Ssebo Gook
For some days I have posted to you reports about Canadians that want to get treated yet end up dead for the government refuses to pay their mediation. In as much as you have pleaded for Obama care and wondered why we as Canadians don’t support the nonsense Obama is planting in United States, I have spent last week posting pieces about Lynn Fletcher that died in just days after failing to convince the province to pay for her treatment. Before I go any further it is very important for me to point out that the medication Lynn Fletcher wanted to remain alive to today, and spend more time with her 11 year old son and 9 year old daughter, are actually paid by other provinces than Ontario. I know for example that British Columbia pays for it but Ontario does not, so to get it you need to be a resident of BC.
So in your continuation to plead for Obama care for it works in Canada I thus post you a different case that has popped up just today. WATCH: 12-year-old pushes for drug funding at Queen's Park This is today in Toronto Tuesday. I want you to watch that kid very closely as she tries to preach her story, and I need you to watch that smile very closely for she is a very sick child with a disease that requires a treatment we Ontarians don’t pay for. This kid has been at the premier’s office today and she was even denied to see her, she has gone home and with time I will post her death for it is a very given. And trust me I have seen very many that it is no longer a story to post but I saw no value in posting them for this is our problem till when you defended Obama care for it will make them have the system we have. I can post these things on a daily basis by the way for they are that many out there.
American friends good luck with Obama care for it works miracles in Canada.
On the 49th Parallel
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"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
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"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
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