The Baganda should quit petty politics and rise according to size. It is the most populous in the country but punder to the lowest quest in politics. Talking of size, Lukwago the Kampala mayor could not qualify for a basketball team even in the land of pygmies, but that is no reason why he should continue to fight for a cheap position such as the mayor of a disjointed city such as Kampala instead, he should fight to lift up the millions of Bagandans who have been silenced by hope and promises by a government that for the last thirty years has been riding on their back for bwerere. This hope and unfilled promise was recently painted by a Buganda district chair of NRM who begged the Chairman of NRM and president of Uganda for a bigger 4x4 because the roads in his district is impassable.
Lukwako should take advantage of his popularity as a fighter, to a higher level. In Poland, revolution came in the figure of a leader of an obscure electrician who having been persecuted by the communist regime, went on to form a solidarity trade union, and as a mouth piece for workers, he raised his game and shouted for the nation, giving birth to a bloodless revolution. Lukwago as a symbol of persecution, should role up his sleeve and start looking beyond the dusty mayoral office, fit for a hen pen. He should call on the populous but forever sleeping Baganda to wake from their deep slumber and speak as a voice.
The fact that Lugwako may not be the sharpest tool in the box, will not prevent other groups, opposition parties and tribes from coming round to his support. Like the story of Golliath, people have a soft spot for a weakling who stands up to a giant and Lukwago with his size and ability against a tired government machination will definitely look like an innocent lamb against a blood thirsty hyena. In such a scenario, i know which side Ugandans will come to the rescue. But Lugwago has to wake up the sleeping masses. What Lugwago lacks in size should be made up in number or else his myopic pursuit for the mayoral office will fritter support and respect from the masses!
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