{UAH} FUF is external branch of NRM that started on a wrong foot
The abrupt founding of FUF is suspect at a time when Ugandans in the diaspora and at home are gathering momentum and coming together to oust NRM from power, witness The Hague conference. If Sejusa and his supporters were for the opposition they should have attended the conference because the invitation was open to all Ugandans. Instead they held a separate conference shortly after The Hague one to show that there is an alternative.
Besides being rushed, the founding conference was restricted to a few handpicked participants to avoid opposition. One participant who either got in the conference by accident or changed her mind while there was thrown out for asking questions that were not tolerated. The participants wanted to meet in a closed session and hammer out a strategy to divide the opposition in the diaspora. However, exclusion and expulsion tactics have dealt FUF a serious damage.
The manifesto is also divisive. While the impression is about maximum mobilization, FUF is solidly founded on ecumenical foundation, meaning it wants to unify Christians only and separate them from the followers of other religions. According to our records, the first ecumenical council met in AD 325 at Nicaea and defined beliefs for all Christians – not all religions! So why has FUF confined itself to the Christian community only? Students of religions might tell you that that is a divisive strategy.
Another divisive strategy is appeasement of one particular group of Ugandans. Mentioning the 1962 constitution is indeed targeting a particular group that will join FUF and those not appeased will break away.
The founder of FUF still dresses in military uniforms because he knows that there are those in the opposition that want to use military force and will therefore join him against those who want peaceful change of the regime. He has also chosen to continue to use Kyankwanzi language towards the opposition leaders to drive a wedge between them and their supporters. The use of terms like insanity, bankruptcy and hatred are carefully chosen and applied.
The chairman and secretary general of FUF have used language intended to smear current leaders as incompetent. When you are told that the opposition has done nothing you are accusing the leaders of incompetence that should be abandoned and when you say that FUF leadership is second to none and the founder is a game changer you are conveying the same message that the current opposition leadership is not fit for the job. Such utterances have the potential of dividing up opposition groups.
While Sejusa and his team are getting ready to tear the disapora opposition apart, General Benon Biraaro is busy doing the same at home. His appeasement tactics targeting particular groups are designed to divide the opposition at home.
Our job as analysts is to advise Ugandans at home and abroad what is happening so that informed decisions are taken for the present and future of Uganda and her people.
NRM is in a bad shape at home and abroad, hence the abrupt emergence of Sejusa and Biraaro. If we allow them to divide us then NRM will survive. To stop that opposition groups must come together quickly under capable, experienced, selfless, dedicated and patriotic leadership.
A good leader doesn't always say what you want to hear – a bad leader does that. Instead, a good leader identifies problems without favor or fear and recommends solutions for debate and adoption by the people.
Sejusa and Biraaro are not on the side of the opposition. They are with Museveni and NRM to divide Ugandans at home and abroad in order to save Museveni and NRM and continue plundering the country and impoverishing the people.
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