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{UAH} Federalism doesn't hopefully mean a return to pre-colonial status quo

There is resurgence in connection with a return to the past as some Ugandans mainly from the central region are advocating.  What we are doing in civic education is that when an issue is discussed, Ugandans should have all the information in order to make informed decisions. Most of these issues are raised by Baganda participants on Radio Munansi, hence our responses are focused mostly on Buganda. Ugandans and others that have information on other regions or societies should make it available.

Ugandans have been complaining about centralization of power in the hands of one national leader which is abused in many instances. Those who oppose excessive central government authority want a return to the good old days before colonization. But when you look at Buganda you see that power was concentrated in the Kabaka as the quote below shows.

"He [Kabaka Mutesa] had power of life and death over his people and maintained his authority by severe and brutal punishments, such as the destruction of houses and property, the selling of his subjects into slavery, mutilations, burning offenders alive or hacking them to pieces (Richards, 1960:45)

"Sometimes innocent people were caught and used as sacrifices"(Arthur Tuden and Plotnicov 1970). That is why I have been suggesting that we study our history and pick those practices with modification if necessary that will make the future of Uganda a better place for all. What is quoted above doesn't represent the kind of society we want to emulate. Those who are advocating pre-colonial 'superior' ideology and policy to be restored intact in the 21st century need to think again.  

Eric Kashambuzi         

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