{UAH} FW: [UNAA View] What is happening in UNAA
This is indeed interesting especially given the fact that the original message was written by Moses Wilson, an official UNAA BOT member, who was in the minority of ALL the Board of Trustee rulings. That he is now turning around and blaming others is not acceptable.
> No group has moved or left UNAA. In fact, it is the UNAA executive that
> has gone rogue, trying to destroy UNAA's institutions (UNAA Council, Board
> of Trustees) and the UNAA Constitution. They have formed an elite clique and disregarded the other 2 branches of the administration.
> Members will not submit to the one branch administration they are imposing on us. The constitution requires 3 branches and so it will be.
> The rogue executive are breaking up UNAA and leaving it behind forming
> their splinter group. They have turned a deaf ear to the high cost of
> UNAA programs that the other two branches would like to see. Suggesting that members who are fighting for your rights have left UNAA is wishful thinking.
> No group has left UNAA and to see people who have introduced divisions in this wonderful organization by disregarding its institutions suggest that is unbelievable.
> This group of a rogue executive with their few sympathizers like Moses Wilson have no right to stop members from fighting for their institutions. They may not see that they are the ones who have left UNAA and that is why you the members need to
> tell them the truth.
> Members are sad to see them go but UNAA and its members are not going anywhere.
> Join the fight, come to unaacauses.org
> Come save UNAA.
> Members temukiriza kubabuzabuza.
> Join the protest that has no gimmicks no financial interests. We just want to UNAA back!!!!.
> >On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 3:07 PM, WILTEC10@aol.com [UCOCA] <UCOCA@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
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> >Members of the Ugandan Community in Southern California.
> >Please accept my sincerest greetings and belated best wishes for Mother’s Day.
> >I would like to take a moment and give you a somewhat blunt assessment of what is going on in UNAA today. Please understand that this is not an official statement from the President or Executive Committee of the organization, but my own personal opinion.
> >Later this week, it is my hope to submit to you an update on the status of the upcoming 26th Annual UNAA Convention that will take place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in La Jolla (San Diego) over the Labor Day weekend.
> >Our community here in the Greater Los Angeles area is blessed to have 6 different houses of worship (5 Christian and 1 Muslim). Other than maybe a difference in name, all acknowledge and worship one God. These many different houses of worship reflect not a dysfunctional community with members fighting each other over whose format of worship is right or wrong, but a reflection of diversity in how members choose to worship the one God. Many members regularly rotate between churches to accommodate personal schedules and special occasions. Indeed, it is not unusual to find members of one faith attending the worship services of a different faith. By the same token, there are those who adhere faithfully to just one place of worship and completely eschew all others.
> >In the same way, this diversity is reflected in the many social and service organizations in our communities; organizations based on tribal affiliations such as Ggwanga Mujja, Basoga Twegaite, International Community of Banyakigezi, Acholi Community of North America, and others. Here also, it is not unusual for community members to affiliate with and peacefully participate in the events of multiple organizations. And here also, there are others who choose to affiliate with only one organization and eschew all others.
> >UNAA is an international organization whose principle objectives are to “promote the social, cultural and economic development of all Ugandans in North America.” Admittedly this is a somewhat wide net of objectives, but simply put, the organization is an affiliation of Ugandans who chose to associate freely and peacefully work in pursuit of the organization’s objectives. The organization does not discriminate against anybody because of tribal origin, religious beliefs, political affiliation, social or economic standing, age, or gender.
> >However, UNAA is not for everybody. Just as there are some members of our community who choose not to associate with others of different religious beliefs or political affiliations, there are members of our community whose beliefs and practices are not compatible with those of UNAA. And just as members have broken off from parent churches in the past and formed new churches, or broken off from other parent organizations to form new organizations, members have broken off from UNAA in the past and successfully formed new organizations that best served their specific needs and values.
> >What we are witnessing in UNAA today is a replay of what has happened multiple times in the past; the departure of a group of members who disagree with the current leadership and administration of the organization, and the formation of a new organization that reflects their specific beliefs and values. This is not a bad thing. UNAA cannot be all things to all people and the creation of alternative organizations, just like with the creation of alternative churches, is ultimately beneficial to our Ugandan community.
> >So, as a long-time member of UNAA, past president of the organization, current member of its Board of Trustees and staunch supporter of its current executive leadership, let me state that I fully support the departure of the disgruntled members and have absolutely no opposition to their creation of a new organization. Indeed, I fully supported a similar action in 2010 during my term as the UNAA President. However, it is regrettable that in so doing, some leaders of the new organization have embarked on a campaign to try to destroy the parent organization UNAA. This course of action benefits no one and will ultimately prove extremely costly to all. Apparently, the lessons learned in 2001, and again in 2010 have faded from memory.
> >So let me conclude with a reassurance that as in past instances, UNAA will survive this challenge and once again arise bigger, better and stronger.
> >Meanwhile, our sister Ugandan community in San Diego is hosting the annual UNAA Convention this coming Labor Day weekend and is looking to us for support. It is highly unlikely that the UNAA Convention will return to Southern California in the foreseeable future so for many this will be the best opportunity to attend what is undeniably the premier Ugandan social, cultural and business networking event in North America.
> >Sincerely.
> >Moses R. Wilson, PE
> >Member – UNAA Board of Trustees
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> _______________________________________________
> Uganda Festival San Diego 2014 by UNAA Causes:
> $89 - 'Inspiration' Festival Boat Dinner Cruise Ticket:
> unaacauses.org/festival_boat.html
> $160 - Registration:
> unaacauses.org/Register.html
> $149 - Marriott La Jolla Hotel:
> unaacauses.org/event_venue.html
> $245 - Combo (Boat + Registration):
> unaacauses.org/Register.html
> Subscribe | Unsubscribe:
> http://unaacauses.org/mailman/listinfo/views_unaacauses.org
> UNAA Causes 5051 E. Orangethorpe Ave, Suite E195, Anaheim, CA, 92807, USA +1 855 326 3566
> No group has moved or left UNAA. In fact, it is the UNAA executive that
> has gone rogue, trying to destroy UNAA's institutions (UNAA Council, Board
> of Trustees) and the UNAA Constitution. They have formed an elite clique and disregarded the other 2 branches of the administration.
> Members will not submit to the one branch administration they are imposing on us. The constitution requires 3 branches and so it will be.
> The rogue executive are breaking up UNAA and leaving it behind forming
> their splinter group. They have turned a deaf ear to the high cost of
> UNAA programs that the other two branches would like to see. Suggesting that members who are fighting for your rights have left UNAA is wishful thinking.
> No group has left UNAA and to see people who have introduced divisions in this wonderful organization by disregarding its institutions suggest that is unbelievable.
> This group of a rogue executive with their few sympathizers like Moses Wilson have no right to stop members from fighting for their institutions. They may not see that they are the ones who have left UNAA and that is why you the members need to
> tell them the truth.
> Members are sad to see them go but UNAA and its members are not going anywhere.
> Join the fight, come to unaacauses.org
> Come save UNAA.
> Members temukiriza kubabuzabuza.
> Join the protest that has no gimmicks no financial interests. We just want to UNAA back!!!!.
> >On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 3:07 PM, WILTEC10@aol.com [UCOCA] <UCOCA@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
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> >Members of the Ugandan Community in Southern California.
> >Please accept my sincerest greetings and belated best wishes for Mother’s Day.
> >I would like to take a moment and give you a somewhat blunt assessment of what is going on in UNAA today. Please understand that this is not an official statement from the President or Executive Committee of the organization, but my own personal opinion.
> >Later this week, it is my hope to submit to you an update on the status of the upcoming 26th Annual UNAA Convention that will take place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in La Jolla (San Diego) over the Labor Day weekend.
> >Our community here in the Greater Los Angeles area is blessed to have 6 different houses of worship (5 Christian and 1 Muslim). Other than maybe a difference in name, all acknowledge and worship one God. These many different houses of worship reflect not a dysfunctional community with members fighting each other over whose format of worship is right or wrong, but a reflection of diversity in how members choose to worship the one God. Many members regularly rotate between churches to accommodate personal schedules and special occasions. Indeed, it is not unusual to find members of one faith attending the worship services of a different faith. By the same token, there are those who adhere faithfully to just one place of worship and completely eschew all others.
> >In the same way, this diversity is reflected in the many social and service organizations in our communities; organizations based on tribal affiliations such as Ggwanga Mujja, Basoga Twegaite, International Community of Banyakigezi, Acholi Community of North America, and others. Here also, it is not unusual for community members to affiliate with and peacefully participate in the events of multiple organizations. And here also, there are others who choose to affiliate with only one organization and eschew all others.
> >UNAA is an international organization whose principle objectives are to “promote the social, cultural and economic development of all Ugandans in North America.” Admittedly this is a somewhat wide net of objectives, but simply put, the organization is an affiliation of Ugandans who chose to associate freely and peacefully work in pursuit of the organization’s objectives. The organization does not discriminate against anybody because of tribal origin, religious beliefs, political affiliation, social or economic standing, age, or gender.
> >However, UNAA is not for everybody. Just as there are some members of our community who choose not to associate with others of different religious beliefs or political affiliations, there are members of our community whose beliefs and practices are not compatible with those of UNAA. And just as members have broken off from parent churches in the past and formed new churches, or broken off from other parent organizations to form new organizations, members have broken off from UNAA in the past and successfully formed new organizations that best served their specific needs and values.
> >What we are witnessing in UNAA today is a replay of what has happened multiple times in the past; the departure of a group of members who disagree with the current leadership and administration of the organization, and the formation of a new organization that reflects their specific beliefs and values. This is not a bad thing. UNAA cannot be all things to all people and the creation of alternative organizations, just like with the creation of alternative churches, is ultimately beneficial to our Ugandan community.
> >So, as a long-time member of UNAA, past president of the organization, current member of its Board of Trustees and staunch supporter of its current executive leadership, let me state that I fully support the departure of the disgruntled members and have absolutely no opposition to their creation of a new organization. Indeed, I fully supported a similar action in 2010 during my term as the UNAA President. However, it is regrettable that in so doing, some leaders of the new organization have embarked on a campaign to try to destroy the parent organization UNAA. This course of action benefits no one and will ultimately prove extremely costly to all. Apparently, the lessons learned in 2001, and again in 2010 have faded from memory.
> >So let me conclude with a reassurance that as in past instances, UNAA will survive this challenge and once again arise bigger, better and stronger.
> >Meanwhile, our sister Ugandan community in San Diego is hosting the annual UNAA Convention this coming Labor Day weekend and is looking to us for support. It is highly unlikely that the UNAA Convention will return to Southern California in the foreseeable future so for many this will be the best opportunity to attend what is undeniably the premier Ugandan social, cultural and business networking event in North America.
> >Sincerely.
> >Moses R. Wilson, PE
> >Member – UNAA Board of Trustees
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> _______________________________________________
> Uganda Festival San Diego 2014 by UNAA Causes:
> $89 - 'Inspiration' Festival Boat Dinner Cruise Ticket:
> unaacauses.org/festival_boat.html
> $160 - Registration:
> unaacauses.org/Register.html
> $149 - Marriott La Jolla Hotel:
> unaacauses.org/event_venue.html
> $245 - Combo (Boat + Registration):
> unaacauses.org/Register.html
> Subscribe | Unsubscribe:
> http://unaacauses.org/mailman/listinfo/views_unaacauses.org
> UNAA Causes 5051 E. Orangethorpe Ave, Suite E195, Anaheim, CA, 92807, USA +1 855 326 3566
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