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To you my friend Jim Muwanga and may be to all Readers involved too ,

Linking something very interesting as of : The nr 13 that nobody
wants as a house number or sitting 13 at the same table . 13 as for
the Whites and of their belief is like of black Cats .

The elite White man always demonizes what they want for themselves and
the rest of mass population of the World has to fear it out of their
hate for Balcks . Stay away from using it or take the consequences .
Or else you are being called a witch and you get burnt alive . This
is how they preach it to the World Populations . Here read for your
self of No_ 13 . The figure is sacred for WE ( US ) Black peoples in
the Universe .

The True Meaning Of The Number 13

It is known to many persons who are not students of the occult that
the Tarot is a method of divination by means of 78 symbolic picture
cards, to which great antiquity and high importance are attributed by
several expositors. And the literary history of the Tarot is also
fairly well known. In ancient times the number 13 became a number of
fear and superstition because the 13th card of the Tarot is the card
of Death, and is pictured as a skeleton (the symbol of death) with a
scythe reaping down men in a field of newly grown grass where young
faces and heads appear cropping up on all sides . This image later
became known as "The Grim Reaper," and it was ascribed to the planet
Saturn . In medieval England the standard fee of the hangman was 13
pence - a shilling and a penny...

But 13 is not an unfortunate number, as is generally supposed. It has
become so firmly associated in the popular mind with the notion of
"bad luck" that it is easy to forget the fact that in the ancient
mystic religions 13 was the characteristic number of participants in
many orders and occult groups, including sacred meals - a fact
reflected in the size of the original Nazarene Last Supper. And it can
be clearly shown that 13 is not only the most cherished number of the
United States, but also the most fortunate number for Africans,
African-Americans, and people the world over of African descent. We
shall begin with the United States:

Starting with the 13 Colonies of America , the first National flag had
13 Stars, and even today it still has 13 Stripes. On the Green side of
the dollar bill there are 13 Steps in the Pyramid of the Great Seal .
The motto above the Pyramid , which reads " Annuit Coeptis , " has 13
Letters ; the Eagle on the right side has a ribbon in its beak that
bears the motto " E pluribus unum , " which contains 13 Letters. The
Eagle has 13 Tail Feathers, and on its Breast there is a shield of 13
Stripes . In one Talon the Eagle holds 13 Arrows , and in the other an
Olive branch with 13 Leaves and 13 Berries. Over the Eagle's Head are
13 Stars that form the Six-pointed " Star of David . "

The Phrase " July the Fourth " contains 13 Letters and the number 4
(1+3), the Birth number of the U.S. (July 4, 1776) , which leads us to
the real reason why the " Founding Fathers " chose this date as the
Official Birth date of the United States :

In the occult Science of numerology it is said that , " He who
understands the number 13 will be given power and Dominion . It is a
number of Upheaval and Destruction ; a Symbol of Power which , if
wrongly used , will wreak Havoc and Destruction upon itself . "

Astronomically , on July 4th the longitude of the Sun is 12° Cancer in
the Heavens , and on this date the Sun conjoins the Great Star Sirius,
whose Longitude is 13° Cancer . Sirius is a first-magnitude Star that
is 40 times brighter than the Sun , and is the Star that rules all
African people . It was venerated in ancient Egypt from Time
immemorial, and was held in great reverence by the ancient Egyptians
because it rose Heliacally with the Sun at dawn during the inundation
of the Nile River , the lifeline of ancient Egypt .

In Astrological parlance it is said : " If the Great star Sirius is
well-placed in a horoscope , it will contribute to the amassing of
wealth and the acquisition of fame and honor . " Sirius conjuncts the
Sun in the horoscope of the United States , in the 2nd house of money
and material possessions . The Part of Fortune is 13° Capricorn -
opposing the Sun and Sirius - in the 8th house of other people's
resources ! These powerful cosmic patterns explain , astrologically ,
the Great wealth of this country ( much of which was acquired through
the ignominious practice of slavery ) ...

Cancer is the fourth (1+3) sign of the zodiac , and it rules the
continent of Africa , its inhabitants, and people the world over of
African descent. The Moon rules Cancer, and is therefore the cosmic
ruler of all African people. The average celestial motion of the Moon
is 13° per day, and 13 weeks is the time it takes the Earth to travel
from the equinoxes to the solstices. For example, it takes the Earth
13 weeks to travel from the first day of spring (March 20th) to the
first day of summer (June 21st) ; 13 weeks from the first day of
summer to the first day of fall (Sept. 23rd); 13 weeks from the first
day of fall to the first day of winter ( Dec. 21st ) ; and it takes
the Earth 13 weeks to travel from the first day of winter to the first
day of spring ...

[ 13 x 4 = 52 , which is the time it takes ( in weeks ) the Earth to
make one complete revolution around the Sun , and in most years
lunations (i.e. , conjunctions between the Sun and Moon ) occur 13
times . ]

The fear of the number 13 is unfounded internationally as well . It is
an honored number in many countries throughout the world . There are
13 occurrences of the quantity 13 in the design of the Great Pyramid
of Gizeh in Egypt, the largest stone edifice ever built. In the Indian
Pantheon there are 13 Buddhas. The mystical discs that surmount Indian
and Chinese pagodas are 13 in number. Enshrined in the Temple of
Atsuta in Japan is a sacred sword with 13 objects of mystery forming
its hilt . And 13 was the sacred number of the ancient Mexicans - they
had 13 snake Gods.

The 13th letter of the English alphabet is M , which finds its roots
in the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet , " mem " ( meaning mother )
, which was the ancient Phoenician word for water . The ancient
Egyptian word for water was " moo . " M is the most sacred of all the
letters , for it symbolizes water , where all life began . It is the
root of the word " mother ," and relates to the evolutionary destiny
of Africans , African - Americans , and all people of African descent
who are ruled by the number 13 : The Chosen Caretakers of the Universe
... In Lado we have 13 as the sensitive Kalafe ( Number 13) to touch
on and keep it secreet as the first Leader of Lado Karanga ALIA was
Killed in Egypt for Lado's Freedom War and left to his son Laro who
took Ladoans out of Egypt to settle in the present today Sudan Central
Africa between and in Rivers Basins of Congo and the Nile .

More to write on -----


Ronald et coll ---

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