer in 1978 until 1982, when she entered Parliament. Mr Dromey sat on the NCCL executive committee from 1970-79.
The Mail repeatedly sent detailed questions to the trio about their links to PIE and whether they regretted supporting such a vile group. Neither Miss Hewitt nor Mr Dromey replied.
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