{UAH} Jews too busy polishing diamonds to mow lawns - American Evangelist Robertson
This Evangelist is notorious for spewing insensitive diatribes that he excuses for pastoral sermons. As for the reference to diamonds, he might have a Biblical reference point. In Exodus, God is reported to have commanded Moses, while in the bush, to return to Egypt with a special message to Jewish housemaids working for Egyptians: they should leave with all gold and silver in the house. Hard to believe, but there it is; God himself advised Jewish maids to steal expensive gems from their masters! This is the origin of names like Goldberg, Silverman, etc.
Pat Robertson: Jews Are Too Busy 'Polishing Diamonds' to Tinker With Cars, Mow Lawns
By Anita Bennett13 hours ago
If there's one thing we know about Pat Robertson — he doesn't mince words.
The televangelist, and former GOP presidential candidate, delivered another zinger Monday, when he welcomed conservative activist, Rabbi Daniel Lapin to his Christian Broadcasting Network show "The 700 Club." Lapin was there to promote his book "Business Secrets From the Bible" about making money.
Robertson started the interview by asking, "What is it about Jewish people that make them prosper financially? You almost never find Jews tinkering with their cars on the weekends or mowing their lawns."
Lapin didn't appear the least bit surprised or insulted. In fact, he agreed with Robertson. "No, I pay one of the best mechanics around to take care of my BMW. That's what I do. I'd be crazy to take my time doing it myself," Lapin said. "Or for me to mow my lawn, I'm the worse lawn mower in the world, but the young man who lives down the street from me, he's one of the best and he's happy to do it. I'm happy." Later in the interview, Robertson joked that Jews are "polishing diamonds, not fixing cars."
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