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{UAH} Seriously, what is next for Mbabazi? Any ideas?

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NRM MPs have ganged up against PM Amama Mbabazi

After a lengthy meeting on Monday, the NRM caucus in Parliament hammered out strategies to sell their Kyankwanzi resolution across the country and check the influence of the secretary general.

The resolution declares the NRM chairman, President Museveni, as the party's sole candidate in the 2016 elections, shielding him from the possible challenge of Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi, who is also secretary general.

The latest caucus meeting, the third in less than two weeks, adopted a manual that seeks to confront criticism levelled at President Museveni's leadership and family.

The manual attempts to arm MPs with ammunition to shoot down issues around which Mbabazi's supporters have rallied, according to intelligence information peddled by Museveni. Sources have told us that the president, who arrived about two hours late for the 2pm meeting, gave the MPs a brief, reiterating the importance of maintaining cohesion in the party.

He then left the floor for Information and National Guidance Minister Rosemary Namayanja Nsereko to present a draft campaign programme. Namayanja heads the national coordinating sub-committee in charge of the counter-mobilisation effort.

The other committee members include minister of state for Urban Development Rosemary Najjemba and youth MPs Peter Ogwang (Eastern), Patrick
Nakabaale (Central) and Evelyn Anite (Northern). The latter moved the Kyankwanzi resolution that has since set off a chain of events. Caucus members are to coordinate similar committees in their constituencies.

They have also been asked to co-opt district and sub-county chairpersons. Area MPs will be the main conveners of the meetings held at the sub-county level, supported by woman MPs.

"The idea is that, to avoid confusion, the woman MP, LC-V chairman and the constituency MP should address the same rally," our source told us.

The LC-III chairpersons will then be expected to pass on the same message to the villages. Namayanja, sources said, proposed that MPs should start the campaign by March 20.


As Namayanja read out guidelines contained in a manual her committee had prepared, Museveni reportedly urged members not to disclose what had transpired in the meeting to journalists.

"He told us to tell you [journalists] that the meeting was closed and therefore we have no comment," our source said.

Indeed several caucus leaders were tight-lipped when approached for a comment.

"It was a closed meeting, no comment, thank you," said caucus vice chairman David Bahati.

During the first caucus meeting at State House Entebbe on March 6, the president, quoting an intelligence report, accused Mbabazi, his wife Jacqueline and sister-in-law Hope Mwesigye of politically mobilising against him.

"There are people moving around the country telling people that the chairman [of NRM, Museveni] has failed to deliver, that he is now promising Ugandans hot air, that Museveni has run out of ideas and that he is no longer in charge; that the country is being run by his family," Museveni reportedly said.

To counter the charge that his family is in charge of the country, Namayanja's manual directs the MPs to explain to the electorate that the First Lady, Janet Kataha Museveni, was appointed Karamoja minister after being elected as an MP for Ruhaama county. The manual also explains that Gen Salim Saleh, President Museveni's younger brother, enjoys the perks that come with being a senior presidential advisor.

On Saleh's reported wealth, the MPs have been coached to remind Ugandans that the president's brother is a successful businessman. On Brig Muhoozi Kainerugaba, head of the Special Forces Command, the manual says the highly- trained army officer has risen through the ranks because of his abilities.

"He is a person like any other who chose to pursue a military career on his own. He is well-trained and committed to the service," an MP told us, quoting from the manual.

On the charge that Museveni has run out of ideas, the MPs have been coached to compile a long list of the president's achievements, particularly on roads, energy and improvements in health and education sectors. The MPs are also to highlight Museveni's strong leadership credentials.

The manual was not handed out to the MPs at the meeting partly because Museveni expressed discomfort with one point that appears to accuse him of abandoning party cadres who lost elections.

"He said that it should be amended because leaving it like that would imply that it is true he does not help his comrades that lose elections. He suggested that it should be amended to [say it is alleged]…," our source said.

The entire plan was discussed in Mbabazi's presence, the secretary general remaining silent throughout the meeting. At least one MP warned that the party was acting out of panic and confusion and was bound to make mistakes.

The MP, whose identity we have not yet established, claimed that Mbabazi's supporters had infiltrated the masses up to village level and so mobilising at national level would not be effective.

Two hundred and sixty MPs (caucus membership) is a small number to counter their campaign because they have massively recruited, the unnamed MP reportedly said.

ID project

Besides the counter-mobilisation effort, the meeting also discussed the national ID project with Museveni inviting Internal Affairs minister Gen Aronda Nyakairima to make a presentation. Museveni told members that the ID would help in preventing irregularities in the NRM primaries similar to those encountered in 2010.

"This project will help us end cheating in the primaries. We did not know who votes in our [NRM]elections because even members of the opposition have been participating; it is going to help us to identify who belongs to us and who doesn't," Museveni said.

Some MPs, like Sarah Mateke (Kisoro), and Stephen Birahwa Mukitale (Buliisa), wondered how non-Ugandans living along border areas would be screened out, but Museveni said as long as they live in Uganda, they should be registered.

"They should be registered but should be honest and tell us that they are citizens by registration and not by birth," the president was quoted as saying.
Some MPs viewed Nyakairima's presentation as aiming to persuade them to back the government's request for a Shs 237bn supplementary budget for that project.


#1 james 2014-03-12 09:29
Mbabazi and co. have to prove to the public that they can challenge their boss for the right cause. Otherwise,they will die a silent death.

Stand Up and prove that you can lead-at the moment Mbabazi can have a good number of NRM agree with you.Down road if you stayed silent and obedient to your master,you will die alone. Wake up and stop chickening Mr. Mbabazi.
#2 kelem 2014-03-12 11:19
Fighting a lost cause, M7 will NOT be around to contest for 2016.
#3 Semakula 2014-03-12 11:33
Quoting james:
Mbabazi and co. have to prove to the public that they can challenge their boss for the right cause. Otherwise,they will die a silent death.

Stand Up and prove that you can lead-at the moment Mbabazi can have a good number of NRM agree with you.Down road if you stayed silent 

and obedient to your master,you will die alone. Wake up and stop chickening Mr. Mbabazi.

BOTH Mbabazi and M7 are damaged good as as far as leadership is concerned..any this is the opening ugandans needded for others to try their luck and challenged him. The flood gates may just open
#4 Joseph Katuramu 2014-03-12 12:14
I have a feeling that the only reason why the Premier cannot stand up to his boss and say enough is enough is because of the previous many allegations against him. 

He knows too well that once he stands firm, they will go back and dig deep in all the files including those where he had been long exonerated by the same government and Parliament. 

He might also turn up to be the next rape suspect, who knows? He understand that method too well. But certainly he is violently being tormented and choosing to bleed internally. You know what has befallen the you who wanted to express a different view.
#5 Bayomba 2014-03-12 12:29
Please wake me up once M7 and Mbabazi have bee taken to their nursing homes.

Clearly they are both past their sell by date. 

Even when they wear those military uniforms to scare everybody they still look like OAPs.
#6 Lakwena 2014-03-12 12:30
My moral and ethical concern is: since 2001, with impunity, the NRM party has never filled a single accountability for all its General Election and political campaign finance.

The Electoral Commission has not even raised a finger to demand for accountability. They don't collect membership fee nor carry out fund-raising activities to raise funds to conduct their political activities. 

Therefore, where does the NRM gets is money from? Aren't these people thieves, using taxpayers money to fund their political activities.
#7 Faisal Saad 2014-03-12 12:43
My analysis of the on going political "panic" surrounding the NRM Leadership friction seems to confirm one thing. The NRM as a political party is "moulting" to became really mainstream. 

It looks like the "Bush and Historical" label can no longer be the only basis for political clout. Nothing can change history but the political environment has also moved on. 

The Party is increasingly being sustained by regular people from all over Uganda who mostly focus on the present. Zero publicity of these frictions will preserve the honour of many if it is not too late.
#8 Apollo 2014-03-12 12:57
The frantic, panicky state of the NRM Parliamentary Caucus exposes the internal contradictions that are stretching Party cohesion. Some political actors have stated that the caucus is betraying fascist or neo-fascist tendency, a wrong diagnosis that will prescribe wrong solutions. 

The NRM wants to project to us that it is democratic but its actions, especially in the recent past, have shown that it is neither democratic nor egalitarian. Because it is merged with the state it is yet to prove that it can survive outside the state. 

For now we know it is not self-sustaining or self-perpetuating. NRM wants us to believe it is adaptable and renewable, but will thwart any effort at competition for the top-most position in the party. Since it has not indicated that it can survive or outlive its founder, what then is NRM? It is a Monocracy; a tool for elevating and sustaining one individual in power. Beyond that, it is useless.
#9 Jane 2014-03-12 13:04
All that remains is for Museveni to take Mbabazi to every campaign rally and declare that he is still NRM and supports the 2016 project. 

The Mrs Mbabazi and Hope Mwesigyes are after all nothing without Mbabazi who is also nothing without Museveni. The events of the last few weeks have cleared that up for us.
#10 Francis 2014-03-12 14:22
Quoting Faisal Saad:
My analysis of the on going political "panic" surrounding the NRM Leadership friction seems to confirm one thing. The NRM as a political party is "moulting" to became really mainstream.

Like they say, "Are you the only man in Jerusalem who haven't known this?"

Even M7 knows that the NRM have done nothing for Uganda over the past 30yrs and will do nothing Pakalast!
And that's why they have to be coached.

Its a party of greedy and selfish individuals maintaied and sustained in Power through frauds and threats.
Borther don't say you were not warned, Pliz prepare yourself the worst, coz Uganda is up for grabs by hyenas.
#11 Empayippayi 2014-03-12 14:36
Mr. Museveni has never been so desparate as he is now. It is possible there will be no elections in 2016 because he is afraid he might not win!
#12 ande 2014-03-12 15:18
What really puzzles me is the sycophancy within this party called NRM. The MPS can even endorse M7 without "consulting their electorate". 

I thought they were peoples representatives ? Who gave them the mandate to make such a decision as if they are the voters? Their tricks will soon run out. Am almost getting sure this time kiboko squad will reign in on the villages!
#13 oska 2014-03-12 16:35
The fact is the truth hurts. Museveni & company have run out of ideas, there's nothing new they can offer Ugandans other than continuing to be parasites on poor Ugandans. 

How can a country with all the water bodies around, still be suffering from drought & famine? Then you claim to have a visionary leadership!!! 

You still do not have adequate electricity for industrializati on after 28 years in power, your people still fly to foreign countries for medical treatment that would otherwise be done here, the country is still depending on subsistence farming, you are turning every county in the country into a district, we are still importing pins & other small basic items. 

The list is long, & you are telling us you still have a lot to offer the nation? Please give us a break. The only problem is too much obsession with power, nothing else.
#14 oska 2014-03-12 16:44
As usual, MPs, we know most of them are financially bankrupt, so this is their chance to use that 'mobilization fund' to solve their financial problems. 

There is nothing the country expects from such people who abandoned their primary duty of checking the excesses of other arms of government only to turn into 'beggers'.
#15 Mubiru 2014-03-12 17:55
NRM has never abandoned the pretence of stealing public funds and that's why it has chosen the dubious methods of introducing IDs for their day light robbery to mislead the gullible and fools. 

Many decomocratic countries in the world hold free and fair elections without IDs. IDs have already cost the poor Ugandas billions already and yet none has so far been produced. IDs,like their other robberies, are used as a ploy to rob the country. 

The same thieves are the owners of printers "specialising" in producing forged documents, like university degrees, land titles etc. They will be in business to print forged IDs and make billions while poor Ugandans are wallowing in incredible poverty. 

Dictators, the self style socialist are the worst pretenders. Gaddafi claimed to be a non-drinker yet his fridges were fully stocked with whisky, champaine etc when his palaces were ransacked. The "socialist" had billions in overseas banks.
Where is Gaddafi today?
#16 Jimmy 2014-03-12 18:03
Amama Mbabazi might be the only historical member of NRM left to fight for internal democracy in the party. If he fails, the NRM will die with Museveni.
#17 patricia 2014-03-12 18:28
M7 likes to say MPs are broke and bankrupt so is he,if M7 did not have Bank of Uganda and supplementary budgets to bail him out he would be a beggar. 

He lives way beyond his means at tax payers expense. He treats our Treasury like his personal piggy Bank. If he was a Manager of a Company it would have filed for Bankruptcy and he would most probably be in jail for embezzlement.
Greediest Leader in Ugandas history
#18 patricia 2014-03-12 18:31
For a man who is supposedly very popular and every Ugandan knows his so called achievements why is he so afraid? 

Is he just a coward? or is it that he knows he took us for a ride all these years and knows how tired Ugandans are of his Dictatorship? Where even the Youth are being hounded for expressing their freedom using his crony Kalyekazi Kaihura
#19 Phalanch 2014-03-12 19:40
[quote name="Bayomba"]Please wake me up once M7 and Mbabazi have bee taken to their nursing homes.

Man seriously no one needs to wake you up ,we all need to act like Vultures now that M7 and company are starting to show some signs of weakness they have violated the natural order and eventually they are collapsing under the weight of their internal contradictions. 
The truest freedom is of a mind a conscious act to embrace the unknown , Mbabazi is not a free man so does the rest of us.
#20 kaigumba 2014-03-12 19:49
The truth is, it us Ugandans who are to blame for this malaise, parliament long ago abandoned its overseer mandate and checking the excesses of the executive. Ugandans we are stupid to have allowed this impunity for so long. We keep doing the same things with the same leader and expect different results, no further metaphorical definition of stupidity than this. We laid our bed lets sleep in it forever, when we wake up we will never know what happened the 1986 glimmer of hope to rebuild and unite the pearl of Africa. The term professionalizi ng the army is twisted to personalizing the army under our very observation in broad day light.

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