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{UAH} Understanding the UNAA Convention - Rates increase in 2 Days!


26th Annual UNAA Convention
"Unity through Cultural Awareness"
August 29th - August 31st, 2014
Hyatt Regency - La Jolla at Aventine
(Official Hotel of the UNAA Convention)
San Diego, CA

Understanding the UNAA Convention 

At its inception in Atlanta, Georgia in 1988, UNAA was primarily a social gathering of Ugandan families celebrating the American holiday of Thanksgiving together. However, even at that early a stage, the organizers of this gathering recognized the latent potential and possibilities of a more formal association. Two years later in 1990, further discussions were held at a similar gathering in Dallas, Texas and UNAA; as we now know it was born.

The principle objectives of the organization can be simply summarized as follows.

"To promote the social, cultural and economic development of all Ugandans in North America"
Over the past 26 years, UNAA has hosted 25 annual conventions in a multitude of different cities throughout the United States and in Canada and Uganda. The hosting of these conventions is one of the many ways in which UNAA fulfills its principal objectives described above. On average, a typical UNAA convention attracts about 1,000 delegates from throughout the world for a weekend of social interaction, cultural entertainment and business networking.
This year UNAA will host its 26th Annual Convention in San Diego, CA, over the Labor Day weekend under the theme, "Unity through Cultural Awareness." A very exciting slate of forums, workshops and entertainment activities has been planned including the following.
  • Trade and Investment Forum
  • Northern Uganda Forum
  • Technology Forum
  • Ssenga / Kojja Forum
  • Health and Awareness Forum
  • Political Forum
  • Traditional Dances and other Cultural Entertainment
  • Formal Banquet featuring Traditional Ugandan Cuisine
  • Miss UNAA 2014
  • Young Adult Networking Social and Forums
  • Youth Programs
  • Popular Musicians and Entertainers from Uganda and North America
  • Boat Cruise
Nowhere, and at no time else will Ugandans in North America be able to meet and socialize with so many Ugandans from other communities throughout North America under one roof. This is truly a unique opportunity that should not be missed.
Current registration rates for this convention are; $240.00. Registered UNAA members received a $30 discount on this fee and UNAA Student Members receive an additional $10 discount. This fee is slated to end on April 30th. You are invited and encouraged to register for the convention before this deadline.
The official hotel where the entire convention will take place is the Hyatt Regency La Jolla, CA. Of the room block contracted by UNAA, 90% have already been reserved. The room rate is $169.00 per night. Here also you are greatly encouraged to book early as it is very likely that this block will be fully booked in the next few weeks.
Do not Miss the Dinner Cruise
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 Convention Registration:  
Boat Cruise Registration:   
Hotel Booking:                 
For convention and hotel information, visit

UNAA Secretariat
+1 855 873 8622

"United We Stand"
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Click here to Reserve your Room for UNAA San Diego at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla.
(The Only official UNAA Convention Hotel)
Click here to register for the UNAA San Diego Dinner Cruise

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