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For decades, museveni has been using and abusing intelligence agencies to spy and gather intelligence on his political rivals. Long before the enactment of law authorising the interception of private communications, the practice had been in place. Some of the architects and defenders of the practice have of recent fallen victim of the same practice. Museveni has confessed to tapping into the private communications of the Mbabazis using electronic surveillance devices. Such action is purely personal and should not have involved the use of intelligence services. Intelligence is information obtained about the enemy of the state.The fact that Museveni calls it intelligence, implies that the agencies charged with collecting intelligence were involved. Arrogant as he is but more so the fact that the act was illegal, he did not obtain a court order as required by law before tapping into the private communications of the Mbabazis. He simply used his personal security agencies (ISO, ESO, CMI, State House, SFG ETC) to mount surveillance on the victims. Of course, for useveni, anyone who seeks to challenge his presidency is an Enemy.  

No doubt this is a case of outright abuse of office that makes his a subject of impeachment. Due to the fact that he has his big numbers of his cohorts in parliament, impeachment proceedings would be defeated. Leave alone being defeated, it cant even take off due to intimidation and bribery. Given his cadre members of the Bench, even a judicial inquiry is not possible. However, the incident should be an eye opener to Ugandans that the desperate Museveni has a whole library of  both visual and audio recordings of private communications and engagements of his political rivals real and perceived. Church leaders and other civil society leaders are not spared either. This is what Speaker Kadaga alluded to last month when she stated that "No national leader is safe".

In June 1972, U.S President Richard Nixon who had sought to strengthen his reelection campaign had to resign over allegations of illegal activities that included bugging of offices of political opponents. President Nixon has abused his executive powers by using the CIA, FBI and Internal Revenue Services to carry out his illegal activities. Because the USA has strong democratic institutions, the incident was questioned leading to the Presidents resignation.  In Uganda, Museveni has destroyed institutions and any semblance of pillars of democracy  - separation of powers. 
Though Amama Mbabazi was the architect of the law that is now eating him up and his presidency would be a continuations of Musevenism, some courageous Ugandan should initiate impeachment proceedings against Museveni on account of abuse of office.

 The Mbabazi saga is more grave to the Museveni presidency more than what is captured by the public eye. Museveni is so panicky and worried that the only way out is to either frame a criminal case, knock off or postpone the 2016 general elections elections. The Mbabazi team is waiting for the convening of the constitutional structures of the NRA in order to unleash their scheme. That is why they are not detered by what transpired in Kyankwanzi and subsequently State House. The law is on their side but they should also know that at the end of the day, dictatorship will prevail and Museveni will emerge the winner though limping. A big number of NRA supporters are behind the Mbabazi scheme in order to secure their future survival. This development was fueled by the opposition pressure for change. The NRAs behind Mbabazi believe that the wind of change can be neutralised by the exit of Museveni as a person on accound of his long stay in power. Museveni is currently not sure of who is for him and not save for his ethinic Himas. This is the same  scenario that existed in 1985 leading to the second of ouster of President Milton Obote.


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