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{UAH} NRM WOMEN MPs get $200 for Women's day


WEDNESDAY, 12 MARCH 2014 07:01

To celebrate the International Women's day on Saturday, each NRM Woman MP bagged Shs 500,000 from the party chief whip.

Insider sources said the money was doled out by Robinah Nabbanja [Kibaale, NRM], the party's caucus treasurer, in the presence of party Chief Whip Kasule Lumumba.The MPs picked the money from Lumumba's office on fourth floor of the Parliamentary Building on Friday night, March 7.

"NRM is giving out money to NRM MPs at the Chief whip's office" an excited parliamentary official told The Observer on Friday.

Lumumba's office was tightly guarded when this writer sought to talk to her. A female bodyguard at the door refused to let this writer through to meet Lumumba.

She said: "It is not possible [to meet her]; because she is in a meeting."

Lumumba emerged from her office at 11pm. Interviewed for a comment on the cash handouts, she said; "You know I have national issues I am attending to, so I had to leave office very late today," Lumumba told The Observer.

Prodded further, Lumumba said: "We have a caucus meeting on Monday at State House, so I am drafting some of the possible talking points as well as drawing the agenda."

Interviewed later, Nabbanja confirmed handing out the money.

"Yeah, it is true we have given out Shs 500,000 to MPs to enable them celebrate Women's day," Nabbanja said but refused to divulge the source of the money.

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