SV: {UAH} Ladit Akot says...............
Muko BARIGYE and UAH folks,
YOU may state what you feel or have in your mind about the infamous encounters by the late AMO and Acoli folks whom you talked of having acted by emotion and the rest they say is history!
WELL, might be the ongoing encounter between M7 and BESIGYE - bulls in the Kraal politics has been without emotion since SABALWANYI has the very key to control the 'Cassava thieves'!
LASTLY, I think there was never any meeting that took place between the late AMO and Acoli folks! If there were any meeting then, it might have been between AMO and his UNLA soldiers!
Ocaya pOcure
Den lördag, 14 juni 2014 3:30 skrev Allan <>:
To avoid the mess-unpreparedness-decision made through anger over long time griviences by Acholi which lead T.Okello to overthrow the elected govt. without any plans-the people were not aware of internal problems & didn't see it coming except Acholi.
The last meeting between Acholi MPs-top army officers & Dr.Obote a few weeks before he was overthrown, Tito Okello blamed Obote for having turned blind eye over Langi soldiers stealing-killing people & blaming all on Acholi!
Dr.Obote laughed as always & said "what would you Acholi do without me? You are like dogs following me everywhere, even to Tanzania!"
Acholi walked out of that meeting & the next news was "Dr.Obote has been overthrown"!
-- The last meeting between Acholi MPs-top army officers & Dr.Obote a few weeks before he was overthrown, Tito Okello blamed Obote for having turned blind eye over Langi soldiers stealing-killing people & blaming all on Acholi!
Dr.Obote laughed as always & said "what would you Acholi do without me? You are like dogs following me everywhere, even to Tanzania!"
Acholi walked out of that meeting & the next news was "Dr.Obote has been overthrown"!
*A positive mind is a courageous mind, without doubts and fears, using the experience and wisdom to give the best of him/herself.
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