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{UAH} Crimean parliament declares independence

Crimean parliament declares independence from Ukraine ahead of region's referendum... paving the way for the state to join Russia

  • 78 of the 100 Crimean MPs voted in favour of the declaration
  • Fugitive president blasts Ukraine's new 'bandit regime'
  • Viktor Yanukovych echoed Russia's rhetoric over Ukraine
  • He said Ukrainian authorities are kowtowing to nationalists
  • He alleged government could use military against Russians
  • It came as Ukraine's acting president called for a national guard
  • Ukraine also claimed it had arrested a Russian spy in Donetsk
  • British PM warns annexation 'could prove painful for Putin'
  • All flights in or out of Crimea's main airport are suspended
  • NATO begins wargames in Poland as F-16 jets are tested
  • U.S. jets due to join in as a gesture of Washington's support
  • Polish PM says EU will impose sanctions on Russia on Monday

By Leon Watson

PUBLISHED: 10:56 GMT, 11 March 2014 | UPDATED: 19:20 GMT, 11 March 2014

Crimea's parliament has declared independence from Ukraine today ahead of this weekend's referendum on joining Russia.

Seventy eight of the 100 members of the autonomous region's parliament voted in favour of the declaration which paves the way for Sunday's vote.

The declaration said: 'We, the members of the parliament of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Sevastopol City Council, with regard to the charter of the United Nations and a whole range of other international documents and taking into consideration the confirmation of the status of Kosovo by the United Nations International Court of Justice on July, 22, 2010, which says that unilateral declaration of independence by a part of the country doesn't violate any international norms, make this decision.'

If the referendum is in favour, the Crimean authorities will request for their country to become a constituent republic of the Russian Federation.

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Viktor Yanukovych, the ousted President of Ukraine, has accused his country's new government of fomenting a civil war and criticised the West for supporting it
Ukraine's acting president Oleksandr Turchynov has called for the formation of a national guard and for the mobilisation of reserves and volunteers into the country's armed forces to counter Russian military moves

Viktor Yanukovych (left), the ousted President of Ukraine, has accused his country's new government of fomenting a civil war and criticised the West for supporting it. Meanwhile Ukraine's acting president Oleksandr Turchynov (right) has called for the formation of a national guard

The declaration was signed by the speaker of the Supreme Council of Crimea, Vladimir Konstantinov, and the head of the Sevastopol City Council, Yury Doynikov.

It comes after Ukraine's fugitive president has accused his country's new 'bandit regime' of starting a civil war and criticised the West for supporting it.

Viktor Yanukovych, who fled to Russia last month after months of protests, was televised live on Russian state television and echoed Russia's rhetoric over Ukraine.

Speaking in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, Yanukovych repeated the Russian claim that the new Ukrainian authorities are kowtowing to radical nationalists.


He alleged that authorities could use military force against Russian-speaking eastern regions, pushing Ukraine toward a civil war.

Yanukovych said the May 25 presidential vote is illegal and said he would call on the U.S. Congress to halt Washington's financial aid to what he called the 'bandit regime' in Ukraine.

He added he would soon return to Ukraine.

The former president is among 18 Ukrainians subjected to asset freezes by the European Union, amid suspicions that he and his inner circle may have siphoned off vast sums from the former Soviet state.

A F-16 fighter jet takes off as NATO began wargames in Poland. U.S. jets are due to join the exercises as a gesture of Washington's support for its eastern allies after Russia's intervention in Ukraine

A F-16 fighter jet takes off as NATO began wargames in Poland. U.S. jets are due to join the exercises as a gesture of Washington's support for its eastern allies after Russia's intervention in Ukraine

Poland's President Bronislaw Komorowski (centre) and Defence Minister Tomasz Siemoniak (left) talk as they visit the Lask airbase in central Poland, where the testing took place

Poland's President Bronislaw Komorowski (centre) and Defence Minister Tomasz Siemoniak (left) talk as they visit the Lask airbase in central Poland, where the testing took place

Preparing for action? U.S. and Polish soldiers listen as Poland's President Bronislaw Komorowski speaks during his visit at the Lask airbase in central Poland

Preparing for action? U.S. and Polish soldiers listen as Poland's President Bronislaw Komorowski speaks during his visit at the Lask airbase in central Poland

Officials from the UK, US, Italy, France, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Japan, Turkey and Canada, meeting at the Foreign Office in London, were considering whether the measures can be extended internationally.

They were working on the criteria for selecting which members of the Russian administration could be hit by asset freezes and travel bans for their role in violating Ukraine's sovereignty, following the takeover of Crimea by pro-Moscow forces.

Decisions on the level of EU sanctions against Russia and the pace at which they could be phased in are likely to be taken when foreign ministers meet in Brussels on Monday, followed by a scheduled summit of leaders of the 28-nation bloc on March 20. 

Soldiers, believed to be Russian, ride on military armoured personnel carriers on a road near the Crimean port city of Sevastopol

Soldiers, believed to be Russian, ride on military armoured personnel carriers on a road near the Crimean port city of Sevastopol

Pro-Russian servicemen search people at Chongar checkpoint blocking the entrance to Crimea

Pro-Russian servicemen search people at Chongar checkpoint blocking the entrance to Crimea

An armed man, believed to be a Russian serviceman, stands near members of pro-Russian self defence unit before they took an oath to Crimea government in Simferopol yesterday

An armed man, believed to be a Russian serviceman, stands near members of pro-Russian self defence unit before they took an oath to Crimea government in Simferopol yesterday

Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk said the European Union would impose sanctions on Russia starting on Monday over its military intervention in Ukraine's Crimea region.

'When it comes to sanctions on Russia, a decision has in fact already been made, especially on the procedure of introducing sanctions.

'The consequence of this will be the start of sanctions on Monday,' Tusk told a news conference on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Ukraine's acting president has called for the formation of a national guard and for the mobilisation of reserves and volunteers into the country's armed forces to counter Russian military moves.

Oleksandr Turchynov asked the national parliament to approve a decision to turn the country's Interior Ministry troops into a National Guard 'to defend the country and citizens against any criminals, against external and internal aggression.'

Turchynov said that the mobilisation will include those who have previously served in the army and volunteers.

An armed sailor of the Ukrainian warship Ternipol stands on board as the ship lays anchored in Sevastopol, Ukraine

An armed sailor of the Ukrainian warship Ternipol stands on board as the ship lays anchored in Sevastopol, Ukraine


Pro-Kremlin militants today ordered a suspension of all flights in or out of Crimea's main airport in Simferopol except those connecting to Moscow, an AFP reporter on the scene said.

Militants have taken over air traffic control at the airport and a flight that took off from Kiev on Tuesday was forced to turn back to the capital after being refused permission to land.

A militia member, Ivan, who declined to give his surname, said: 'Air traffic control has been taken over, as well as the runway.'

He said the move was aimed at preventing activists from Kiev from coming to Crimea.
Ukraine International Airlines said on its website that flights between Kiev and Simferopol on Tuesday and Wednesday had been cancelled 'due to airspace restrictions'.

A source who works in the airport's air traffic control centre said armed men had entered and forced out local workers on Monday night. It was unclear if and when they may be allowed to return, the source said.

Russian forces have strengthened their control over Ukraine's Crimea region in the run-up to a referendum set for Sunday on whether to split off and become part of Russia.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who will fly to the Washington to meet with Barack Obama on Wednesday, called on Western nations to defend Ukraine against a nation 'that is armed to the teeth and that has nuclear weapons.'

Today, Ukraine claimed it had arrested a Russian spy operating undercover in the city of Donetsk.

The alleged agent - from GRU military intelligence - was seized in a joint operation between Kiev's secret service, the SBU, and police, it was reported.

The arrest amounts to the first spy scandal of the tense conflict between the two ex-Soviet states following the seizure of Crimea by troops loyal to Vladimir Putin.  

'In Donetsk on March 10 together with the SBU we detained a Russian GRU officer,' said Ukraine Interior Minister Arsen Avakov on Facebook.

He claimed that the detention was held 'in certain circumstances compromising to this special service'.

He did not give further details, saying the operation was being led by the SBU.

Russia is believed to have poured military intelligence agents and operatives from the FSB, its domestic counter-intelligence service, into Crimea, but this is the first time it has been claimed that an undercover officer has been detained on the Ukrainian mainland.

Ukraine has claimed that Russians with radical views or military training are being deployed in cities like Donetsk, in the east of the country.

David Cameron has warned Russia that its military annexation of Crimea in the standoff with Ukraine 'could prove painful for Putin.'

David Cameron has warned Russia that its military annexation of Crimea in the standoff with Ukraine 'could prove painful for Putin.'

They fear agent provocateurs are seeking to destabilise the cities which have significant ethnic Russian and also Russian speaking populations possibly as a prelude to Moscow seeking to annex eastern provinces of the country.

The announcement of the GRU agent's detention came hours before former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych is due to issue a statement from Rostov-on-Don in Russia, where he is now exiled.

The GRU, though less well known than the SGB in Soviet times, was widely regarded as Moscow's most professional espionage service.

Captain Yevgeny Ivanov, who seduced Christine Keeler, the lover of War Minister John Profumo, was a GRU agent stationed at the Soviet embassy in London.

There was no immediate comment from Moscow on the detention.

The spy detained was a GRU operative, like Captain Yevgeny Ivanov, the Soviet naval attached involved with the Profumo affair in the 1950s

The spy detained was a GRU operative, like Captain Yevgeny Ivanov, the Soviet naval attached involved with the Profumo affair in the 1950s

British Prime Minister David Cameron has warned Russia that its military annexation of Crimea in the standoff with Ukraine 'could prove painful for Putin.'

Mr Cameron was speaking in the German daily newspaper Bild after weekend talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The two leaders are the toughest talking in the EU against the Russian premier's military adventure that threatens war in Ukraine.

He went on: 'Vladimir Putin is one of the decision makers in the Crimean crisis. We want to encourage him to make the right decisions. And decisions to ease the crisis are in accordance with international law; Decisions that respect the right of the Ukrainian people to shape their own future themselves.

'I discussed Just that yesterday evening with Chancellor Merkel: How can we bring Putin back on the right track?

'If Russia does not cease  to destabilize the Ukraine, the countries of Europe will review the whole relationship with Russia, economically and politically.

'Europe clearly stands together in the crisis. We give President Putin the chance to set up a contact group, and to talk with us about the situation in the Ukraine and the situation in the Crimea.

'If President Putin fails to take this opportunity, he and Russia will have to accept painful economic consequences.'

He promised further sanctions 'if Russia doesn't stop destabilizing the Ukraine. It is about our values of freedom, law and democracy, for which Europe stands. For these values, we will stand up and stand together.

'Therefore, we will not hesitate to block assets of actors involved in rights violations. There are ways to freeze economic cooperation, which hit Russia hard. If necessary, we will impose entry bans.

A huge canvas caricaturing Russian President Vladimir Putin was unveiled by the Dekomunizace civic association on the seat of the Town Hall in Liberec, Czech Republic. The association protests against the steps taken by the strengthening Russian dictatorship in Crimea

A huge canvas caricaturing Russian President Vladimir Putin was unveiled by the Dekomunizace civic association on the seat of the Town Hall in Liberec, Czech Republic. The association protests against the steps taken by the strengthening Russian dictatorship in Crimea


Dr James Summers, director of the Centre for International Law and Human Rights at Lancaster University, has warned the planned referendum on the future of Crimea could 'backfire' on Russia as a bargaining strategy.

Dr Summers said: 'The referendum in itself violates international law as it stems from an illegal act, the invasion of the Crimea, which it seeks to legitimise.

'Russia may be using the referendum as a bargaining chip in negotiations, though this may backfire as the vote is so clearly tainted.

'If Russia was to follow the vote by annexing the Crimea it would be an act unprecedented since the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and a very serious violation of the UN Charter. The Charter was after all created as a reaction to the events of the Second World War.

He added: 'It should not be assumed that because the Crimea has a Russian majority that the population wants to unite with Russia. Recent reports have highlighted a generational gap with young Crimeans opposed to the Russian presence.'

Dr Summers added: 'Other neighbouring states will be looking anxiously at what is happening in Ukraine.

'They will see that it could also happen to them, and that could also work against Russia by turning more former Soviet states away from it and towards the West in the search for allies and support.

'Projecting raw military power in its own back yard could actually result in a loss of other influence in the region as it alienates other countries. It’s a delicate balancing act.

'We saw this when Russia recognised two breakaway regions of Georgia. Other states in the area didn't follow, despite heavy pressure from Moscow.'

'The negotiations on visa facilitation with Russia are already in place. And this is still not the end of the list of possible, painful measures.'

He said the actions of Russia were clearly against international law and that the Crimea was and is a part of Ukraine.

'What Russia has done is a slap in the face to international law,' he added.

Mr Cameron refused to go as far as Hillary Clinton in America, who compared Putin with Hitler in his ambitions for countries that did not belong to him, but went on: 'Mrs Clinton has chosen her words, and historical comparisons are sometimes unhelpful.'

He admitted there lie 'certain danger when someone exaggerates the fears in other countries or invents them to achieve their own goals.'

He added: 'In fact, the Crimean crisis is a test for Europe! Yes, we stand with the Ukrainian people and their right to determine the future.

'And: no, we do not accept the fact that Russia violated the sovereignty of Ukraine. We stand up for the rights of Ukraine together! And we will adopt together hard sanctions if Moscow does not leave this path.

'We do not have military scenarios in play but want to resolve diplomatically the Crimean crisis. I've spoken on Sunday to President Putin. I think even he must realize what it would mean to abandon the path of diplomatic negotiations.'

On the EU - a repeatedly sore topic between London and Berlin - Mr Cameron restated his belief that the EU should be more 'open, competitive, more flexible,' with decision-making powers shifted back to member states.

He added: 'I think also in Germany there are many people who feel the EU as patronizing, bureaucratic and constricting.

'If we want to win the economic competition with China, the far East and the United States, we need to be more competitive, more flexible.

'The EU must be also flexible enough to cooperate more closely with countries like Britain which does not want to join the euro as a common currency. We need a market for various currencies.'

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