Lord God, the fountain of true wisdom, thou that openest the secrets of thy own self unto man, thou knowest mine imperfection and my inward darkness: Therefore I will call upon thy name always and in thee I will become mighty.
Jehovah Elohim, Holy art thou Lord of the universe, Holy art thou the vast and the mighty one. You are the source of all powers, and all beings, vaster than all greatness, stronger than all strength, better than all praise Lord of Light, oh thou flashing fire, that illuminates all things.
Spirit of life, Spirit of wisdom, Spirit of knowledge, spirit of understanding, ceaseless motion in eternal stability, immortal, ineffable
Oh imperishable breath of life, thy majesty, Golden, shining above the Heaven of stars We praise thee, we worship thee, we bless thee in the changeless empire of created lights of shades, of reflections, and of images.
Oh imperishable breath of life, thy majesty, Golden, shining above the Heaven of stars We praise thee, we worship thee, we bless thee in the changeless empire of created lights of shades, of reflections, and of images.
Elohim we praise your imperishable brilliance. Be thou eternally blessed. Take honour, power, strength; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we have prayed Amen, Amen, Amen.
Jehovah Zebaoth, Adonay, Elohim, Oh blessed and omnipotent trinity, praised above all things, Oh Almighty, eternal, true and living God teach me to perceive and understand properly, (O creator of all things), for your wisdom is all I desire. Fix your words in my ears, (O creator of all things), Fix your wisdom in my heart, (O creator of all things) Heal me with your power (O creator of all things). In Jesus Christ of Nazareth mighty name we prayed. Amen, Amen, Amen.
"It is not out of fear but out of a feeling for what is right that we should abstain from doing wrong." "Doing right is based most of all on respecting the other person." "We ought to do our best to help those who have suffered injustice." "The wise man belongs to all countries, for the whole world is a homeland to a great heart." "Poverty in a democracy is as much to be preferred to so-called prosperity under despots as freedom is to slavery" "I would rather discover a single causal law than be king of Persia!"
Democritus (ca. 460 BC – ca. 370 BC)
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