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{UAH} Lango Association of North America (LAONA)


26th Annual UNAA Convention
"Unity through Cultural Awareness"
August 29th - August 31st, 2014
Hyatt Regency - La Jolla at Aventine
(Official Hotel of the UNAA Convention)
San Diego, CA

Partnering with Sister Cultural Associations

The theme of this year's UNAA Convention is "Unity through Cultural Awareness."
As the oldest and largest organization of Ugandans in the Diaspora, UNAA relies on the strength of its members and sister cultural organizations.  We would like to take this opportunity to highlight the activities of another of these organizations and its associative relationship with UNAA. 
Lango Association of North America (LAONA)
Founded on March 18, 2013, the Lango Association of North America (LAONA) is a non-profit public organization dedicated to promoting the social, cultural, educational, and economic progress of the Lango, their descendents and supporters in North America.
According to Prof Omara-Alwala, founding member and Chairman of the LAONA Board of Directors, medical screening and tests of women in the Lango region of Northern Uganda discovered that as many as 80% had Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) which they suffered in silence!  The disease has a debilitating effect on these women. The situation is so serious that LAONA has decided to tackle it head on through the effort of its International Programs Advisory Committee.
The LAONA International Programs Advisory Committee has just launched a crowd funding campaign to raise US $50,000 on  The Association will use the funds raised for screening and treatment of the remaining women in the five out of the eight districts that were left unscreened by Isis-Women's International Cross Cultural Exchange (WICCE) due to the shortage of funds.
To review the campaign, please follow the link below:
For those who support the cause, please make a donation and your contribution will be greatly appreciated, as it will a make a significant difference in the quality of life for those poor victims of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in northern Uganda.
Thank you very much in advance for your support..!
Prof Omara-Alwala,
Chair LAONA Board of Directors
Prof. Omara-Alwala is a member of the UNAA Council representing the Central Plains Region (USA). 
The very first LAONA Annual Convention will take place in Boston, MA, from June 19 - 22, 2014.  
For more information on hotel bookings and other details, please contact the organizers at  
There are plenty of activities planned - Tours, fundraising events, formal and informal opportunities to mix and mingle, and of course the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members.  
Everyone is welcome!
UNAA is pleased to welcome the Lango Association of North America to its 26
th Annual Convention in San Diego. 

Social Media:
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For UNAA membership convention information:
UNAA Membership          
Convention Registration:   
Boat Cruise Registration:   
For UNAA hotel information: 
Hyatt Regency La Jolla
Hotel Booking:                           Hyatt La Jolla
   Call +1 888 421 1442
Sheraton at La Jolla
Hotel Booking:                           Sheraton La Jolla
                                                Call +1 888 627 8445 
For convention and hotel information, visit


UNAA Secretariat
+1 855 873 8622

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