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Police and ANC Fired and Shot Protesting South African Schoolchildren and the ANC Betrayal, The Clock is Ticking…

March 19th, 2014

     South Africa and the sterile flower of its Rainbow democracy has once again raised it ugly petals of ANC betrayal. Since history is the best indicator, those of our progressive leadership in solidarity with the ANC as the sole leadership of the anti-apartheid struggle. One would think that the so-called progressive activist seem to always lack political insight and historical understanding of the forces that they were in solidarity with.

    For this brings up the political integrity and insight of the US solidarity movement and its single issue approach to most things in the world. One of the things that the solidarity can’t seem to face is the actual betrayal of the masses of the South African people by the ANC leadership through Nelson Mandela.

      Since the mid-90s to Nelson Mandela death the world has seen the confuse chaos on internal dog fighting of who will get the grand prize of money and prominence from the electoral vehicle.

     While, in all bourgeois class elections of bourgeois democracy when the population is never in the position to choose any candidate, must choice the candidate that was given, the role of this type of democracy is to build consensus with political candidates and forces against their material interests. Thus the role of the electoral process is to provide rationalize of the capitalist election system as the best representative of human choice in a democracy. While the question of democratizing the economy will never be raised, thus the politicians must rely on symbolism of personal decency and concern. For this only provides a trade of theater and never actual program. For this involves a culture that dumb down the people outside of their own interests and to seek what is just through celebrity of elections.    

      What history has shown the world that the once so-called leadership of South African liberation has become the violent hounds of protectors of white capital and Black middle class privilege and there are no different than the violence of the white power of apartheid.

                                                            Thamsanqa Jantjie 

      Now the ANC has to try to maintain a level of legitimacy in the coming May 7th, 2014 election, after more than decade of Black working people betrayal by the ANC. Perhaps the gestures of Thamsanqa Jantjie the deaf signer at the Nelson Mandela funeral would be more relevant in expressing complete garbage of the coming internal dog fight of political symbolism.

     Last week the world has seen the empty dance of symbolism become the dance of repression of the people. What has to be understood in understanding current events in South Africa is to understand the transition from anti-apartheid to neo-liberalism was led by the ANC and its middle class agenda.

     A few days ago on March 15, African National Congress (ANC) spokesman Nkenke Kekana said his party would meet the citizens of Bekkersdal to discuss “concerns of the community.” Town citizens, together with schoolchildren, were shot at last week by the police and members of an ANC delegation campaigning in the area.

 Nomvula Mokonyane 

    Bekkersdal was the scene of powerful and intense protests lasting a month towards the end of 2013. People have not forgotten a visit paid by Gauteng premier Nomvula Mokonyane last October, when she was jeered and insulted by the very large crowds. She exacerbated that situation by telling her audience, “People can threaten us and say they won’t vote, but the ANC doesn’t need their dirty votes.”

     When people heard last week that the ANC dignitaries would be campaigning in the area, they erupted even in Mokonyane’s absence. Schooling was disrupted around 11 a.m. as pupils flooded into the streets.

     The local tabloid paper called mostly based Gauteng called The Citizen of the prior day carried a photo taken in Bekkersdal of an armed man wearing ANC colors. Nkenke said, “Right now, we don’t know who that person is. If he is a [VIP] protector, he is not supposed to wear ANC gear.”

Nelson Mdayi  of the ANC

     Without much difficulty, the Mail & Guardian identified the man as former ANC councilor Nelson Mdayi.

      As the blue armed cowards of the South African Police Service (SAPS) carry out state repression against unarmed miners is going to give the stench of South African fascism under ANC leadership.

     Another image from the Citizen shows a South African Police Service (SAPS) officer firing a shotgun at point-blank range at two civilians backed up against a wall.  Along with scores of other towns, Bekkersdal in the west of Gauteng continues to be the scene of violent protests over issues like municipal corruption. In last week’s incident, residents vented their spleen on an ANC contingent including Ntombi Mekgwe, head of the housing department in the provincial cabinet, and the West Rand district municipality mayor, Mpho Nawa. The politicians were canvassing door-to-door for the party ahead of the May 7 elections, when they were forced to vacate the area after being pelted with stones.

     Six people were arrested for public violence, according to Gauteng police spokesman Lt. Col. Lungelo Dlamini. ANC Gauteng caucus spokesman Mbangwa Xaba praised the SAPS and claimed there were no deaths or injuries in the clashes.

     Police fired at schoolchildren and residents who had barricaded streets with rocks and burning tires. The Citizen likened the scene to the Soweto uprising of June 16, 1976. By the time the ANC dignitaries arrived, there were running battles between residents and police and columns of black smoke in the air.

     A potential scapegoat for the authorities, the local community leader Thabang Wesi, denied that he initiated the attack on the ANC campaigners. Wesi, a leader of the Greater Westonaria Concerned Residents’ Association, said “residents learnt about the ANC’s planned campaign through social media networks.” He also goes to say that the violence was from another incident between two rivals local gangs call the Calabash and the Creatures.

    As evidenced by the two-month platinum miners’ strike, working class militancy is enjoying a needed revival. The weekly protests in every province are like little explosions foreshowing a more general conflagration. The timing could not be worse for the ruling ANC.

    During another door-to-door campaign last Saturday in the Jacksonville area of Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape province, President Jacob Zuma was jeered and booed by a crowd that was so inimical that bodyguards had to physically intercede. Before that, Zuma was booed at the South Africa vs. Brazil soccer match on March 5 at FNB Stadium. This is the same venue that hosted Nelson Mandela’s memorial service last year, and where Zuma was booed in front of a global audience. City Press reported that the ANC’s own internal polls show electoral support for the party slumping in 2014 to as little as %36 percent in Gauteng. The ANC won %64.4 percent of the same vote in 2009. An ANC West Rand branch chairperson said of the internal poll results, “The mistake we made was to underestimate Julius [Malema’s] boys.”


 Jacob Zuma being booed in Port Elizabeth 


    Expelled from the ANC, Malema now leads the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), which according to a 2013 Markinor poll could win over %7 percent of the vote in the province. Another ANC leader remarked that his party may well find itself in the “embarrassing situation where we have to go cap in hand, begging to Julius for a coalition for us to stay in power.”

    In spite of his leftist rhetoric, Malema has already signaled the EFF’s readiness to serve in that capacity.

 Julius Malema 

     The ANC position is that protests like those at Bekkersdal are about service delivery. More specifically, the party line is that a minority of citizens impatiently take to violence when they see that they lack the facilities already delivered to other communities, courtesy of the ANC government.

Peter Alexander and other researchers attached to the South African Research Chair in Social Change at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) refute such claims. In a Business Day piece, Alexander et al. point out that the very rubric “service delivery protest” has become a catch-all for issues encompassing representation, corruption, unemployment and crime. Citizens also complain about the quality of municipal services as opposed to absolute non-delivery.

    The Wits researchers urge the establishment to “take into account the way in which sympathetic handling of grievances can minimize conflict, and that dishonesty and arrogance trigger disorder.” Excluding the bloodbath at Marikana, they note that 43 protesters have been killed by police since 2004. There are “no reports of police killed by protesters.”

 Cyril Ramaphosa 

    The ANC government is oblivious and neglectful of all this. Already, indications are that Cyril Ramaphosa, one of the instigators of the Marikana mass murder of miners, is to serve as deputy president in the new administration. In this role, he will be entrusted and assigned with fulfilling the National Development Plan (NDP). Together with trigger-happy policing, the NDP, is an anti-poor neo-liberal blueprint, is the white ruling elite’s only answer to the worsening crisis of global capitalism.

     Under these circumstances, the ANC polls suggest that fully %25 percent of characteristic ANC voters are undecided about their preference in the upcoming election.

     For under this sterile dance of so-called rainbow freedom of the economic privilege of white settler colonialism and their raging dogs and proxies will play the dance of empty symbolism of electoral celebrities of plastic flowers trying to sale this is a real rose of democracy and they will even ask that Africans must take in the grant scent of this plastic rose, only to be told, by the metallic click of a fully loaded magazine ready to dance with the blue shirted cowards of the South African Police Service and this bitter dance of revolution will scream the whisper before the final assault to the people that history was on their side, but not time… 


            Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


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