SV: {UAH} Here are our Honorable honorables
How about the party they represent, have they
not come to the level of being burdened
by unscrupulous players? Can the party not force them to take time-out?
Noc'la gau
Den onsdag, 2 april 2014 20:36 skrev Owor Kipenji <>:
Noc et al:This MP's case is not as straightforward as we think.Parliament may not have thelocus standi to suspend him,given that his dealings were not on behalf of parliament.These civil cases need to be handled by the courts and if found guilty,that is when maybe parliament can come in assuming there is a legal basis for parliament to act.This is a typical case that banana republics deal with day in and day out.Remember even CHOGM,GAVI and the allied funds that were misappropriated by those charged with their dispensation on the behalf of the Wanainchi only lead to some gamesmanship where a few individuals that the system wanted to control were sent to Prison and later released on bail after Ssebagabe had paid them visits in Prison as if torub it to them that he,Ssebagabe is always in Charge.KipenjiOn Wednesday, 2 April 2014, 1:29, akim odong <> wrote:
Nokrach;Law makers in this country are the first to break the law and because they are untouchable, they get away with murder. In any other democratic country where the judiciary is supreme, MP Balikuddembe would have long resigned or atleast walked to the police station and handed himself in.akimOn Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 10:47 PM, gaumoy nockrach-laduma <> wrote:
"..Balikuddembe has two files with the same offences but before different magistrates.On Tuesday, he was supposed to appear before Buganda Road court Grade One magistrate Simon Kintu but he did not turn up which tempted Kintu to issue him criminal summons..""...Balikuddembe between November and December 2013 at Nibya office at Serena Conference Centre without reasonable excuse issued a centenary Bank cheque no. 559 for shs 11,850,000 to Nibya drawn on account No. 3010012270 ..""..... this file Balikuddembe issued over 6 false cheques to one Emmanuel Masesane.Prosecution led by Nelly Asiku alleges that on 31st July at Kikuubo in Kampala District without reasonable excuse issued cheque No. 00106 of Housing Finance Bank Kikuubo Branch with face value of 110,000,000 to one Masesane Emmanuel to be withdrawn from account Number 0133220200 knowing that there were no sufficient funds on the said account to pay the amount specified on the cheque within the normal course of banking business......"What does this guy have to have eluded justicefrom JULY(!!!) to now?!?What were they waiting for?Certainly, he should have been suspended from Parliament pending trial.Noc'la gaumoy"WE FORM THE CULTURE THAT FORMS US"….noc'la gaumoy.Den tisdag, 1 april 2014 23:33 skrev Allan <>:
Court extends MP Balikuddembe's arrest warrant
Joseph Balikuddembe, the Busiro South constituency Member of Parliament.newvisionBy Angela NalumansiBUGANDA Road Court Grade One Magistrate Araali Muhiirwa Kagoro has extended the warrant of arrest against Busiro South constituency Member of Parliament Joseph Balikuddembe for allegedly issuing false cheques to Nibya a money lending company.This after the legislator failed to appear in court twice to answer charges against him.Prosecution led by Peter Mugisha alleges that Balikuddembe between November and December 2013 at Nibya office at Serena Conference Centre without reasonable excuse issued a centenary Bank cheque no. 559 for shs 11,850,000 to Nibya drawn on account No. 3010012270 without reasonable ground to believe there were sufficient funds in the said account to pay the amount specified on the cheque within the normal course of banking business.Magistrate Araali Muhirwa issued an arrest warrant for Balikuddembe's arrest but it's been all in vain and has now decided to order police to arrest him and produce him in court to answer the said charges. The legislator is expected to appear before court on 19th April 2014.Balikuddembe has two files with the same offences but before different magistrates.On Tuesday, he was supposed to appear before Buganda Road court Grade One magistrate Simon Kintu but he did not turn up which tempted Kintu to issue him criminal summonsIn this file Balikuddembe issued over 6 false cheques to one Emmanuel Masesane.Prosecution led by Nelly Asiku alleges that on 31st July at Kikuubo in Kampala District without reasonable excuse issued cheque No. 00106 of Housing Finance Bank Kikuubo Branch with face value of 110,000,000 to one Masesane Emmanuel to be withdrawn from account Number 0133220200 knowing that there were no sufficient funds on the said account to pay the amount specified on the cheque within the normal course of banking business.It's further alleged that on the same date at the same place he issued 5 other different cheques of the above mentioned Bank all valued at 100 millions each totalling to 500 millions to the said Masesane to be withdrawn from the said account number well knowing that there was no money on his account.Balikuddembe has been summoned to appear before magistrate Kintu on 15st April 2014 to take plea on the charges against him.--
*A positive mind is a courageous mind, without doubts and fears, using the experience and wisdom to give the best of him/herself.We must dare invent the future!
The only way of limiting the usurpation of power by
individuals, the military or otherwise, is to put the people in charge - Capt. Thomas. Sankara {RIP} '1949-1987
*"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violentrevolution inevitable"**… *J.F Kennedy
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