{UAH} Impossible 2day_ I was thrown out of the home we built togetherPublish Date: May 27, 2014
The days of such behaviours are gone!
- Husband now threatens death
- Forces wife to sell her land, denies her child support
My husband got me out of school and we started a life together. My school mattress was our bed as we both had nothing.
Now he has got some money he has brought another woman in the house and chased me with our children. I do not have any refuge where I can raise these children.
This is Prossy Katusiime’s story of heartbreak and despair after her husband, Steven Asiimwe, chased her from their home in Nyanama Busingiri Zooni
Katusiime was hounded out of the home they built together
I met Asiimwe in my form four vacation in 2006. My parents had planned to take me to nursing school but because of the love Asiimwe showered me I fled home with a few personal belongings and came to Kampala to start a home.We started our home with property I was supposed to take to school. We slept on my mattress in a one roomed house in Nateete.
We were both jobless but God was kind to us and Asiimwe soon got a job. He made money and soon was dealing in cars.
I also started a small business of selling groceries. He however stopped me from working saying he was making enough money to look after me. I opted to stay home and look after our children.
The rentals which Katusiime was forced to sell leaving her with nothing to her name
Things got better and soon we were into real estate. We had land in Kitebi and Nyanama.While my husband was at work I supervised at our building sites. At one point I even miscarried because I was working hard on one of our sites.
We entered our house in 2012. However before I could even warm the house Asiimwe brought in another woman and relegated me to a one-roomed house. He even gave her the garden I had tilled with my own sweat.
It’s heartbreaking that this is the thank you my husband has accorded me having started together in poverty.
While constructing our house we had made an agreement that this would be our home with our children but lust made him relegate me to the servants quarters.
My stay at the servants’ quarters was also short lived because soon he was hounding me out and forcing me to sell them and leave since he no longer wanted me around.
He made death threats against me which I reported to Katwe police on file number SD: 52/12/08/13 and SD: 57/30/10/13.
He has however repeatedly snubbed police summons.
Soon the hostility turned physical and he started beating me up and threatening to kill me if I did not leave.
I reported this to the area chairperson, David Muyanja who also advised me to sell off the rentals and leave since my husband was determined to sell off the land anyway.
I sought advice from friends who urged me to sell and leave. Cornered and tormented I was forced to sell the place at sh14m. Because we co-owned the land with my husband he signed the sale agreement to John Baptist Byalimana.
Of course he demanded that we share the money equally because we were going to share responsibility of the children.
Later he coaxed me to give him more money to inject in his business and I gave him sh4m more. He also said I could go back to our home and stay with together.
I believed it was a change of heart but this turned out to be a nightmare because after a month he chased me.
Defeated and battered, I went back to the village with my children but later returned to the city and rented at the same place I had sold.
Strangely the man is still making death threats if I do not leave. He has also stopped giving child support and whenever I approach him he says I sold my houses which would have been a source of income.
Now the eldest child is supposed to go to school but I have no fees.
Asiimwe’s story
Steven Asiimwe says he gave his wife her share when they separated and she misused the money therefore, it’s not his problem.
“If she cannot look after my children let her give them back. I asked her to give them back and she refused,” he says.
Byalimana who bought the land says the couple signed the sale agreement together but now Asiimwe is threatening to him as well if he does not get rid of Katusiime.
“I have no problem with her and now the man is threatening to sell the land I bought from them if I do not chase her,” Byalimana says.
The area chairperson, David Muyanja, says the couple bought the land together but he has failed to understand what their misunderstanding is all about sine several mediation efforts have failed.
“I have tried my best to intervene in their wrangles but have failed so I forwarded the matter to police since the man seems complicated,” he says.
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