UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.


Fellow Ugandans


Our problem is very simple, any government force must have two kinds of soldiers, commissioned officers and non-commissioned officers.  Commissioned officers are usually the commanders. When you reach that level you are moved from men, and it is addressed as officers and men for that very specific reason. Officers protect society and men obey orders.  You get your own mess and it called an officers mess, the men drink by themselves. That was never created as an accident, no it was created so that we get a clear gap between the commanders and the men. Commanders are to protect the public from the men. When Lt Col. John Ogole passed away the other day, someone I forget said in this very forum that he served under Ogole command in Katikamu, and he was a very good commander. Just how did that happen? How did Ogole create the relationship between himself as a commander and this "man"? Because he looked the other way. And I read it and I wanted to go after it but before I went after it poor George Okello decided to very rudely interrupt me. When George was writing the other day he said and I quote "Acholi soldiers are lining up in London in praising him for he was a good commander" End quote. Again the term "A very good commander" But of cause he allowed them to steal from people, Ogole allowed his soldiers to rape amass, and he became a friend of his soldiers than being  a commander that protects the very venerable from "the men". Look at the current government of Uganda, who is taking all the beating today? Of course it is Kale Kayihura, why? Because it is "his" people, The Police Officers that get sticks and beat the crap out of people as cows. If you beat a cow in this country you get arrested under the animal abuse act, but in Uganda under Kale Kayihura, they beat them daily. If Kale dies today Police Officers cry for he is the only man that protects them, thus "a very good commander."


Think about this, John Ogole and Okoth Ogola both studied in United States. Both served Uganda governments to protect the population, why has Ogole died in UK yet Ogola is in, and will die in Uganda? Because Ogola served the people yet Ogole served his soldiers.


When you look at a force as of Iddi Amin, you would never beat up people with sticks and live to see the next day. Did you ever see a Police Officer an army officer or a prison officers beating up people with sticks? No because the officers would pick you up and very fast. Who can stand up today as a former Police officer in Amin government and define Okoth Ogola as "a very good commander"? No because he was never a good man, he was brought in to kick ass and so he did. I saw army soldiers standing in front of Adris and piss in their pants, let alone to shit into them. And that is very literary stated. He has no reason to call you and he has nothing to do with you and he only deal with the commander of your commander period. How did John Ogole become "a very good" commander? By looking the other way when our women, our daughters, our mothers, our grandparents in Luwero were being raped left and center. And I am going to come back at this rape disease that has ignited in Uganda. Now let me say this for the very first time in a public forum. Amin's government had a list of people, specially selected let alone trained,  and they were about 10 or 15 only, that were licensed to kill.  They had special warrant cards signed by Amin himself, they had a special revolver directly imported for them, and they answered to only themselves. They had no unit no branch and no uniform, but if you as a soldier a police officer a prison officer came across one, and he was not happy about the way you treat  society, and he arrests you, don't bother calling your dad for he knows the God damn Captain, don't bother calling Iddi Amin, for you have been arrested by a one that is licensed to kill. They were picked from the army from Police from Prison and specially trained to how to go after bad officers. So never ever think that the army and police left you alone by accident. Never think that Amin's soldiers never raped any one for they were good soldiers, no they had a very tight supervision. Lt Col. John Ogole was a very good commander for he looked the other way. 


I have seen very many writings that Iddi Amin was favorable for Banubbi or Moslems let me clarify that one more time. Uganda is a country that has two sectors, the elites and politicians that are in politics in Kampala who work with the government, and the entire population. You can screw Uganda all you want politically, but that screw will be limited to Kampala and Entebbe. Ugandans just want to make money and live good lives. What John Ogole did was to erase that line and allow his soldiers to come after us. A people that had nothing to do with Politics, if UPC rigged election it had nothing to do with my grandmother and it never had anything to do with my daughters. Record must show that Ogole crossed that line by allowing his soldiers in Luwero to rape our people. What was in Luwero was never a war about power in Kampala but a war of who owns what pantie. And yet John Ogole looked the other way.   Iddi Amin respected that line and he never crossed it. Up to today, I don't know a Haji, a Sheik, a Mufti, or any Moslem in Uganda that was powerful and he went to rape our children, if you know any Moslem that walked into our houses and raped our grandmothers I need you to stand up tonight and state so and very widely. There were powerful men like The Migdadis in Lake Katwe, they had all money, they had all good cars and they had all sorts of sons both in Lake Katwe and in Kampala. Let us talk about the Kadingidis, let us talk about Sheiks like Amus Ssessimba, very powerful and with all money disposables. Who did you see raping our children? And I need a God damn name. So because you are a Munubbi and you can say Kabala Kwesi gave you a right to screw the old lady? Heck no it never happened. And if any one dared cross that line he was history. To today in 2014 I have not seen a single complaint from a woman that she was raped by a Moslem or a Munubbi. Nada. Iddi Amin drove his car every evening to ask for the panties and he said please …….  !!!!!


In the very many years I have spent in these forums, I have defended Northerners than they have defended themselves, and in the process I have taken so many nose bleeds. I have been incorporated with UPC and called a UPC member but a son of Obote and working for Obote. I raised the camps in the North and East publicly, and I was the one that went after the Northern rapes. If I die today I will go on record as a Muganda that has defended Northerners the most. It has cost me friends and it has cost me a certain relationship from a thigh gap, that is how much defense I have handed Northerners in these forums. But with a clear conscience I can never stand in a public forum and defend Lt Col. John Ogole, because he looked into my district and he decided that we all had no value. His soldiers raped our children and he looked away. He was wrong then and he has died wrong and his sell of his book to Museveni is simply the ice on the cake. And he is not alone, there is another one we are watching that was in Luwero, this is Ogole's time but yours will show up as well. Time is always on our side. We have sat all these years and we have kept quiet, we have been ignored, and we have been denied a public independent hearing. When the hearing about Luwero was started by Museveni it was George Okello that was into it, and today it is George Okello praising Ogole, was George Okello ever in Luwero? Was his grandmother ever screwed in Luwero when he is watching? If George Okello speaks when Ogole is terrorizing us, and he speaks when Ogole dies, at what point do Luwerorians speak exactly?


Let  me address my friends from The North especially Acholis.


Friends I was born into Luwero District, I was in Luwero in most of the war time so I was among those that Lt Col John C. Ogole pressed into the pressure cooker. But growing up as a child I was educated that we are born with women as a gift from God. They look beautiful and they have pants that we all love. But I was educated as well that if you want a pant from a lady you look in her eyes and ask her if you can borrow them. For we only borrow them. I grew up knowing as well that if you ask nicely, 85% of chances they are going to say yes you can borrow them. I never knew of a raped woman in Luwero to my adulthood. None. And how would you? And that is how I grew up to even passing Iddi Amin government.  I have followed the traditions of both Langi and Acholi, Lt Col John Ogole has been a leader of the Langi elder council in UK. and and George Okello has stated that he has been respected.  I have no reason to question that recommendation.  Why do you rape women? Why do you prefer putting a gun on their heads to screw them? Is this a societal issue or something that just went amiss from the elders? As soon as UNLA arrived from Tanzania we started to see rapes in the country from places that the Tanzanians left, and this is where it is interesting, Tanzanians made so many babies in Uganda but they were not taking women on gun point, Northerners actually were. West Nile women raped, Ombaci women raped. When Ogole arrived into Luwero every pant that was in Luwero was screwed and by force. I have never knew that you can screw a woman her mother and her daughter same time and same room, apparently this was done with Ogole looking the other way. What is that?


When you look at men like Chongwok he was raping women in day light and many times in front of their husbands. If you know Kireka town he pulled a woman from the shop that looks directly to the road going to the hill, and he screwed her in a house just behind the Kireka market on Namugongo road. By Toronto standards one and half a God damn block. Chongwok left the store open and a very huge store, dragged the woman to the Land Rover and took her into the house. The poor fellow/husband coming back and found the shop open with people standing outside, where is my wife? She has been taken in that house by Chwongwok. On reaching the house, there were two Acholi army officers sitting on the door with guns and Chongwok was inside with the woman screaming Liya kama Muganda yenyewe. The rapes that were stared by UNLA continued into Luwero and John Ogole protected it as our women and children were being humped some times in our faces. We were left with none virgin, all grand Mas were raped, all children were raped and all women raped. And yet Ogole looked the very other way. I have called on a stop of rapping Northerners, I have written to Uganda government officials and I have written to all international organizations to make them aware that rape is used as a weapon in The North. I have made public that HIV is being planted by force in the North. But when I sit with those fighting in The North, I continually get reminded that Acholis educated us that women can be raped, let us rape them too.


I am calling on all Baganda and all Northern elders to put a stop on this. This is not who we are. We don't rape women and we do not rape kids as we do not rape grand Mas.  Southerners have pushed this rape to include even men yet we have no reports of Northerners raping men, so this payback time thing has to end and it ends today. Yes John Ogole allowed it to develop but we as human beings can honestly put a stop on it.


Although George Okello has decided to find me and murder me,  I still believe that I live in a very democratic society. And in a democratic society it is very encumbert to the prosecution that the defense gets a time to prepare its defense. I have filled the case of Luwerorians Vs. a one Lt Col. John C. Ogole. And it is the satisfaction of the prosecution side that we have done a very good case. There is way more that I can point out but I know I have a very limited time because Ogole is being interned tomorrow,  and he thus has a constitutional right to prepare his defense. I am therefore with this writing, stopping my pieces about a one John Charles Ogole, so that he gets his full 24 hours to prepare his defense for he will need one. Unless someone needs me to clarify what I have stated already but this will be my last piece about this man that was handed a government power to protect us, yet he simply refused and looked away as we were being terrorized by his own men. The prosecution of Luwerorians Vs. John C. Ogole thus rests.

Now, George Okello yes I know you are coming after me, kindly I need this done fast,       do not bring an AK47 but



On the 49th Parallel          


            Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


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