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{UAH} Fwd: [gandatalk] Mayiga tours spark fear, anger in MPs

Subject: Fwd: Mayiga tours spark fear, anger in MPs

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Mayiga tours spark fear, anger in MPs


Wednesday, 25 June 2014 01:48
Written by Sadab Kitatta Kaaya

Katikkiro Mayiga (R) with some MPs from Buganda, Edward Ssekandi and Godfrey Kiwanda

A simmering row is threatening cooperation between MPs from Buganda and the kingdom's Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga.

MPs are some of the most influential individuals in the kingdom, and the Kabaka – constitutionally barred from politics – would usually expect them to champion political issues beneficial to his people.

The Observer has learnt that a key source of friction between the MPs and the katikkiro is the latter's recent tours across the kingdom; these have caused such discomfort among Buganda caucus MPs that they are now accusing the katikkiro of undermining them in their constituencies.

The Observer understands that this was one of the issues MPs discussed behind closed doors at Protea hotel on Monday. Sources in the meeting said several MPs voiced their displeasure with the katikkiro, who has been traversing the country to raise money for the reconstruction of the burnt Kasubi royal tombs. Some caucus members are even reported to have threatened to boycott the kingdom's activities if the katikkiro does not stop "planting" rival parliamentary candidates in their respective constituencies.

"The katikkiro for example has been promoting [former police spokesperson Judith] Nabakooba in Mityana against Sylvia Namabidde and Simeo Nsubuga against Nyombi Thembo in Kassanda North," one MP reportedly told the meeting.

About 30 caucus MPs attended the Protea meeting, which tasked the caucus Chairman Godfrey Kiwanda (Mityana North) to talk to Mayiga.

"He appears to be campaigning for rival candidates against us," the MP said further.

It was not clear if – as the MPs claim – the katikkiro is propping up rivals, or if the aspirants are seeking political capital by trying to be seen with the Kabaka's highest-ranking official. The MPs, apparently fearing for their political lives, insist it is the former. They claim that at an event in Mityana, he publicly urged people to support Nabakooba's bid.

In his speech, translated in English, Mayiga reportedly said: "I have heard that this lady Nabakooba is scheming for some position here, I urge you to support her when that time comes."

The MPs argued that this was a breach of the law because as katikkiro, Mayiga is barred from making political statements under the Institution of Traditional and Cultural Leaders Act 2011.

Kabaka functions

The MPs are also not happy that the katikkiro is trying to put a distance between them, Mengo and the Kabaka. In the past, they say, an MP of an area toured by the Kabaka would be given a chance to speak, but under Mayiga's watch, no politician is allowed to speak at all events where the Kabaka is.

"We are generally not treated well at the Kabaka's functions. He [Mayiga] says he does not want the Kabaka's name to be used in politics but he is using it to promote his business associates," another MP reportedly said.

"He is always promoting BIDCO and other businesses owned by his colleagues in the Ettoffaali project. Is that what the Kabaka's name should be used for?" the MP said further.

The legislators were particularly unhappy with the way their car donation to the Buganda Youth Council (BYC) was handled last year. They had wanted to hand over the car to the Kabaka who would eventually hand it over to BYC. But the Katikkiro blocked that move. Mayiga, according to a source, feared that the MPs would use the handover to get a photo shoot with the Kabaka.

Interviewed on Monday, Kiwanda confirmed the caucus meeting asked him to talk to the Katikkiro.

"Just know that the caucus has asked me to meet the katikkiro over a number of issues that I may not discuss in the media," Kiwanda said.

Contacted on Tuesday, Kingdom Spokesman Denis Ssengendo Walusimbi said he was not aware of the Buganda MPs' complaints.

"What I know is that the katikkiro met some members of the caucus last week but I don't know what they discussed," Walusimbi said.

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