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{UAH} SA Link to Terror Group?

Ethiopia: SA Link to Terror Group?

Friday, June 6, 2014 - 13:20

The Ethiopian National Intelligence and Security Service and Federal Police Joint Anti-Terrorism Taskforce announced on 5 June that it has arrested two terrorist cells in Ethiopia belonging to a terrorist sect called 'Kaworja' or 'Kawerj', an Islamist terror group with links to the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) that became known in November 2008.  Not much else is known about them.

The Taskforce said the terrorist cells it has captured were comprised of a group of 25 individuals who were organized in two groups and were linked to two global terrorist cells: AlShabaab and Al-Qaeda. According to a statement from the Taskforce, the two groups have undergone training in neighbouring Somalia. The police apparently also seized a "number of weapons".

The announcement came less than a week after the US government issued an alert warning claiming it has credible information about potential terrorist-linked activities in Ethiopia, and soon after the Taskforce said it has apprehended a man who was preparing to carryout terror attack in Addis Abeba.

The Taskforce further said that the first group receives instructions from an unnamed terrorist organization operating from South Africa. The group also received training from Al-Shabab in Somalia and shuttles between Kenya and South Africa and was planning to start operating from Jimma town, some 300km west of Addis Ababa.

The second group was receiving support and instructions from similar Kaworja jihadist cells in Yemen, the UK and Sudan. The Taskforce said that it has discovered some 30 members of this group have received training from Al-Shabaab in Somalia. It said the Kaworja group follows similar teachings as that of Boko Haram of Nigeria.

Al-Shabaab leaders have vowed to attack Ethiopia to avenge the presence of its troops in Somalia. Last October, two Somali nationals blew themselves up while crafting a bomb in Addis Ababa, which police said they planned to detonate at a crowded football match

Viele GruBe

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