Nyar pa ONYANGO and UAH folks,
FIRST, I think Europe is once again in square one on RACISM, which brought both the First and the Second World where ADOLF Hitler was seen as the hero hence the Kristallnacht - good-damn it the holocausts in which 6 million JEWS were annihilated in just one night!
SECOND, we all know that RACISM came from Europe to Africa, North America, and (Asia) Australia. This means, in UK where structural RACISM could have been brought down, both the Conservative party and UKIP just poured Petrol on fire!
LASTLY, I do not know if both the Conservative party and UKIP party can condemn President MUGABE of Zimbabwe or they will still play the double standard politics to block Julius MALEMA of South Africa to play their RACISM Cards as well! This latest EU elections proved that intolerance is the best politics which the African Continent should learn and use it whenever it is required as Europe is doing!
Ocaya pOcure
Den måndag, 26 maj 2014 22:30 skrev eun Nyaronyango <>:
Europeans had EU polls yesterday and in the news, it is said the right-wing parties say it is Ebola virus that will put a stop to immigration influx. Almost all EU countries sent so many EU parliamentary members, with France and UK racist parties sweeping the whole country by a whole 25%, and thereby being the biggest party in France at EU level......
Eunice Onyango
Rembo of Sweden
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