As I continue with the thread about who Lt. Col John Ogole has been, I need to address the Luwero district while under his command. I am not going to go back into what we have already gone through but I get very tired of Luwero simply looked at as a Luwero triangle and a Luwero war. What was a Luwero triangle, what was a Luwero war and what decisions did John Ogole make let alone how they affected us as Luwerorians.
What many of you fail to realize is that Luwero had a very large number of UPC members. Many of our people were UPC supporters, and we thus got a very first-hand development right from Obote one government. We got the best Baganda ministers and we got the best systems working. For example Luwero got most of the coffee factories, we got most of the cotton ginneries. Luwero district until when things fell apart was the most electrified district in the entire God damn country. We had power in Luwero Bombo Bowa Kikyuusa Luwube to you name it, and those that know the district those are corners of everywhere in the district. Among the very many developments we gained from UPC government was such a massive educational institutions that were nowhere in the country. Bukalasa Agricultural college was in Luwero, but so were so many high end secondary schools. Many of the schools we had at a time were importing all children from all parts of the country, but also from all countries in Great Lakes. Churches like Anglican and SDA had so many kids from Kenya and Tanzania studying right in Luwero district. Although Luwero district built many high end schools, they built them mostly with girls dormitories. So schools were built mixed but the boys were living outside when the girls were in-boarding, which was very normal in Luwero district. It is the nightmare that John Ogole built on girl’s boarding schools in Luwero district, that I intend to raise tonight. And my submission to you tonight will be the agony John Ogole built for Saint Mbaaga Senior Secondary School in Kakiri.
Saint Mbaaga was a very normal secondary school that had kids normal and playing when they are studying as all very normal kids do. They were not politicians neither were their parents, but they had a high school fees which they paid, for the school had a good syllabus. St Mbaaga was easy to access for all you needed was to go to Kakiri and you get a taxi to Kampala. But again as I stated before it was only the girls that were in the dormitory. After the election so called rigged, Museveni decided to go to Luwero into the war and mainly stationed himself into or near Kakiri. Hoima road became a problem some time and many times or all times. And I am not going to drive you point by point on how Police stations started to be blown up and anarchy started to be blow up. There was a permanent presence of UNLA into Kakiri that is no question asked. Lt Col John Ogole as an overall commander was in Kakiri very many times. The situation never got any better for there was a cat and mouse chase in the area sometimes permanently stationed in Kakiri or out or nearby, but I want to fast forward to a point of how Saint Mbaaga senior secondary school got directly involved with the one John Charles Ogole.
Because he had passed a general instruction of no school closes for Luwero is a safe place, Saint Mbaaga remained opened as all schools were. There were many skirmishes that happened just close to the school, students were told that the situation was okay for UNLA was in control. A security meeting was called which was attended by Ogole, among which a headmaster of St Mbaaga stood up and directly request Ogole for permission to let the school closed or to shut down just the dormitory. Through all intentions and purposes, that school should have been closed already for the area had been clearly deserted for everyone was running out and sleeping in the forests. But you had a bunch of girls that would not be released to go to the forests and sleep and they had to sleep into their dormitories every night and every day. The headmaster had a problem also for he had reached a point of not being able to fed the children, they were getting food from supplies that were no longer able to deliver for many places were impassable. There was simply no firkin common sense leaving Saint Mbaaga open. Lt. Col John Ogole stood up and rightly informed the headmaster that the school was remaining open for there was no immediate danger. The meeting closed. It is important to realize that Ogole had very several options, {a} He would have allowed the children to go home and live with their parents because the war was mainly only in the Luwero triangle yet he refused. {b} He would have called on all government vehicles he had access to and they would have trucked them out under escort to Kampala, yet Ogole never did so. {c} If his intention was to lie to the international community that the war was under control he would have set up an army detachment to protect the school which was a very venerable school with girls yet he also refused to do that either. Villages after villages around the school got attacked, Hoima road started to produce so many dead by blowing up cars and bombs, yet Saint Mbaaga remained open. Lt. Colonel Ogole instructed the school to remain open yet he turned around and abandon it. Was he a bad parent? No Ogole was actually a very good parent for he remembered to leave all his children set up in UK. Did he abandon our children for he was just a very bad man? God will ask him that question and one simply can’t fail to beg to be the fly on the God damn wall to hear his answer, for trust me that question will come up.
Four days after that meeting, very credible intelligence started to come to the school that NRA was going to attack it that night. At this point, the classes were running with very minor kids for the boys were in hiding, but all girls were still littered all over the God damn place. They ate dinner and went to bed as always. Because of the sheer death that was smelling in the dormitory, the kids split up into two sections, one section decided it was bolting out that night and was leaving. A second section became the very true Uganda girl told by the Head Master and John Ogole that the situation was under control go in your bed room and lock the door we will take care of you. They refused to join the escaping girls. The escaping girls after dinner got their suitcases and stupidly packed them for I am going home with all my belongings, and they surely broke the gate and fled out of Saint Mbaaga Senior Secondary. On reaching the main road it was littered by all fighters and my God help us to know who was in charge of this section or the other, suite case was a bad idea, so that was dumped at get go, can we take the road? No bad idea as well. For the entire road were contaminated. It is night, they have no money, they have no cell phone and they have no transportation but they have broken the gate for credible intelligence said Saint Mbaaga SSS was going to be under attack that night. They got off the road and walked through farms till when they hit the forests where it took them 5 days to cross to some “normal” lives. It is tough to understand what they ate what they drunk how they slept and how sore they were.
Saint Mbaaga was surely attacked that night for the intelligence was very credible, and in the process of attacking it, the remaining girls were harvested, and those that refused to be harvested were killed. Everything useful was looted, the guards were murdered and the head master with his family were also gunned down. To today we do not know who attacked that school, because I cannot state that it was NRA as I cannot state that it was Kayiira’ s army as I cannot state that it was Gwanga’s army. What was in Kakiri was an anarchy a very reason one questions the intelligence in the decision of Ogole to deny the school closure. Let me add as well that there are those that believe that John Ogole also got the intelligence about that attack, I am not here to state that he knew that the school was going to be attacked, what I can state is that if the school got the intelligence and it was that credible yet he failed to get it, then I question his ability to command. Saint Mbaaga should have been Col Ogole’s priority one, and why? Because he decided to use it when he clearly knew it had very venerable girls. And yet he failed or simply refused to. The kids that survived from that attack mostly, got physiological problems and many have failed in Uganda let alone those that have ended up in diaspora, they have failed to respect authority for authority abandoned them.
When we look at a situation of the girls in Nigeria today, and we scream God have mercies, that kidnap sends a very different message to these now old women. One of them said and I directly quote “When I see the Nigerian president stating that he was going to look for the girls, I see John Ogole’s pathetic face promising my safety” And that is a direct quote. Friends we have lived the Nigerian girls kidnap already and we have already passed it only that what happened in Luwero, remains curved into a Luwero war capsule and no one talks about the very minor details that created “the triangle”. And when Ogole decided to write it he sold out to Museveni’s government. Let me not keep you that long I am summing up.
The suffering of girls in Luwero boarding schools under Ogole’s direct instructions, was not limited to Saint Mbaaga SSS Kakiri only, so were schools like Light College Katikamu, or Light and Grammar as it was proudly called, so was Katikamu SDA, so was Ndejje SSS let alone Teacher Training College that was training girls who were living in. Our girls had a night mere for Ogole locked them inside the pressure cooker, he and Museveni created in Luwero. Up to today I have failed to understand the intelligence of a Commander trained in United States, where all rights and privileges are educated, fight a war with a rag army, with no uniform and no front line, and you turn around to refuse any one to leave the theater. To today that question has failed to be answered in my head.
In the many years I have sat in these forums, I have seen very many names of those that fought in Luwero dead. Few days ago we were informed how The late Sserwanga Lwanga (aka "Kalogoyi") passed away, we were educated how Jet, Kyaligonza, Kashillingi, Kimera and Mutwalib all passed away. We are today being informed how Lt. Col. John Charles Ogole has as well passed away, one of those very dark days I am going to log on my computer and post the passing of Yoweri Museveni and trust me I will. All these Ugandans have a single thing uniting them, they all die and their families get informed about the deaths, the families get the best funeral homes to process their bodies, the families get the best Reverends, Pastors, Muftis Sheiks or you names it, and they all pray for the best accolades to the individuals, they go to funeral homes and buy the best plots to bury them into, and put the best head stones on their heads with best accolades. Then we as society turn around and classify/define them as dead heroes with Uganda as a state has lost a pillar. Fellow Ugandan I have a very basic question to you today. At what point do the Ugandans that these Ugandans killed or caused to die, who have no grave let alone grave stone, no pastor praying, reach a point of becoming identified as Uganda heroes? At what point does their death become classified as a national loss?
Good night from the West side of The Atlantic.
On the 49th Parallel
Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
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