UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.


Mr Abbey Semuwamba,


This means that, although I am not asking you to unsubscribe me, I will not be participating in any discussions or debates for the foreseeable future. My reasons for this drastic decision are as follows:

1. You have refused to accept my advice that I gave you at the end of last year to take measures to improve the quality of contributions to the forum. I told you that, as UAH had reached a critical mass in terms of its membership ( almost 70,000), it was time for you to push it upmarket in terms of its quality and the intellectual content of the contributions..Sadly, the quality of the contributions has continued to deteriorate in direct proportion to the dwindling of measured and well-thought out submissions, contributions or debates. By raising the membership to such a high level, you unfortunately failed the test that most fora face, that of transforming such a critical mass into an intelligent, well focused, innovative and creative discussion forum. You seem overwhelmingly seduced by quantity, ie numbers of the membership, rather the quality, ie the nurturing the few individuals within the forum who are capable of giving intellectual spark. The level to which UAH has sank now means you can not attract other serious minded contributors because the forum is now predominantly a playground for frolics, gossip, pornography, lurid exhibitionism and and hapless renditions and generally a free for all market where anyone who is tired or bored can pass their time. The sadness is that you have stymied the flowering of a good project.I am therefore sad to say, as Chinua Achebe narrated in one of his novels, you are like the village glutton who, on entering the village  eating competition, swallowed a whole goat only to choke on its tail. This is the real tragedy of UAH.
2. You have failed to give UAH an editorial line. Every serious forum shouldo have a properly articulated editorial line- this does not mean suppressing or censoring other ideas or limiting freedom of expression- it simply means that UAH can develop a line which becomes its reference point. On this point, you therefore seem to just be sailing a rudderless ship with no mainmast that blunders and sways wherever the wind blows it. This is no good.
3. You are either unaware of or totally oblivious to the fact you have been slowly but surely making UAH become a mouth piece for pro-Idi Amin fascist revisionists and apologists. A series of articles you have allowed Edward Mulindwa to post here, praising the fascist dictator and his murderous deeds raise very serious questions about your political and moral judgement. This and your own intemperate comments on the fascist dictator, for eg, advocating for Ugandan schools to teach the murderous deeds of the dictator in a more "positive" light, make it almost untenable for you to be a moderator of an objective forum driven by truth and moral consciousness. Much as we would like anybody to have an opinion, we must always be cognisant of the fact we don't live in a moral abyss, that despite all of the challenges, the trials and the tribulations of an increasingly troubled and violent world, we have not lost the ability to distinquish between right and wrong. Indeed all of the writings of Edward Mulindwa on Idi Amin,  even if you sanitised and cleaned up its grammar, would not be touched by any intellectual forum anywhere in the world. Glorifying fascism, or giving aid and succour to fascist ideas is still a serious criminal offence in countries such as Germany, and there are many reasons for this, one of which is to deny recidivists a platform on which they can begin to plot their comeback..
4. By making Edward Mulindwa your "columnist of the month", you seem not to be aware how much you have hurt the feelings of the  millions of victims of the fascist dictator. heaping praise on a recidivist popinjay is the last thing anyone expects from a Moderator and it probably just goes to show you yourself have secret sympathies for fascism and are glad about the terror that he visited on our country. There are very many people here on this forum who are victims of the fascist dictator, including myself and I find it truly shocking that a person who writes in praise of such a murderous megalomaniac can be annointed by you as forumist of the month.
5. You keep allowing very trivial postings to come through- people for eg posting "hahaarggg" and such like, 
6. There is too much ponographic material posted or those with a sexual innuendo. If you allow this to continue, UAH will soon not be any different from Playboy or such like. But there are already very many sites which post such material without UAH trying to compete with them.

I will however l continue to follow UAH, although I will not contribute anything. In particular I want to continue to read the following individuals and the distinctive issues they raise:
1. Comrades Ronald Okuonzi and Lado Lado. I want to follow the debate on the Lado Question, especially its history and genesis. I have become very interested in it, and after I end my involvement with the Muslim Moro people of the philippines, I think I will pick it up.
2. Dan Bwanika and his very positive and entreprenarial ideas.
3. Reverend Paul Mugerwa  for his treatises on religion- I used to be a very devote catholic
4. Robukui for he always has his ears to the ground
5. Ambassador Ikanos because of her annoying writing style which makes you work hard
6.Ocen Nekyon WBK  and POim for representing their adopted country Kenya here very well. They save me the trouble of having to read Kenyan newspapers. Also POjim for his journalistic thick  skin- a man who refuses to get annoyed or ruffled- if he was a dog, he would not be ruffled by a bitch on heat. WBK because sometimes he is accidentally right- he was the first to spot the new sensation by the French Philosopher Derridda  titled  Late Capitalism- I never thought he read marxist or neo-marxist works.I just ordered my copy.
7. Professor Eric Kashambuzi- I like to follow the fortunes of his one man party
8. Dr Kipenji who lately seems to be carrying his scalpel with him all the time, given how he has hardened his professorial treatment of his subjects who have gone astray, including the rather hapless Robert Sekindu, but also one of the few contributors who know me personally
9. The rather ascetic and I must say misguided Robert Atuhairwe, Tony Owana  Ahmed Katerregga and other NRA hacks who keep hoping against hope- they still expect to grow apples when they planted a man's testicles.
10. Sheme and Akim Adong for  their  level headedness. I just wish Akim will soon put meat onto his bare-boned federal idea, for it is naked at the moment.
11. The monarchists or Baganda fundamentalists like the Villager, Frank Mujabi and Bobby Musoke who still naively keep hankering after  and harking back to a  a golden era that never was
12. The wise Drs GHK Kololo  and Kayondo- they always seem to be above the fray and are not afraid to go against the grain
13. Secretary Henry Ford Mirima- I like to keep informed about  his anti-colonial campaign- may be one day he will arrive at Nirvana. I will keep in mind his request to contribute to the construction of the Kabalega Museum if the plans take off.
And lastly the fun-loving Fardson Karanga and Bujinja, the Village idiot.

 Otherwise those whose names I don't mention are already in touch with me privately anyway, Billie, my girlfriend Pammie, Fifie,Nina and about 50 other members of the UAH- I think I must be the most privately visited member of the forum.

The only promises I made here on UAH, I will fulfill, that is to support the education of the young orphan girl in Apac, until at least she finishes O Levels and to build a house in Bunyoro by the end of this year for the blind Munyoro woman who was raped and infected with HIV IOnce the house is finished, I will ask Abbey Semuwamba to present the keys to her as a present from all the members of UAH rather than myself.I may be abusive but at least I am not such a bad person I hope. It reminds me of my last week in Mindanao when I said said good bye to my muslim hosts. An old cleric came to me and he told me, " Iknow you are not a muslim, but how  come you have so much compassion in you? No body asked you to come here, nobody is paying you, but you have been here with us fighting our battles as if you are a muslim yourself. Please, when you go back home, study your history very carefully, because I think you must have a muslim background" . I just smiled. I never told him I am a marxist making my own contribution to changing the world for the better.For Marx always preached that revolutionaries anywhere in the world have nothing to loose under the current system of oppression but their chains. They have A WORLD TO WIN. 

Otherwise I wish you all well. I CAME TO UAH  WITH A GOOD HEART AND  HOPE I LEAVE IT BETTER THAN WHEN I FOUND IT. At least I hope a few people can now understand concepts such as dialectical materialsim, negation of the negation or such like high flowing jargon. So here I go with the wind. I don't think any one will miss me anyway, Ingram Kampe and Hannah Ogwapitti have already made that clear. I just hope I have not made too many enemies. Okello the intellectual midget, according to Hannah Ogwapitti.


George Okello

UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this group, send email to: or Abbey Semuwemba at:

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