Ndugu ANGOL and UAH folks,
I think this AKIM does not know the truth about the leader of his infamous 'Federo' President who thought she could not work or accommodate ANYANYA (Acoli) in her political crusade! It was herself, (KAMYA), BESIGYE etal who worked hard with the NRA - bandits to plan bombs on Gulu highway - turned it to - LAMDOGI through the Luwero triangle during the 1980s political genocide in Uganda. This AKIM man might be thinking that he is and was not carry the ANYANYA (Acoli) blood in himself, which makes himself not human enough for KAMYA and cahoots!
This means, he is just a blind man who is ready to be dupe by anybody including the like of Odonga Otto whose political path is just crooked!
Ocaya pOcure
Den söndag, 9 mars 2014 11:12 skrev Angol David <>:
Ladit Akim,
Never dwell on rumours if you want to push your federal agenda. My little advice to you though, Odonga Otto is a sly politician with many colours. You end up licking your own puke if you go behind this guy, try to follow his political foot path. Most dogs who gives the loudest noise are indeed hungry looking for some thing to push deep down their throat.
This guy openly said he wont contest the coming 2016 parliamentary election because he thought he would be relocating to the US, remember his saga when he tried to adopt his own children? Now he wants to leave Aruu and contest in Omoro, honestly are there no sons and daughters in Omoro? I may be wrong but if your federal agenda is going to be based on rumours, then you will be disappointed.
On Sunday, 9 March 2014, 9:44, akim odong <> wrote:
Odonga Otto does not represent the whole of Ugandan constituencies but Aruu; a single constituency in an obscure part of the north.
Nyar you have to know that with a parliamentary system it's about bums, the number of bums you can put in parliament. If Odonga Otto can get upto twenty bums in parliament he will have sway in drafting of government policy. That is what politics is about, and not being the president like you interpret it to be.
So get behind Odonga Otto; for federal has to be achieved this side of the 21st Century.
On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 8:18 AM, Nyar Nyar'Onyango <> wrote:
You Odong you are a day-dreamer.....I know Odonga is best candidate in the north and in he has the heart for the people of his constituancy - hence always bounces back in parlament. But he is NOT popular the whole country over- so how does your federo?And who tells you that those agitating for fefero want anything to do with you badokolo/anyanyas? My foot!NyarOn 8 Mar 2014 11:18, "akim odong" <> wrote:Forum;The rumours in town this morning has it that Odonga Otto MP is considering running under a federal docket in the next elections. Others have that, he is thinking of forming a pro federal party. This is very interesting development if the rumour is true. It will also mean that the first federal MP will come from the north; in effect, driving away UPC, FDC and NRM out of the northern constituencies, which is good news and i am sure he will attract young candidates who want to throw away the NRM shackle..Interesting time indeed!Akim
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