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{UAH} Uganda needs campaign reform laws for true democracy to take hold.

There is an overarching need to provide oversight through a regulatory body akin of a campaign finance committee, to author and enforce some voter ethics laws that will clean up our election system top to bottom. We have got to call out all those who have beat the peasant poverty lines while salaried as civil servants to account for their excesses in these campaigns -the President himself has admitted having been the last Peasant to beat poverty in his family! 
Where did he get all the money he was giving out during all his campaigns for office ? Why are Party folks all of a sudden tight lipped on past precedence and wild eyed about public funds being misappropriated -soon as other folks express a desire to contest the top position? 
Doesn't anybody from the NRM Party question the wisdom of throwing bags of money at the poor -without forethought that such moves are killing the very seeds of our democracy for good -or even the thought that such money when judiciously spent on clinics and schools could be put to better use,to reach more people and save lives -instead of hopelessly buying the vote of poverty stricken individuals by a few shillings that last them for only a day without solving their long term problems.

Where is the wisdom and who is the genius in the Party, churning out such short sighted proposals? I cringe at the thought of buying people's votes-there is indeed a violated Principle in doing that while making the claim that you are democratizing the country.

Rt. Hon. Mbabazi, ought not be scoured alone for a prevailing culture that has been encouraged and fostered by the commander in chief. He has simply carried himself like all the Romans while in Rome, albeit with a bit more caution. Perhaps you could scold him for not standing up to his Boss as a Lawyer and saying it is unethical to dip into the national treasury as the executive branch and use it as we please -for all those times you ran for office- you could argue that he never wanted to be alienated like KB -that should come as no surprise given the retaliatory nature of the person presently in command.

Don't get me wrong, I don't condone some of the practices coming out of this NRM camp and for the longest time I have pondered about the genius behind some of the consumables that we have been fed to us from its core. I think some individuals within it, once they express independent mindedness and indeed show any aspiring signs of contesting the Presidential seat, they are singled out maligned and made pariahs in the most awful way possible as recently witnessed; while the president is left to smell like a rose-no matter how wrong his Points of sail are configured. How do you deal with upward mobility in the Party and how does it progress from here onward -if something were to happen to this one President -with whom they have entrusted all their eggs!

Tendo Kaluma

Ugandan in Boston
 "To ask a dictator to implement democratic measures after 30 years in power is an oxymoron" 

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