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{UAH} Fwd: How a 4 million-year-old fist fight may have formed your face

How a 4 million-year-old fist fight may have formed your face

Humankind's ancestors were boxing clever, according to new research suggesting the male face evolved to protect itself when fists began flying.

.....Fist of theory

Those with protective buttressing were better equipped when coming face-to-face with another new evolutionary trait: fists. The same team of scientists argues that the hand developed both the capability for sophisticated dexterity and protective buttressing of its own, to transfer more force into a blow struck with a fist than with the open hand. Close relatives of humans such as chimpanzees cannot form a fist.

If true, the theory of facial buttressing would explain why male and female necks and jaws are so markedly different despite the fact we don't fight by biting.....

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